wait, that is how you determined women are slow to the breaks? That scenario you just described must happen a lot eh? And they all have the same excuse Did she also say the breaks were slow? I call BS.
Second, the ABS is there not for emergencies, but to work all the time in order to avoid emergencies. I guess another thing in your field you don't understand. A lot of "big" men make the mistake to think they can do a better job at stopping a car but they forget that they have no idea what the tires are on when they hit the breaks nor do they know the exact condition of their tires. Even knowing all that, they have no clue how much pressure on the breaks it too much simply because emergencies don;t happen that often (not to mention that your reflexes take over) . The ABS takes care of all that for you so you don;t have to pump your breaks. It is the difference between "thinking" you know and you can do a better job and actually doing the job in that situation. I am sure you think you can do a better job.
had to jam my brakes on from 70 -0 in 200 foot going down a hill....no ABS. been driving for 11 months. its computers and other assists dumbing us down. ok, im a new driver, what expierence do i have? nothing to compared to you im sure. how many 18 year olds do you know would know to hit the brakes, let off a little, hit em again rinse and repeat?
i see this when there's accidents out in front of the shop too.
most are girls or women. the one that shocked me the most though, was the guy that cut inside a tractor/trailer making the wide right turn. i really expected to see a female make that mistake, as most of them don't seem to realize that big trucks do that.....but this was an old guy in a 4x4 dakota. he hit the landing gear on the trailer. had he been in anything small, he'd have been fubar.
almost had that happen to a neighborin towns fire truck
its a funky position where the station is, but there isnt enough room in their "parking lot" for the fire trucks to turn around out front. need to shut down the road for a minute or two to do so... the things you see.