Author Topic: Armchair Jerks  (Read 4299 times)

Offline Debrody

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2012, 02:44:05 PM »
For the game's sake, take down the video. Lot's of people get aggrivated in competition and then say unfortunate things. No reason to have it up there for posterity.

If you boil it down taking out the emotion and the language and superfluous verbage it sounds like this.

Airborne players:  We've coming to capture the enemy V-Base.
Ground players :   We're having a good fight here, can you take a different base?
Airborne players:  No. This base is central to our win the map strategy. There is no other way.
Ground players:    Just take the Airbase directly, you have 50 people with you, enough to actually invade and real country and win. A125 will be a push over.
Airborne players:  Why ahould I change my plan
Ground players:    Repeat. because we are having a fun fight here.
Airborne Players:  Go to the DA. The DA is for fighting. The MA is for capturing bases. The 50 of us think ending this fight will be fun for us. Your fun is no concern of ours.
Ground Players:      :headscratch:
notice the full mouth guffaw when they realized that the whatever the ground guys are doing, they gonna ruin their fun anyways.
Not couse i support Lt's tiger2 camptarding... stilll.
some major shines happened on both sides as they both showed an unseen level of intellectual sense. Now cry or laugh? You decide.
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Offline Oddball-CAF

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2012, 02:57:30 PM »
Hehehehee! "Why would you take this vBase?"
"Because the odds of my tardling horde coming across
enemy fighters over here is almost nil. It's MUCH
  Ah, the fun never ends....... ;)

Offline TwinBoom

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2012, 03:00:23 PM »
LT cussing that is surprising................... ...........*end sarcasm*
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Offline Rich52

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2012, 03:19:20 PM »
So which one exactly is a jerk? Or which one is the "biggest" jerk?

See this is why I dont fly Bish. Ive never once heard anything like this with the Rooks. Ive heard whinging, and one on one cat fights, and crybaby "NOBODY WAS WATCHING MY SIX'S". But never an entire horde of teenagers acting like teenagers. Its not like this was on a PVT squad channel but on vox, which is unforgivable on both sides.

Entertaining cat fight tho. I must say it made my day. BTW was 25 airplanes enough to take a V-base? :lol
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 03:37:20 PM by Rich52 »
Yes, your on "Ignore"

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2012, 03:41:49 PM »

And here I thought it was HOSS/Lt when the OP said he was yelling at and cursing out countrymen over range!

Asbatt, he's a little high strung too, poor fellah!

I had a hilarious interaction once when Asbatt was a knit, year ago or so..... poor guy is defending a V base, all by himself, against 5-6 enemy GVs, and is crying out for help over country channel, several times, with apparently no one coming to help.

So I figure, I'll tank a bit, and I up a Panzer from the VH and start rolling out towards the building where he's holed up. He's sitting up against one of the buildings near the maproom and offset VH's, on the left hand side of the building as I approached, his turret looking the other way. So I think "I'll come up the other side of the building and he can protect everything from the center to the left flank, and I'll take everything from center right."

I swore I said something to him on VOX, but apparently he didn't hear me..... as I roll out past the corner of the building and just beside him, I look over and see his turret is rotated with his gun right on me and BOOM he explodes! Apparently I was so close to him he couldn't see my big green icon above me through his sight, and thought I was an enemy tank trying to sneak up on him!!! He kill shot himself and exploded what appeared to have been a Tiger I......   :uhoh

The screaming and cursing lasted about 3 to 4 minutes, and then he logged in a rage fit.  :rofl

I genuinely felt bad about it...... but I couldn't help but laugh that the guys attacking our base were squeeling in delight over 200 about the knit tanks on that V base killshooting themselves!

 :rofl :rofl :rofl

That's my "Asbatt" story!

 :cheers: Asbatt!

Edit, in response to Del's post: I don't mind mentioning HOSS, because he is a 'known quantity' so to speak, and Asbatt, screaming at me in a mad rage as he was, I'll up a tank to help him anytime. He's not a bad guy, and in hindsight, that whole episode was funny as heck!

If he tanked like me that would be normal. lol

I get myself shooting through holes in trees. I need to remember the icon is hidden by the trees.   :bhead

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Offline BigR

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #35 on: May 21, 2012, 03:46:11 PM »
The guy had a right to be angry. Its basically like a couple guys playing a pick up game of basketball at a park, and then all of a sudden 30 cross-eyed jerks come and push them off. And then it turns out they aren't even trying to play basketball, but some bastardized, half wit version where they are all on the same team.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #36 on: May 21, 2012, 03:46:44 PM »
I agree with most of this.  But saying just because 1 group was one place first does not entitle them to dictate anything but their opinions to another group.

You can't expect everyone to know what everyone else is doing, and then adjust their strategy to fit.  The air mission was totally oblivious to the spawn camping that was going on but the only one who knew what to expect was DZZ.

As far as deleting the film because "it makes us all look bad".  This is nonsense and we should not fear the truth.

Yesterdays incidents as well as the film incident happened on a little map called Trinity.  Which we all know offers few choices for offensive operations( Which we all know offers few choices for easy offensive operations).

