I was wondering, if HTC ever included this model, what they should do about the leading-edge slats? I read they were disabled because of reliability issues with the control cables (which HTC doesn't model) and were technically a field modification (which HTC doesn't allow), although the aircraft as used normally had them disabled they were still technically there. Also a control cable implies manual operation. Could they be linked to the flap control in AH or would they have to be a separate control?
Secondly regarding the twin engines, I only have a single throttle and have most always flown single-engined planes so I just don't know, but is it possible to turn one engine off at a time with Aces High or to have say one engine at half power and the other on full power with WEP for example?
Finally I cannot clearly visualise the resultant torque from a twin-engined aircraft were the props turn in the same direction. I was thinking these effects would probably announce more on such a small and light aircraft compare to a Mosquito for example. I have a feeling but can anyone with a deeper aviation knowledge / experience sum it up please?