You really should try and fix your own statements. Like the two below.
Actually only one person would be risking himself and that would be the storch pilot. I'm all for his name being in lights. The guy shot down is no more at risk than the guy that bailed over his own base. He's already lost his aircraft just like the guy that bailed over his own base or the guy that ditched short of the runway. You just don't seem to be capable of picking up on that. Wanting your name in lights for being rescued is about the same as wrecking a company vehicle having a co-worker pick you up and return you to the office so you can walk in and demand a raise.
wow...let me spell it out for you.
Storch is risking himself..yes
Downed pilot could have gotten a BAIL...his risk is he now gets a DEATH if the rescue bird gets shot down. You are equating LOST AIRPLANE to death as I'm reading it. Baby steps...
The REWARD is name in lights for the rescued pilot and PERKS of the kills the rescued pilot earned go to the Storch driver. It really isn't that hard.
What you both are trying to do is keep the penalties of being shot down or ditching on someone which I FEEL is a petty little gamer attitude as opposed to another possible immersion feature.
Whether or not its a COADING waste is not up to either of you...there are a lot of features in the game that aren't used very often. How long do you think Storch's marking GV's is going to last? I've been shot down with tank main guns about everytime Ive upped one. How long has the WWI arena been a useful, busy arena? Is that a waste of time and COADING...not to the people who did the work nor to the few who use the feature. It isn't up to you...and nothing either of you have typed has been impactful enough to me to make me think the feature would be used any more or less than designing an entire ARENA (WWI)!
We can do this all day...the truth is none of us are privy to anything other than our opinions...if it were to get implemented, DON'T USE IT...It won't bother any of us one little bit. I will take a screen shot of your whines on 200 when someone gets rescued and you're upset because of something so petty as "he got his name in LIGHTS" for being rescued. Stop already with the "it will ruin the integrity of the game" routine.