This is a great classic thread to dig up for a resurection, good taste.

I know this is an older thread. No intention to stir any pots here, just wondering if there is anything in the works for any new planes, or more specifically any new to LWMA Lw planes. Merely curious here, I have no complaints about the current Lw lineup and wouldn't want to see any disappear. My only observation after only 2 months of play would be that I don't seem to notice any armor difference between the 190A-5 vs. the 190A-8, however with the damage I'm sustaining maybe any extra armor wouldn't make a difference.

First, welcome to AH, you'll find there is much here to learn (it never stops for most, either the workings of the game, aviation or history).
In regards to the A-5 and A-8, there's the randoms of what region is taking the damage and which have been "reinforced" with aditional armor and then the randomness inherant with the current damage model (the A8's wings were reinforced with aditional armor on the leading forward edges, engine cowl and windscreen - all placed defensively forward to aid in protecting the pilot and a/c from bomber's defensive fire. To everyone's knowledge though, the current damage model doesn't recognise damage taken to a wing from a specific diretion, only damage has been delivered to the l/r-wing-tip, l/r-wing, l/r-wing-root, etc.). Personaly I do observe an increased toughness in the A8 and F8 compared to the others, neither one can eat a tatter or a couple nicely placed 20mm canon shells to the wing without some indigestion, but compared to the A-5 and D-9 they are rather resilient against .30 and .50cal ammunition (to a point). An upgraded damage model has been openly desired by the players and HTC's for improvement in this area (and it's already been in the works, checkout the WWI arena and its a/c for a better idea and current implimentation), however it is not immediatley necessary and would tie up a lot of development resources to impliment everywhere (every aircarft would need some remodling and hopefuly testing)... someday though.
In terms of new luft late war aircraft, we recently (and the most recent) received the Me-410 (mid to mid-late time period). She's not a knife fighter though or one to compete against them, more like your grandpa's buick (if it had a mostly greenhouse/glass cockpit) but with really awesome offensive gun packages ideal for slicing buffs in half).