Author Topic: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do  (Read 3628 times)

Offline Jayhawk

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #105 on: February 24, 2012, 10:57:51 PM »
The entire debate was about hallucinations and ended only a few hours before I logged in.  It's as best a slip as one can imagine.  Do you really want a list of all the products that partially burning complex organic compounds give off?  Ok, but man, it's gonna be a long, long list.

Read it and weep according to this scholarly article, marijuana smoke contains "30 to 70 percent more carcinogens than tobacco smoke," which already sports quite an impressive number.  I'd say that's a start, in addition to the 300 other chemicals in marijuana smoke (see article).  Let Ink come- I'm ready to debate.


Oh those chemicals.   :rolleyes:

-Amino Acids
-Fatty Acids

1) I still don't know how you can make a Freudian slip while typing.  Mistyping an entire sentence and not realizing it.

2) I'm not trying to make the claim that Marijuana is a miracle substance, there are pros and cons with ANY substance you put in your body, including prescription drugs.  It's up to the individual to weigh those options.  Did you ever consider that someone might choose marijuana over prescription drugs?  It is not your place to decide what is best for the individual.

3) There really isn't a ton of research on Marijuana due to the restrictive laws surrounding it.  So although there is some information, there is still a lot we don't know about long-term use.

NOTE:  Sorry mthrockmor for taking part in hijacking this thread.

Folks, play nice.

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #106 on: February 24, 2012, 11:05:38 PM »
Sure didn't seem like Boo asked if we thought marijuana was good or bad.  Seemed like he was looking for advice on parenting his kid.

Nice work gents on the hijack.  Seems like you could have started another thread and left this one alone?
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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #107 on: February 24, 2012, 11:37:32 PM »
Sure didn't seem like Boo asked if we thought marijuana was good or bad.  Seemed like he was looking for advice on parenting his kid.

Nice work gents on the hijack.  Seems like you could have started another thread and left this one alone?
Excuse them, but when an expert troll/idiot comes into these threads, it's almost impossible to not bite the bait.

As to the original topic, i don't believe you should worry too much. However, if her grades slip, or if any type of issues start, put down your boot. Don't worry about the Marijuana, unless you've got a serious paranoia that it will cause problems, just relax. It's not the Marijuana that causes issues, it's the people influencing her (and sometimes that's not true; sometimes).

EDIT: When i say "and sometimes that's not true", I'm talking about the people she hangs out with. They can be a good influence, but like i stated above; sometimes.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 11:39:51 PM by FYB »
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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #108 on: February 25, 2012, 02:22:18 PM »
Perhaps he's concerned for her safety.... and the fact she is breaking the law.

There have been folks die from using. They just don't list it like they do alcohol. They also list alcohol related accidents even when it is the person not drinking at fault. Oh yeah... alcohol is also medicinal.  That hardly means anything in this conversation.

I'm not saying pots should be legal or illegal..... just that right now it is illegal.

Nobody has ever ODed from smoking pot.

As far as breaking the law. That will never act as a deterrent. It only barely works with adults. But particularly with teenagers

I never bought into the gateway drug theory. I've known people who have smoked and never did anything else. and people who drank and never did anything else. And I've known heroine addicts who never smoked or drank anything. And people in between.

That out of the way. As someone else said.
You know your kids. And over reacting will probably cause them to pull away. they way I've handled it with my kids is by being completely open with them about my past. Yea. I've done some stuff. Mostly cause everyone else was doing it and I was getting it free. fortunately I got bored with it pretty early on. But alot of my friends didnt. And fully half of those I grew up with are dead because of drugs or alcohol or incidents related to them.

As my son got and my daughter is getting older I tell them all these great stories I have. Great times. fun parties. and all the stuff I've done. and the good times we had. And then mention how this one is dead from this. That one died from that. And how but for decisions made by me at certain points in time. I could have been just like them. And how in hindsight I probably wouldnt do most of these things all over again.

I tell them about after the initial rush you get from cocain. How pointless of a high it is as you spend the rest of the night doing it but can never quite capture that initial rush. and how in the end I would just end up feeling wired out with someone talking ot me and thinking but not saying "Oh would you please just shut the F up already."

How your face and jaw aches after doing crank, or acid and you feel like cr@p for the next couple of days

How much more interesting it is to go to a party and just have a couple of beers and not get totally trashed. but to watch everyone else get trashed and  being able to use that to your advantage to manipulate them into providing entertainment for you. Or just watching how much like complete idiots people act like when drunk and ask yourself. Do I really want to act like that?

