hi guys......and thanks HT!! you got it up and running.......sort of.
last night, i flew in mw, before going to fly in the fso. in between the 2, i logged out, and went to the film viewer. it played one of the mw films perfectly. i opened the film i sent to HTC, and it worked perfectly. till about the 16 minute mark. then it crashed the viewer again.
i logged in, and flew fso, recorded about 16 minutes of flight.......afterwards, i played it. it crashed at about the 6 minute mark.
something i noted......when i open film viewer, it always gives me that blank horizon. when i open a film within, i keep that blank horizon till it loads the initial view of the film. last night, it was going from that blank horizon, to white, to the horizon, to the initial view.
hope this helps a little......and thanks for taking time to look at this.