Well it depend. How well do those drones stack up against a manned fighter? Are they equal to an Su-27? An F-15? An F-22? Less than that?
And in military exercizes, they found that a pair of F-22's could engage a group of 17 IIRC.
Never believe these claims that come out of studies and exercises. They are usually conducted either buy or with the military but the results are turned over to political people. By "political" I don't necessarily mean politicians, but those people in the DOD, including the senior members of the services, that are more interested in "winning" an aquisition battle for their programs and dollars.
Go all the way back for instance to Billy Mitchell and the sinking of the Osfriedland. This test was set up with the Navy's cooperation to study the effects of bombardment on, what was then according to Mitchell, a modern, unsinkable "super battleship." He took the results of the test, ignored the fact that the Navy had already sunk ships with bombs and knew it could be done, completely ignored the fact the ship was undefended with no damage control people on it then went public, on his own to proclaim the supremacy of aircraft. This was a political stunt designed by Mitchell at odds with the tests. The question was not about whether an airplane could sink a ship but what the effects where (i.e., what was the nature of the damage) and what design changes needed to be made to increase ship survivability. Again, the Navy already knew airplanes could sink ships, they had done it themselves already (and were already building aircraft carriers) but Mitchell turned it into a political sideshow.
After WWII there was the move by USAF to claim it's B-36 could fly so high and fast with a big enough nuclear load to make aircraft carriers obsolete. The Navy countered by publishing a picture of a B-36 on one of it's high altitude missiles where it was supposedly higher/faster and therefore impervious to fighters. The picture was taken by a Navy fighter, from above.
Moving forward, there's the competition between advanced versions of the F-14 vs the F-18 which the F-14 clearly won but by the time the "political" classes of the Navy got ahold of it they hid the actual results and claimed victory for the F-18 because it was a bit cheaper even though the tests showed it was much less effective. We had similar experience with the USAF trying to demonstrate the AMRAAM was the best thing since sliced bread. Now I happen to agree that the AMRAAM is a terrific missile but it was also very expensive to develop. Part of the USAF's program to "get it sold" were to use the RED FLAG exercises to prove how great it was. I know this because I flew red air against them. They flew all their F-15's with AMRAAM using BVR tactics and were calling us dead within moments of the start of the exercise. What were we "equipped" with??? No forward quarter weapons at all, just AIM-9G/H which is a rear-quarter only IR missile. Hell, you could have done the same thing against an AIM-9G/H equipped NME if the Eagles had just had normal Sparrows. Again, I love the AMRAAM, we really needed it but in the politicized parts of the military the results of these tests become politicized which is easily done if nobody understands the conditions underwhich the tests were conducted.
The exact same thing is true with the F-22's tests. We don't really know the conditions of the test. Did they take a single F-22 and send it directly at 17 NME? If so, what was the ROE? BVR? What sort of NME aircraft were the and what was the environment? And, the most glaring question is how can they arrive at such an extraordinary number considering the F-22 doesn't carry 17 missiles and certainly isn't going to kill six with missiles and 9 with its gun. OR, does it just mean the F-22 could get a few kills and escape the remaining NME without getting killed itself? Or, does it mean that a squadron of F-22's against a squadron of NME fighters would have an overall kill ratio of 17:1. I flew in FFARP (Fleet Fightere ACM Readiness Program) back in the early 90's and the Section/Division I led had a 19:1 kill ratio so what does 17:1 prove? We need to buy more F-14As with Phoenix and Sparrows? Hardly. The point is to take "studies" and "exercises" with a grain of salt.