One thing I'll say about the Yak3 is that it's generated more "buzz" than any other plane added to the set since I can remember. This can only be a good thing IMO, generating interest in its performance versus other aircraft etc etc.
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i'd rather have hundreds more people who fly trainers (like Midway...and myself), but who want to actually dogfight, than what we currently have.
+2 Here as well, and that's another bonus that this new Yak3 brings to the game IMO, it's generating more a2a fights, with of course some exceptions of the pick patrol running a la Widewing's story. By and large though, the bit of time I was up since this update, I've seen a lot more mid-low altitude fights, and Yak3's are everywhere in the sky during these. Me likee the juice. Wheeeeez the juiiice.