Author Topic: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!  (Read 5124 times)

Offline Babalonian

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #60 on: July 01, 2013, 05:54:29 PM »
Wonder if this guy flew F-16s for the CIA and also got stung by a scorpion?  :uhoh

Wasn't it F-18s? :devil
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Wow, you guys need help.

Offline bustr

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #61 on: July 01, 2013, 06:20:52 PM »

IMHO, is there really any way someone from the outside looking in could confuse who the aggressor is? I believe you are saying there is some risk to our community here, I sure hope it hasn't come to this yet, but I suppose someday it will be there...I'm not sure this could be construed as bullying however. Albeit were adult enough to see through the words, the reality is as soon as the mention of 357 the aggressor here clearly became one and not the other, and therefore this community has a right, maybe a responsibility to disparage/condemn such comments.

Don't get me wrong, I think everyone should "lighten up Francis," however ridiculing one making such outrageous statements really isn't bullying, is it?

I know you are referring to the public at large and their perception of our community.


It's a new un tapped industry being foisted into the media from time to time to see what the public mood is. Lawyers will wind up with most of the settlements whilst the mommies feel good and the politicians get photo ops for doing good. It starts with the mommies getting money and willing enablers to help lobby their agendas in congress and the media. Then the lawyers see a possible payday and join in with their lobby groups. Then it simply takes one more cyber bullied kid to jump from a window, whine from a popular graphic violence game blog, or another Connecticut and the wrong mommy to read the wrong BS post at a game forum.

It creates precedence to control speech on the Internet which the mommies are clueless to, or don't care about, or as mommies tend to be inclined, think it's way past time some one makes us all play nice or else.

We are our own worst enemy in this forum because we don't care about it's future. We only care about the moment to moment circus of BS to entertain ourselves with. Ignorance is not a defense. The imagery is, to a mommy's slick lawyer with funding and the shopped for a sympathetic judge over the initial period of creating precedence to face the Supreme court.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Stellaris

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #62 on: July 01, 2013, 08:14:04 PM »
Craziness.  Don't know how you US guys manage to cope.

Offline uptown

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #63 on: July 02, 2013, 02:37:13 AM »
It's a new un tapped industry being foisted into the media from time to time to see what the public mood is. Lawyers will wind up with most of the settlements whilst the mommies feel good and the politicians get photo ops for doing good. It starts with the mommies getting money and willing enablers to help lobby their agendas in congress and the media. Then the lawyers see a possible payday and join in with their lobby groups. Then it simply takes one more cyber bullied kid to jump from a window, whine from a popular graphic violence game blog, or another Connecticut and the wrong mommy to read the wrong BS post at a game forum.

It creates precedence to control speech on the Internet which the mommies are clueless to, or don't care about, or as mommies tend to be inclined, think it's way past time some one makes us all play nice or else.

We are our own worst enemy in this forum because we don't care about it's future. We only care about the moment to moment circus of BS to entertain ourselves with. Ignorance is not a defense. The imagery is, to a mommy's slick lawyer with funding and the shopped for a sympathetic judge over the initial period of creating precedence to face the Supreme court.
What happened to the days where ya just simply busted the bully in the face and went and made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich afterwards?
Lighten up Francis

Offline bustr

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #64 on: July 02, 2013, 04:41:04 AM »
First asbestos, then employment race\gender quotas, no fault divorce, then sexual harassment in the workplace, then the VAWC Act that created a whole new court system to punish men and collect child support, then the cigarette companies settling with the government. The American Bar Association yearly meets and outlines new revenue targets in our country to keep lawyers in business. Right or wrong means nothing. Court precedence, then legislation crafted with the help of lawyers to keep lawyers in business, in the wake of the cases needed to stir up public sentiment is everything.

The Internet allows everyone to act like children with no consequences. No one thinks in the heat of the moment the idiocy they just typed can be used to touch them like in a face to face. Cyber bullying is the result. Because deaths can be tied directly to cyber bullying now in court as a consequence of unregulated childish behavior by adults. The Internet is under scrutiny by people who make millions creating new sources of litigation for revenue streams. How do you think the Violence Against Women and Children Act and it's courts became law and a revenue cash cow for states?

