How many would you like it to be..
I would like it to be an ever increasing number...because so many people register and show up that we can't even accommodate them all...of course.
Short of that...seeing as you so graciously asked... I am a fan of larger units, as I think you might guess...similar to the ones we just had in DGSII.
Full staffeln of 16 is ideal for my personal situation and likes, and my preferred number in Scenarios.
Of course...some scenario battlefield conditions may demand a less concentrated, and more numerous dispersal of available/projected forces. In that case I favor a lesser number over one that is only slightly reduced.
Staffeln of 12, I have found to be difficult to fully staff in this situation across the front(s), thus working against both concentration, and dispersal situations...
So I would prefer many staffeln of 8 aircraft in a situation calling for dispersal of numerous units across a large front.
It comes down to looking at what you would like to see vs, what you project you will see, in terms of attendance, against the minimum needs of the scenario as far as playability, and doing what you think will be best for all in the event. Some situations may enable units of all a designer your judgement and organization of forces is second to none.