Author Topic: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message  (Read 4345 times)

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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #90 on: February 11, 2012, 09:45:05 AM »
Yes, taking five with you is a success, but not as much as taking five out and returning to your base.  You are asking to turn it into the same thing at the expense of the SCORE.

To a degree the answer to this is already in the game in the form of perk bomber drones.  If you take a formation of B-29s you will pay about 300 perk points, 100 per plane, and if you lose two of them while getting the "successful landing" message in the third, you still don't get to get the perk points back for the two that you lost, you only get about 100 perk points back.

Thanks for making my point.  You are telling me what my definition of success is...and I already answered that.  Please don't...saying its more or less of a success doesnt ease the control any.  If enough people want to do it or get rescued and have fun doing it, it has a place in the game and that's simple logic.
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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #91 on: February 11, 2012, 10:10:51 AM »
That's quite a soapbox you jumped on for a question that wasn't even directed at you. You don't need to lecture me on presuming I know what is and isn't fun for people, I've made no claims in that regard in this thread.  THAT'S BECAUSE YOUR POST SMACKED OF RHETORICAL SARCASM. THE ACK-ACK "stick you comment in for effect" routine

Here's something for you to consider. Why should a guy that gets shot down and rescued get his name in lights when a guy that got the same number of kills and nurses his aircraft back to a friendly base ditching in the airbase perimeter because battle damage prevented him from making it  to the runway not get his name in lights? BECAUSE HE DIDN'T GET RESCUED.  THIS IDEA FIXES THAT.  HE CAN WAIT AND GET RESCUED IF HE WISHES.
Why should the guy that defends his base from a horde getting 5 kills and forced to bail over his base not get his name in lights yet a guy rescued does? IF WE ARE TALKING IMMERSION HERE, I WOULD THINK ITS OBVIOUSLY A RISK ISSUE.  BAILING OVER YOUR BASE IS ABOUT AS RISKLESS AS FLYING IN THE TA.  WHY WOULD YOU USE THIS AS AN EXAMPLE?  THE PILOT IS TAKING NO RISK IN HIS BASE-BAIL
 What makes getting rescued more valuable and worthy of getting your name in lights when the same is not done for the other two instances I've listed above?  BECAUSE TWO PEOPLE ARE RISKING THEMSELVES

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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #92 on: February 11, 2012, 10:19:46 AM »

Thanks for making my point.  You are telling me what my definition of success is...and I already answered that.  Please don't...saying its more or less of a success doesnt ease the control any.  If enough people want to do it or get rescued and have fun doing it, it has a place in the game and that's simple logic.
No, it isn't.  It is extremely faulty logic.  People think they want many things that they do not really want because they do not think of the consequences of those things.  In all the game forums I have frequented this has always been the case, requests for new features or for changes are almost never accompanied by any attempt at thinking through the effect that the request would have on the game, good and bad. The thinking is usually limited to "I think I would have fun using 'really powerful thing x' against the other players without even the most basic thought of 'really powerful thing x' being used against the wisher.  In this case it isn't a wish for a really powerful thing, but the thinking is still limited to "I think this would be cool and fun!" without thinking of either the effect on the game nor of how practical the wish is.

Whiner, for example, got very testy with me after I merely pointed out the gaping hole in his reasoning about blocking communication from bailed players as a solution to people arranging pickups.  He didn't even try to vet his solution before posting it.
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Offline Shifty

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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #93 on: February 11, 2012, 10:40:16 AM »


You really should try and fix your own statements. Like the two below.



Actually only one person would be risking himself and that would be the storch pilot. I'm all for his name being in lights. The guy shot down is no more at risk than the guy that bailed over his own base. He's already lost his aircraft just like the guy that bailed over his own base or the guy that ditched short of the runway. You just don't seem to be capable of picking up on that. Wanting your name in lights for being rescued is about the same as wrecking a company vehicle having a co-worker pick you up and return you to the office so you can walk in and demand a raise.