Alerting the enemy to what friendlies are doing on channel 200 seems like poor sportsmanship to me but I refuse to stoop to their level and cry about it while demanding HTC punish them for their first breach of my idea of the rules.

If anyone doesn't agree with me they should just flatter their self by bragging about all vTARD NOE stolen carrier stortch missions they've busted singlehandedly with their eyes closed.  Or, just bring up Dallas as though it's the same as having a rational discussion.

Personally I don't know why you posted that film again other than maybe you needed to increase the hit count on your "video's" page. That film shows your squad in as bad a light as what any one else has done in this game.

I also fixed your statement in the above quote. What I think you meant to say was what I added in the red. Your squad seems to know 3 missions. Granted they do them well and there is no real counter for a horde, but when it comes to working out a real plan and executing it you guys fall apart.

Offline waystin2

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #37 on: May 21, 2012, 03:55:28 PM »
LOL LT.  Amongst the rudest players in the game.  You bishop can have him.  :aok
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Offline 10thmd

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #38 on: May 21, 2012, 03:59:22 PM »
watching the video reminds me of a fight between two retarded people over who's the most retarded.

I also found it funny that it took so many of you to capture a single V base.  


It was Vtards they got no skill other than having tons of lemmings.
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Offline mbailey

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #39 on: May 21, 2012, 04:18:10 PM »

Ground players:    Just take the Airbase directly, you have 50 people with you, enough to actually invade and real country and win. 

 :rofl :rofl :rofl  Priceless Vink  :aok
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Offline Kingpin

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #40 on: May 21, 2012, 04:19:28 PM »
...just because 1 group was one place first does not entitle them to dictate anything but their opinions to another group.

If they are entitled to voice their opinions, why did you post this?  

The video doesn't even support your text -- which is about one player being armchair general on side channel.  The video shows several players on range asking you not to shut down their fight.  Yes, the conversation turns ugly, but that is mainly because of the terse refusal they get from your squad.  

Alerting the enemy to what friendlies are doing on channel 200 seems like poor sportsmanship to me but I refuse to stoop to their level and cry about it while demanding HTC punish them for their first breach of my idea of the rules.

But you are “crying about it”.  You posted it here.  Sure you don't like what they said or did in response to your actions, but you decided to air it here. You knew you were going to catch flak from players whose game play you were affecting.  Your squad made the decision to proceed anyway, despite the complaints.  So, who is griefing whom, really?  And why are you complaining about it?

As far as deleting the film because "it makes us all look bad".  This is nonsense and we should not fear the truth.

If you had let it go, players would likely have forgotten about the incident.  Instead, you chose to immortalize this by creating a thread and posting a video.  It seems to have backfired, because it makes you look just as bad as your intended targets.  Maybe this is just you thriving on your squad being disliked, again.  What "truth" you are exposing here that is so important?  Do you simply not care that none of this is good for you, your squad or the game?

On the flip side of the coin, try thinking about this just for a moment (as unlikely as it may be): What if… just this one time, you had elected to heed the other players requests of “Hey, don't shut down our fight.”  What if… you had chosen to change your strategy in favor of someone else's game play?  What if… you had said: “OK guys, we don’t want to shut down your fight (on this limited map).  We'll go take another base”?  Might that have have left them thinking “Wow, maybe those vGuys aren't so bad after all.”  Maybe someone would have said "thanks".  I realize this isn't what you are after.  But you also wouldn't have made any more enemies on your own side.

I agree with you that you have the right to play how you want within the rules of the game.  But keep in mind that others are entitled to not like your choices, especially when it directly affects THEIR enjoyment of the game.  

Bottom line: You reap what you sow, Rob.  Live with it, don't whine about it.

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Offline Hap

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #41 on: May 21, 2012, 04:23:17 PM »

It was Vtards they got no skill other than having tons of lemmings.

That's false.

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #42 on: May 21, 2012, 04:28:19 PM »
  Without Armchair Generals we would have no Generals at all.  :)

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Offline Zodiac

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #43 on: May 21, 2012, 05:30:15 PM »
Pay attention to who's saying what. 

You choose to follow the guy, your just as accountable. If you don't want to be associated with it then don't be, ignoring it and following along is the same as saying you agree.

  GO to the DA isn't what I'd call appropriate but neither is accusing someone of causing grief just to be a jerk or calling people stupid for going after a particular objective.

It became griefing when the stance "We're taking because we can, and couldn't care less whether you are enjoying yourself or not, so live with it" was taken up. Everyone who has played that map more than a few times knows that base has no real strategic value, better to leave it alone and keep the enemy GVers occupied if your looking to take nearby fields.

Since when is anyone entitled to play a map that doesn't change?

Since when are you, Dallas, and your squad entitled to dictate how anyone spends their time online? The defense that is always raised whenever someone bags on your squad is, "We play the game the way we want", does that not also apply for your countrymen?

At any rate had no bearing on me what so ever, but before you get indignant you might want to take a look at why your leader was so insistent on taking a base that could have easily been by passed and not harmed your overall goal in the least, while allowing others to continue their gameplay.  :headscratch:
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Offline MrMeanie

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Re: Armchair Jerks
« Reply #44 on: May 21, 2012, 06:27:45 PM »
Oh them vtards still at it?
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