And I've told each exactly how my friends have died. How my very best friend got drunk and decided to stumble across a highway and in front of a moving car and ended up comming through the windsheild and getting the top of his head sheered off. And his body mangled so badly he had a closed casket funeral. Or how another OD'ed shooting up coke. Or how one while in search of heroine got himself beat up so badly that his brother found him dead in his apt 2 days later from a ruptured spleen.
Or another after taking a combination of Quaaludes and vodka. Went home and hanged himself.
How none of these people were the scumbags you see in TV
All good people who would give a complete stranger the shirt off their backs if they were in need of one.

And I end each story telling them that I'm not stupid or naive enough to assume that they will never ever try anything. And that while I cant condone it. Just stay away from the chemicals. I mention how the chemicals we did then are nothing when compared to whats out there now.
but in all my cases it was the chemicals or heavy consumption of alcohol that did them in.

And while I cant give them permission. I'd rather know what they are doing then be surprised by a knock on the door or a phone call.
I backed this up by in one incident I walked into his room unnanounced and spotting one of his friends real quick trying ot put something into his pocket. "Let see it" I said. His friend was white as a ghost" what? noting I dont have anything" Again I said "Lets see it." To which my son sais. "you might as well give it to him. He's going to get it from you one way or the other anyway.
It was a small bag of pot he handed over. I opened the bag, smelled it and said "How much they ripping you off for this stuff these days?"
He said something like $40 for 1/8 oz. I shook my head and said "Back in my day you could buy and entire ouce for that much" and handed it back to him.
"Be careful with that and dont pull it out around your sister. And just stay away from the chemicals"

I didnt tell my wife. I knew she would just freak out as she normally would. End result. Both he and his friends were very open with me about their activities and would only tell my wife the bare necessities. By my not freaking and taking it away. I earned some cred. Which meant they were more willing to tell me the dirty details about things they normally wouldnt.

So far my son now 23 I know has smoked some pot. But claims he took my words about the chemicals to heart and never tried anything else. Now he doesnt do anything. Other then some occasional drinking. But even that isnt all that often and he and his friends are I must say pretty damned responsible about having a designated driver. I know on more then one occasion he he been driven home or has driven others home.
Doesnt smoke pot at all anymore. Like me he got bored with it and prefers to have a clear head.

My daughter. Now 15. Hates the taste of any kind of alcohol. And thinks any drug use at all is stupid. So so far soo good. She's gone a full 2 years farther then I did we my friends and I started.
We shall see.

Parenting is tough. Nobody can train you on how to deal with your kids. All I have done is look at how other people dealt with their kids. Saw what seemed to work and what didnt and developed my own method from there based on how my kids are.

Now whats worked for me might not work for others. Different kids. You know them better then anyone.

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Offline mensa180

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #109 on: February 25, 2012, 04:22:41 PM »
Nobody has ever ODed from smoking pot.

As far as breaking the law. That will never act as a deterrent. It only barely works with adults. But particularly with teenagers

I never bought into the gateway drug theory. I've known people who have smoked and never did anything else. and people who drank and never did anything else. And I've known heroine addicts who never smoked or drank anything. And people in between.

That out of the way. As someone else said.
You know your kids. And over reacting will probably cause them to pull away. they way I've handled it with my kids is by being completely open with them about my past. Yea. I've done some stuff. Mostly cause everyone else was doing it and I was getting it free. fortunately I got bored with it pretty early on. But alot of my friends didnt. And fully half of those I grew up with are dead because of drugs or alcohol or incidents related to them.

As my son got and my daughter is getting older I tell them all these great stories I have. Great times. fun parties. and all the stuff I've done. and the good times we had. And then mention how this one is dead from this. That one died from that. And how but for decisions made by me at certain points in time. I could have been just like them. And how in hindsight I probably wouldnt do most of these things all over again.

I tell them about after the initial rush you get from cocain. How pointless of a high it is as you spend the rest of the night doing it but can never quite capture that initial rush. and how in the end I would just end up feeling wired out with someone talking ot me and thinking but not saying "Oh would you please just shut the F up already."