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #94 on: February 11, 2012, 11:39:13 AM »
No, it isn't.  It is extremely faulty logic.  People think they want many things that they do not really want because they do not think of the consequences of those things.  In all the game forums I have frequented this has always been the case, requests for new features or for changes are almost never accompanied by any attempt at thinking through the effect that the request would have on the game, good and bad. The thinking is usually limited to "I think I would have fun using 'really powerful thing x' against the other players without even the most basic thought of 'really powerful thing x' being used against the wisher.  In this case it isn't a wish for a really powerful thing, but the thinking is still limited to "I think this would be cool and fun!" without thinking of either the effect on the game nor of how practical the wish is.

Whiner, for example, got very testy with me after I merely pointed out the gaping hole in his reasoning about blocking communication from bailed players as a solution to people arranging pickups.  He didn't even try to vet his solution before posting it.

Please don't be vague.  You are actually beginning to make an argument against the rescue that has merit and that's a start.

What are the consequences you speak specific.  You have said there are consequences, but you havent really listed anything other than what your opinion of fair "scoring" might be.  What are they?  Lets just get this nailed down right now.
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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #95 on: February 11, 2012, 11:44:42 AM »

You really should try and fix your own statements. Like the two below.



Actually only one person would be risking himself and that would be the storch pilot. I'm all for his name being in lights. The guy shot down is no more at risk than the guy that bailed over his own base. He's already lost his aircraft just like the guy that bailed over his own base or the guy that ditched short of the runway. You just don't seem to be capable of picking up on that. Wanting your name in lights for being rescued is about the same as wrecking a company vehicle having a co-worker pick you up and return you to the office so you can walk in and demand a raise.

wow...let me spell it out for you.

Storch is risking himself..yes

Downed pilot could have gotten a BAIL...his risk is he now gets a DEATH if the rescue bird gets shot down.  You are equating LOST AIRPLANE to death as I'm reading it.  Baby steps...

The REWARD is name in lights for the rescued pilot and PERKS of the kills the rescued pilot earned go to the Storch driver.  It really isn't that hard.  

What you both are trying to do is keep the penalties of being shot down or ditching on someone which I FEEL is a petty little gamer attitude as opposed to another possible immersion feature.

Whether or not its a COADING waste is not up to either of you...there are a lot of features in the game that aren't used very often.  How long do you think Storch's marking GV's is going to last?  I've been shot down with tank main guns about everytime Ive upped one.  How long has the WWI arena been a useful, busy arena?  Is that a waste of time and COADING...not to the people who did the work nor to the few who use the feature.  It isn't up to you...and nothing either of you have typed has been impactful enough to me to make me think the feature would be used any more or less than designing an entire ARENA (WWI)!  

We can do this all day...the truth is none of us are privy to anything other than our opinions...if it were to get implemented, DON'T USE IT...It won't bother any of us one little bit.  I will take a screen shot of your whines on 200 when someone gets rescued and you're upset because of something so petty as "he got his name in LIGHTS" for being rescued.  Stop already with the "it will ruin the integrity of the game" routine. 
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 11:52:50 AM by Changeup »
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #96 on: February 11, 2012, 12:05:41 PM »
I have been very specific.  This is, again, the position I have stated from the beginning.

It takes players out of the game by having them sit on a hillside for 15-30 or more minutes waiting to be picked up.  While they sit on the hillside they are not participating in the game, which is the fighting, base taking and strat hitting.  It also takes the pilot of the Fi156 mostly out of the game as the Fi156 is, in this context, is not much of a combatant.

This would be fine if there were no reward that encouraged it or made it worth the time other than for the fun factor as it would be rarely utilized.  The moment a reward is added that is large enough to make it worth while to rescue and/or be rescued it would have an impact on the number of players actually participating in the game.

All score, perk and name in lights considerations pale compared to that negative impact on the game.
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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #97 on: February 11, 2012, 12:12:45 PM »
the system currently rewards pilots who can RTB with their aircraft and land it on concrete at a friendly base with their name in lights.

what a couple of people here are proposing is that the reward system be changed so that a pilot who RTBs even without his aircraft is also rewarded with his name in lights.

the logical consequence of that suggested change is that all sorties end with name in lights, because the AH pilot always RTBs to a friendly base whether he ditches, bails, is captured or dies. whatever the result of a sortie, you always end up in the tower of a friendly base.

apparently I am also an adolescent/twit/Jealous Jenny/girl/whiner/clueless/crying/petty little gamer because I dont think the wish is a good idea :lol
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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #98 on: February 11, 2012, 12:24:29 PM »
What you both are trying to do is keep the penalties of being shot down or ditching on someone which I FEEL is a petty little gamer attitude as opposed to another possible immersion feature.

