Author Topic: Text stopped working in game  (Read 844 times)

Offline PAPY

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Text stopped working in game
« on: December 30, 2011, 07:56:51 PM »
I have a problem in game with text not showing up in any channel, local squad, 200, private, any type of text at all.
I can pull up any channel, country channel squad channel etc. My text can be seen by me as I type in the color of the channel type I am typing. Once I press enter, NOTHING shows up in buffer. No one can see my text come out, I can not see it come out. I have reset all channels then retried, no luck. I have re-downloaded the game from thesite and reinstalled, still no luck.

Could there be a setting I changed??  In 12 years of playing this game, I have never seen this happen. I need some help here. Game isn't worth playing if you can't type out to country, or squad, or local, or private or anything.  GGggrrrrrrrrrrr

And no... i was not muted.   :joystick:


Offline PAPY

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 09:53:03 PM »
an update... after fooling around with this for a couple of hours.. i finally notice the host message as i enter an arena.
HOST: Your chat privlages have been temproarily suspended.

Ok... What did I do now??  :noid

Offline olds442

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2011, 11:01:28 PM »
I have a problem in game with text not showing up in any channel, local squad, 200, private, any type of text at all.
I can pull up any channel, country channel squad channel etc. My text can be seen by me as I type in the color of the channel type I am typing. Once I press enter, NOTHING shows up in buffer. No one can see my text come out, I can not see it come out. I have reset all channels then retried, no luck. I have re-downloaded the game from thesite and reinstalled, still no luck.

Could there be a setting I changed??  In 12 years of playing this game, I have never seen this happen. I need some help here. Game isn't worth playing if you can't type out to country, or squad, or local, or private or anything.  GGggrrrrrrrrrrr

And no... i was not muted.   :joystick:


an update... after fooling around with this for a couple of hours.. i finally notice the host message as i enter an arena.
HOST: Your chat privlages have been temproarily suspended.

Ok... What did I do now??  :noid

 :rofl :rofl
only a moron would use Dolby positioning in a game.
IGN: cutlass "shovels and rakes and implements of destruction"

Offline Tigger29

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2011, 11:32:36 PM »
All you can do is call or email them... it'll probably be Monday before they can fix it though (possibly even Tuesday if they are closed for new years)

So what *DID* you do?  You must have said something to cause yourself to be reported.  We can't tell you this only you and whoever reported you (and hitech) can know and I don't think we're allowed to talk about details here.

Send an email here:

Offline skorpion

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2011, 12:14:38 AM »
I think I know why they were suspended bro...

Just sayin'

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2011, 09:46:32 AM »
I think I know why they were suspended bro...

Just sayin'

Spill it!

Offline skorpion

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2011, 03:04:10 PM »
Spill it!
Hey! I dont wanna spill my Mtn Dew on purpose bro! That would be a complete waste...

Offline PAPY

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2011, 03:35:03 PM »
I still have no clue why this happens. only thing i remember was 3 days ago, some guy keeps texting and privating me with caps about "turn the cv turn the cv" insestently.  So I texted out STFU.  Got a warning from a cm to tone it down. i replied, yeah, i understand, just hate these people who have so much to say about a cv, yet are not on it, or know anything about which they speak.  rest of the day went fine.

the next day, all si fine, everyone starts talking aboutltown being muted.  i quiped. "yeah, probably another 14 year old cm on playing god" rest of that night, texting and chat just fine.

next day, I can not use chat, yet i can speak on vox just fine. took me a couple hours of relogging, rebooting, re-downloading game etc etc before i finally notice the first host message when loggin in to arena. " HOST: your chat privlages have been temporarily suspended."   BAM  that's all i know. 

if you ask me, it is some 14 year old CM playing god, and HTC should not allow this sort of crap. My language was not THAT bad in the statements i brought up. And if the personalities of people in this game are THAT effected by things I said, then please, do not suspend my chat privlages, Please, by all means, simply cancel my account instead.

Offline skorpion

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2011, 03:50:13 PM »
"14 year old CM playing god"

:rofl riiiiigggghhhhtt. you keep on thinking that bro.

Offline Strikahr

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2012, 11:07:13 AM »
Fact of the matter is, I have seen much worse language on 200 from all countries and nothing was done to those guys. Someone is playing favorites here.... Just saying!

Offline Tigger29

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2012, 02:02:44 PM »
It's not about playing favorites it's about being reported.  If one single person says a random profanity on chat then no one is likely going to do anything but if you get in an argument with someone who has a lot of friends online, regardless as to what was said, then they all could click the "report" button and get you muted.