How your face and jaw aches after doing crank, or acid and you feel like cr@p for the next couple of days

How much more interesting it is to go to a party and just have a couple of beers and not get totally trashed. but to watch everyone else get trashed and  being able to use that to your advantage to manipulate them into providing entertainment for you. Or just watching how much like complete idiots people act like when drunk and ask yourself. Do I really want to act like that?

And I've told each exactly how my friends have died. How my very best friend got drunk and decided to stumble across a highway and in front of a moving car and ended up comming through the windsheild and getting the top of his head sheered off. And his body mangled so badly he had a closed casket funeral. Or how another OD'ed shooting up coke. Or how one while in search of heroine got himself beat up so badly that his brother found him dead in his apt 2 days later from a ruptured spleen.
Or another after taking a combination of Quaaludes and vodka. Went home and hanged himself.
How none of these people were the scumbags you see in TV
All good people who would give a complete stranger the shirt off their backs if they were in need of one.

And I end each story telling them that I'm not stupid or naive enough to assume that they will never ever try anything. And that while I cant condone it. Just stay away from the chemicals. I mention how the chemicals we did then are nothing when compared to whats out there now.
but in all my cases it was the chemicals or heavy consumption of alcohol that did them in.

And while I cant give them permission. I'd rather know what they are doing then be surprised by a knock on the door or a phone call.
I backed this up by in one incident I walked into his room unnanounced and spotting one of his friends real quick trying ot put something into his pocket. "Let see it" I said. His friend was white as a ghost" what? noting I dont have anything" Again I said "Lets see it." To which my son sais. "you might as well give it to him. He's going to get it from you one way or the other anyway.
It was a small bag of pot he handed over. I opened the bag, smelled it and said "How much they ripping you off for this stuff these days?"
He said something like $40 for 1/8 oz. I shook my head and said "Back in my day you could buy and entire ouce for that much" and handed it back to him.
"Be careful with that and dont pull it out around your sister. And just stay away from the chemicals"

I didnt tell my wife. I knew she would just freak out as she normally would. End result. Both he and his friends were very open with me about their activities and would only tell my wife the bare necessities. By my not freaking and taking it away. I earned some cred. Which meant they were more willing to tell me the dirty details about things they normally wouldnt.

So far my son now 23 I know has smoked some pot. But claims he took my words about the chemicals to heart and never tried anything else. Now he doesnt do anything. Other then some occasional drinking. But even that isnt all that often and he and his friends are I must say pretty damned responsible about having a designated driver. I know on more then one occasion he he been driven home or has driven others home.
Doesnt smoke pot at all anymore. Like me he got bored with it and prefers to have a clear head.

My daughter. Now 15. Hates the taste of any kind of alcohol. And thinks any drug use at all is stupid. So so far soo good. She's gone a full 2 years farther then I did we my friends and I started.
We shall see.

Parenting is tough. Nobody can train you on how to deal with your kids. All I have done is look at how other people dealt with their kids. Saw what seemed to work and what didnt and developed my own method from there based on how my kids are.

Now whats worked for me might not work for others. Different kids. You know them better then anyone.

This, my dad did exactly this. 
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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #110 on: February 25, 2012, 04:40:54 PM »
I have two daughters, 16 and 6. My 16-year old is a good girl, has never been in trouble. She is getting A's and B's in college prep classes. She loves UFC fighting and likes the whole 'tough girl' image.

Last night I learned that she has been smoking weed. I am completely shocked. My wife and I rarely drink alcohol, do not smoke and have never done any type of drugs. This is simply foreign to us.

We kept her home from school today, took her phone and backpack (in case she has something in there.) We agreed we are not going to fly into a rage, she is not getting shipped off to some military school or intervention. Other then trying to be rational in our response, I'm really at a loss as to what to do. My first thought is to get her into some karate, etc classes to help self-esteem, focus her energy into something sort of UFC.

I know, I shouldn't be asking here but asking family will be potentially prejudiced with other factors. And, no one in our extended family has had their child head this direction. I will ask some family members, etc though I am guessing this group could offer a few thoughts.

OK, anything?


PS Please, if you don't have anything useful to add just skip responding.

Have you talked to her about drugs before you discovered she smoked weed?  Say 12- 13 years old?  I have a 3-6 year old so my time has not come yet.

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #111 on: February 25, 2012, 08:28:11 PM »
As some have said, being a parent is tough.
You have to think about it, not just react to the moment.

You can raise your kids until they are about 12.
After that the best you can do is maintain reasonable communications, they are going to make their own decisions.