What you're trying to do is get your name in lights for landing kills after losing your plane and becoming a passenger in a plane somebody else lands.. Then you say I'm the one with the petty gamer attitude?  :lol  Why do you keep blowing your coading rants in my direction? The only thing I've commented on is the rescued pilot getting his name in lights none of the other mucus in your rant.

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #99 on: February 11, 2012, 12:38:40 PM »
Explain how getting shot down is succeeding.

You have a hard time with comprehension dont ya.  Who said getting shot down was succeeding?  Getting back to base is the actual success IF if you must define one.

Anyhow, why do you assume that someone who flys back to base has worked any harder than someone who had to wait 15 minutes (or more) for a rescue?  It's obviously more tedious and boring to get rescued. For some of us, killing is the easy part   :devil  Im guessing it's somewhat of a challenge for those of you who dont want to see others get their name in lights for this.

And the bottom line here is that everyone in favor of this idea is in favor of it, because of the ADVENTURE of it. Not the score. The score is merely a way to increase the gamble of doing this. It's a way of adding a danger of loss to the situation.

That is the purest description of an idea that a bunch of jealous, obsessive children have turned into a "I dont want him to get his name in lights" whine.

Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #100 on: February 11, 2012, 12:43:49 PM »

I don't care at all about name in lights or score or perks.

My problem with it is that it is either a waste of coding time or it is bad for the game.  It is a waste of coding time if there is no reward because it will almost never be used.  It is bad for the game if there is a reward large enough to significantly encourage its use because it takes players out of the actual game by rewarding them for doing nothing but sitting on a hillside.

Not that I expect that concept to get through your thick skull as you are too locked into some juvenile jealousy fantasy you are projecting on us.
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Offline Shifty

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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #101 on: February 11, 2012, 12:54:28 PM »
That is the purest description of an idea that a bunch of jealous, obsessive children have turned into a "I dont want him to get his name in lights" whine.

It seems you have a hard time with answering a simple question without throwing insults. If you want the adventure of the rescue and any immersion that goes with it that's a good thing for all involved in the rescue. Its not that I don't want him to get his name in lights. Its is a question of is the action worthy of getting his names in lights anymore than the situations I've posted above about a pilot who has bailed or a pilot forced to ditch short of the runway? In my opinion its not but thats my opinion nothing more. You've given your opinion Changeup has given his, so does that mean you two are obsessive whiners as well? Or is insulting people who have a different opinion from you the only way you two can attempt to get your points across?

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #102 on: February 11, 2012, 01:10:19 PM »
And the bottom line here is that everyone in favor of this idea is in favor of it, because of the ADVENTURE of it. Not the score. The score is merely a way to increase the gamble of doing this. It's a way of adding a danger of loss to the situation.

You can have gameplay identical to this idea right now, today, the very next sortie you fly.  Get shot down, have a buddy launch his storch and fly to you and land beside you.  Attach to his plane.  Fly back to base.

If you aren't doing this right now, you don't want it because it is fun, you want it because you want to preserve your numbers and score.  QED.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #103 on: February 11, 2012, 01:24:17 PM »
You can have gameplay identical to this idea right now, today, the very next sortie you fly.  Get shot down, have a buddy launch his storch and fly to you and land beside you.  Attach to his plane.  Fly back to base.

If you aren't doing this right now, you don't want it because it is fun, you want it because you want to preserve your numbers and score.  QED.


Except there is no penalty for failure to get back to base with your picked up pilot, hence, no risk and to me, no fun
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Re: Storch Can Pick Up Downed Pilot to get a Landed Rescue Message
« Reply #104 on: February 11, 2012, 01:28:08 PM »
Except there is no penalty for failure to get back to base with your picked up pilot, hence, no risk and to me, no fun
Sure there is, you get a "death" in the Fi156.
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