Posting what that idiot Kittle said to you inside of the game in a public area outside of the game is the kind of tiny straw looked for. When patterns are being cherry picked to mold opinions of people who don't care about any of the positive benefits of this game. That out weigh the one stupid conversation you just needed to share. While we both know threats of that kind are just part of all Internet game garbage. People who don't play Internet games and have an agenda will refuse to understand and take Kittle's statements for face value as one more proof of cyber bullying.

To them cyber bullying and violent Internet games equal suicide and mass murder in the real world per the helpful media, politicians and lawyers looking for a new law to save our children from us. And grant them a camel's nose under the tent to controlling speech on the Internet that can be defined as hate or bullying. Then redefine religious or political content and speech visa the court precedence defining cyber bulling to skirt the 1st amendment.

No one remembers in Lawrence vs Texas 2003, Scalia wrote in his dissent that this would be the first step to eventually hearing challenges to the constitutionality of traditional marriage. The media declared him a bit touched and getting old. Look at what happened a few days ago with their none stop campaign from 2003 to make the whole country believe traditional marriage was bigotry and hate against a minority group that never existed before under US Civil Rights statutes. The first steps to challenging the constitutionality of the Christian religion on the basis that anyone holding to the traditional view of marriage is a bigot and a violator of a suddenly new minority group's civil rights in America per justice Kennedy writing for the majority opinion.

So cyber bullying and Internet games legislation is not to be taken lightly. And we are happily handing the well funded anti cyber bullying\violent games groups our heads because we just gotta take forum shots at each other and egg each other on and trash each other at any cost anonymously. And we won't have any input or vote on how the eventual law describes cyber bullying. Other than years of our saved searchable Internet whizz fests poured through by legal aids and congressional staffers looking for patterns to loosely fit legislative agendas.

And no one thought two dudes could ever get hitched in America just 10 years ago.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Debrody

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2013, 05:58:07 AM »
Looks like someone got owned.
City of ice

Offline Bruv119

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #66 on: July 02, 2013, 06:02:54 AM »
2 different angry PM's in one go nice work Uptown!

Oh and btw check out Fruda's latest sounds.   :aok
The Few ***

Offline uptown

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #67 on: July 02, 2013, 06:24:44 AM »
2 different angry PM's in one go nice work Uptown!

Oh and btw check out Fruda's latest sounds.   :aok

I'm sporting Fruda's Pratt & Whitney sounds and love em'  :aok

And Bustr, I enjoy reading your posts. I always seem to get something of value out of them.  :salute
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 06:28:40 AM by uptown »
Lighten up Francis

Offline zack1234

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #68 on: July 02, 2013, 07:40:28 AM »
Bustr is right your all ignorant :old:

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Offline olds442

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #69 on: July 02, 2013, 07:44:42 AM »
Well .... maybe what happens in game should stay in game, then.

(Image removed from quote.)
only a moron would use Dolby positioning in a game.
IGN: cutlass "shovels and rakes and implements of destruction"

Offline VonMessa

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #70 on: July 02, 2013, 08:17:14 AM »
It's all fun and games until someone puts a .357 to your head..
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Offline LilMak

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #71 on: July 02, 2013, 08:23:37 AM »
What happened to the days where ya just simply busted the bully in the face and went and made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich afterwards?
Lawyers. You can't hit a bully because your parents will get sued. You can't bring a peanut butter sandwich to school because some kid will look at it, suffer a peanut allergy attack, and your parents will get sued.
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Offline nrshida

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #72 on: July 02, 2013, 08:36:21 AM »
Bustr is right your all ignorant :old:

Happy Friday Pipz!
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Offline kvuo75

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #73 on: July 02, 2013, 08:55:26 AM »

Kill the manned ack.

Offline gyrene81

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Re: Stinkin' shade accounts!!!
« Reply #74 on: July 02, 2013, 09:12:59 AM »
ancient city-state part of sumerian empire...
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