I did my best to make sure they were informed decisions..
..told them to research it like a school project, find out what the pro's and cons are before you get sucked into something you cannot get out of.
Told them there are drugs out there you cannot get away from once you get into them, they destroy you.
They both know some of my friends that have been there, done that when they were kids in high school, growin up.

Now .. I inhaled, deeply.

Useda be a dollar a brick outside the main gate, Udorn Thailand.
I mean, we mashed it up into the floor wax and waxed the barracks floor with it.
Dogs would alert on the doorway and we would laugh about it ..funny stuff.

We had a contest to see who could stay 'stoned' for the longest period.
Man .. I lasted two weeks .. quit because I got tired of bein thirsty all the time :)

Pot always made things seem funnier :)
Cracks me up when I hear someone goin on about 'gateway drug' and 'the Evils of Weed' .. ROFL.

'Gateway drug' .. someone came up with that term to describe people stupid enough to self destruct.
Yes, some of my friends did.
Most did not.

We raised two kids.
My daughter has 5 of her own now.
3 in high school, all with their college already paid for.

My Son is in his 40's now, him and his wife smoke a joint now an then.. -shrug-
.. limits his job seeking, lost his CDL over it.
I told him years ago it would limit his options if he pursued it.
His decision.

Ink, you have more years smokin than I .. I just plain quit when I got back stateside.
I had more fun drag racin or buildin a car than I ever got from smokin and I wasn't thirsty nearly as much :)

-Frank aka GE
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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #112 on: February 25, 2012, 09:55:20 PM »
Oh those chemicals.   :rolleyes:

-Amino Acids
-Fatty Acids

1) I still don't know how you can make a Freudian slip while typing.  Mistyping an entire sentence and not realizing it.

2) I'm not trying to make the claim that Marijuana is a miracle substance, there are pros and cons with ANY substance you put in your body, including prescription drugs.  It's up to the individual to weigh those options.  Did you ever consider that someone might choose marijuana over prescription drugs?  It is not your place to decide what is best for the individual.

3) There really isn't a ton of research on Marijuana due to the restrictive laws surrounding it.  So although there is some information, there is still a lot we don't know about long-term use.

NOTE:  Sorry mthrockmor for taking part in hijacking this thread.

I've walked to history when I should have gone to English because I was thinking about it- I call it the Freudian shuffle.  I seem to do it quite a bit- sorry.

It's not my place to decide, but surely I can suggest.  Was another one of those "it's not what you said, but how you said it" moments? I hate it when I do that. :o. Prescription drugs have side effects, sure, however, your doctor knows how they work, and unlike marijuana's often dubious purity, the pills are consistent.

Let there be research, but I'm not touching it until it gets FDA approval.


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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #113 on: February 26, 2012, 02:48:30 PM »
As some have said, being a parent is tough.
You have to think about it, not just react to the moment.

You can raise your kids until they are about 12.
After that the best you can do is maintain reasonable communications, they are going to make their own decisions.

I did my best to make sure they were informed decisions..
..told them to research it like a school project, find out what the pro's and cons are before you get sucked into something you cannot get out of.
Told them there are drugs out there you cannot get away from once you get into them, they destroy you.
They both know some of my friends that have been there, done that when they were kids in high school, growin up.

Now .. I inhaled, deeply.

Useda be a dollar a brick outside the main gate, Udorn Thailand.
I mean, we mashed it up into the floor wax and waxed the barracks floor with it.
Dogs would alert on the doorway and we would laugh about it ..funny stuff.

We had a contest to see who could stay 'stoned' for the longest period.
Man .. I lasted two weeks .. quit because I got tired of bein thirsty all the time :)

Pot always made things seem funnier :)
Cracks me up when I hear someone goin on about 'gateway drug' and 'the Evils of Weed' .. ROFL.

'Gateway drug' .. someone came up with that term to describe people stupid enough to self destruct.
Yes, some of my friends did.
Most did not.

We raised two kids.
My daughter has 5 of her own now.
3 in high school, all with their college already paid for.

My Son is in his 40's now, him and his wife smoke a joint now an then.. -shrug-
.. limits his job seeking, lost his CDL over it.
I told him years ago it would limit his options if he pursued it.
His decision.