HiTech will normally look through these records and fix any wrongdoings (if they reported you unfairly then THEY will get punished) but since it's the holidays they likely haven't had a chance to review the logs yet, hence why you're still suspended.

All you can do is email them at that link and wait for them to take a look at it.  If you keep talking about it here you're only digging your hole deeper and they'll be less inclined to want to help.

Offline PAPY

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2012, 04:05:23 PM »
Thanks tigger, i appreciate the advice, and i suppose you are right. But I have to say my peace in this. if they are going to mute someone, I understand, I have even been muted and recieved the courtecy of a message stating so and understood what i did to get the "slap on the wrist". Some nights i have taken it well.. others.. not so much.  :furious

I won't get into the whole thin skinned "ofended" players "special access to god". But i can say, HTC should grant the accused offender with SOME sort of notice. I mean, if someone is taking my money, i am polite enough each and every month to be sure my credit card clears without a hassle or need for them to wonder why my payment did not clear and doing this for pretty much 12 years+ (had a 7 month hiatus once in a move).  So yeah... I feel slighted and totally blown off as a VERY long time, loyal customer who has brought many other people to this game, as loyal, long time customers. I feel A modicum of care and politeness, along with some sort of notice to the accused offender of his infraction and reason for punishment would be in order here.  I do not feel that is asking too much.

Now, if this is due to ( Someone with the tact and maturity of a 14 year old) playing god with me simply because "he/they" can, then I can understand those things happening and would hope those invoilved were "dealt with" appropiately.

Well, i have said my peace.. i just CAN'T WAIT  to learn what i may have done... :eek:

Offline morfiend

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2012, 09:31:29 PM »
Fact of the matter is, I have seen much worse language on 200 from all countries and nothing was done to those guys. Someone is playing favorites here.... Just saying!

  Despite what you may think,no one is playing favorites. The Mods come in 2 forms,1 is automatic and if certain works are spoken or texted a warning is issued. The other is in the form of a player,these are mature people with no axe to grind and only follow a given outline.


Offline Tigger29

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2012, 12:38:13 AM »

I won't get into the whole thin skinned "ofended" players "special access to god". But i can say, HTC should grant the accused offender with SOME sort of notice.

EVERYONE has the ability to report someone's voice or text for whatever reason.  No one person has any more of a special access to god than anyone else.  Simply put you said something that someone else didn't like and they reported you.  It really is that simple.  If you see something you don't like you have to ability to report that person as well.  Hitech doesn't have the resources to hire someone to read and listen to every word said in every arena just to look out for inappropriate comments which is why they rely on a reporting system and auto-banning (with a warning with certain words).  No it isn't perfect but I can say that I don't always say things people like yet I've never been banned.

Seriously.. just let this thread die.  Email hitech and they will review it.. probably tuesday.  If they determine that you were banned inappropriately (if you didn't break any rules) then they will restore your privileges and probably ban the people who reported you.  If they determine that you were at fault then you'll likely stay banned.  If you keep whining and complaining about it you may end up seeing a perma-ban.

Most likely you won't know the results of their investigation (unless you are at fault) but rest assured that they will take appropriate actions regardless of the outcome.

Do yourself a big favor and email them and don't mention another word about it here.  It does not help.

Offline PAPY

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Re: Text stopped working in game
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2012, 07:45:03 AM »
Tigger, you're probably right, I should drop this. I do understand the reasoning behind the idea of muting and agree with the "punishment, I just honestly have no clue as to who i offended or what I said to get the chat suspension. That was my point, and frustration. I feel it is like arresting someone and then putting them in jail, and then never telling them WHY. But I will take your advice tigger and email a request to find out why. I mean seriously. I sit here without a clue. I suppose THAT was what I was trying to get feedback on in here once I learned I was suspended. I was not aware these things happened this way, where an offender is never told WHY his chat was suspended.

So as i DON'T offend someone again in the same way, or at least when i do, i will know what is comming, I hope I can find out WHY I was suspended. I am sure I will be embarrassed and say to myself "opps.. oh yeah I remember saying that now"  but right now.. haven't got a clue why.

So, anyways, I want to say thanks for yours and others replies and insight here. I will stop beating the dead horse now. I did learn alot about this chat suspension thing here though. I had never known about chat suspensions over the 10 to 30 minute mute in game in 12 years, until now.

Try an remember though, this post earnestly started with the thought I was experiencing some sort of bug in the game, I didn't begin this post as the rant it turned into.  ;)