The pain of my having just pwned you in the MA is affecting you, huh?
This is not the topic of this thread. Please start a new one, out of respect to the OP's intent, if you feel the need to disparage me incorrectly.
you or anybody else for that matter, shooting me down in a video game is the very last of my worries pal. I'm not he one that makes an arse out of myself day in and day out trying to gain some kind of acceptance, greatness or an awesome reputation in an online video game, such as you do. You have issues little man.
Do you see me gloat and brag about me kicking your arse 3 or 4 times last night? (In a 51 too I might add.) NO! You know why son? Because I unlike you realize that this is just a game and I don't seek acceptance, fame, pats on the back and uberness. I do that offline at home with my friends and family.
I also will say that when you did shot me down tonight, I saluted you like a man...and when asked by fellow countrymen if you HOed me, told the truth and said no. You actually tried to avoid it. But last night when I killed you on several occasions you didn't have the manners to salute in kind. That in itself speaks volumes on how we differ when this game is concerned. You strike me as a childish kid who's whole life revolves around a video game.
I guess you're just a product of your generation though and can't help it. You want so desperately to be somebody on the internet, pwning bad guys, kicking butt and being the hero. But let me clue you in tiger. You better straighten up and get a life outside of this fantasy world you live in or you'll be eating a steady diet of government cheese and
"living in a van down by the river"!
Peace out pimple face.