"The wing was not lightened, it was strengthened."
This is a false urban legend that has been perpetuated ad nauseum. The wing remained unchanged. They simple rearranged the pattern of the ribs slightly to allow for new ammo storage boxes instead of the drums for MG/FF. It was neither strengthened, longer, shorter, heavier, lighter. Every one of these is one of those urban legends going around about the A-6 wings.
Wmaker, you can't spin it that way. If they have included a stock A8 with the weight of an A8 sturmbock, but NOT added the extra armor, that is by very definition a mixed up set of standards. It's very plausible this is the data they used, but that doesn't justify its use. We had many mixed flight models including the old Spit9, the old Typhie.
We know the armor isn't modeled by comparing damage modeling of the A8 to A5 and F8. We know the weight is there when it should not be. Therefore, this A8 flight model is wrong. Doesn't matter what different parts they took to compile it, it just matters that it's wrong and needs to be fixed. It's not making up a "myth" as you claim (more inflamatory diversion from the main discussion).
Do you ignore dozens upon dozens of primary source documents which state explicitly 4300kg, ranging from 1943 to 1945, all agreeing exactly the weight for a 801D-engined A-8?
If you do, then you are deluded and this conversation can end. If you don't, then you are forced to agree, and this conversation can end. As it stands you are either trolling or intentionally inciting argument for your own kicks and grins. The evidence is conclusive.