Ink, you have more years smokin than I .. I just plain quit when I got back stateside.
I had more fun drag racin or buildin a car than I ever got from smokin and I wasn't thirsty nearly as much :)

-Frank aka GE

sounds like you did good even though you tried the "devils weed"   :D

I don't get the thirsties...munchies now that's a whole new story  :lol

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #114 on: February 26, 2012, 04:22:48 PM »

Prescription drugs have side effects, sure, however, your doctor knows how they work, and unlike marijuana's often dubious purity, the pills are consistent.

Let there be research, but I'm not touching it until it gets FDA approval.


   You do realize that FDA approval means very little,I could list atleast a dozen drugs that got or have FDA approval that will kill you! Some have serious side effects that were only found out after years of being on the market. One only has to watch the commercials on TV by those nice lawyers looking to help anyone harmed by these "approved" drugs.

  Anyone know the prescription drug that kills the most people each year?    hint,common pain reliever,not aspirin!   Sure cause of death is usually attributed to liver failure but the real culprit is the medication that was used.

 As for the dubious purity,you obviously have no idea of what your talking about,canibis is a plant,it varies in type,strain and regionality.These differences can effect certain percentages of some of the physcoactive ingrediences.

  The only thing that could be dudious is if someone were to add a chemical like PCP,but this is usually done to rolled joints and only and idiot would get it that way.

 Peng,since your so informed,have you read the Canadian study on medical weed?
    Unlike the research you linked to I think you'll find there was no agenda attached to this study and the finding are undisputable.


 PS: Canadians tend to see pot use as a none factor,no different than booze or cigs,none of which are any good for you but you should have the right to choose!

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #115 on: March 03, 2012, 09:33:36 PM »
I got super peer pressured into trying it.  Thats the bad thing in high school.
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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #116 on: March 03, 2012, 10:37:50 PM »
Marijuana is a HIGHLY ( no pun intended)  social experience as well. Many who havent smoked can't fathom this....just the sheer fact of meeting like minded people and trying to make sense of things is addictive. Many of my fondest memories ( not blurry at all) involved hanging with my friends, puffing kind buds and trying to figure out this crazy world...... enjoying nature, and feeling a true bond that sees no social class color or creed. I met and connected with so many folks that I would have passed by or would have passed me by on any given day. ( especially the beautiful women  :rock) Many kids her age are really seeking that place they belong and these special bonds more than anything else......realize this and you may find your path to guiding her. Its way more than the high that she may be after. She may be after herself and this is just a turn in that journey.

Try to keep an even keel and keep communicating. Keep communicating your love for her and your desire to see her safely through life. She will love you more for that than shutting her down.

Good luck my friend!

« Last Edit: March 03, 2012, 10:39:53 PM by BillyD »
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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #117 on: March 03, 2012, 10:44:09 PM »
Marijuana is a HIGHLY ( no pun intended)  social experience as well. Many who havent smoked can't fathom this....just the sheer fact of meeting like minded people and trying to make sense of things is addictive. Many of my fondest memories ( not blurry at all) involved hanging with my friends, puffing kind buds and trying to figure out this crazy world...... enjoying nature, and feeling a true bond that sees no social class color or creed. I met and connected with so many folks that I would have passed by or would have passed me by on any given day. ( especially the beautiful women  :rock) Many kids her age are really seeking that place they belong and these special bonds more than anything else......realize this and you may find your path to guiding her. Its way more than the high that she may be after. She may be after herself and this is just a turn in that journey.

Try to keep an even keel and keep communicating. Keep communicating your love for her and your desire to see her safely through life. She will love you more for that than shutting her down.

Good luck my friend!

If she needs pot to have friends, then she needs therapy and a new outlook on life that doesn't reject others.  No disrespect, just pointing out a safer, longer-lasting solution.


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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #118 on: March 04, 2012, 03:42:54 AM »

Let there be research, but I'm not touching it until it gets FDA approval.


Do you know anything about electronic cigarettes? And how many people they've helped quit smoking (myself included)?

Sometimes the government doesn't know what's best for the people. That includes marijuana.

Sometimes the government does what's best for the people with the money (Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, etc ,etc, etc).

I'm sorry but your posts in this thread just about make me cringe. I think you need to research your opinions more, beyond how many chemicals are in a plant. Dig deeper before making up your mind.

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Re: Real life parenting question...not sure what to do
« Reply #119 on: March 04, 2012, 06:23:34 AM »
What happened to the idea of living in a free society instead of having a  bill of rights that's void where prohibited by law?
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.