Battle of Britain 2013 Axis KommandaturMeine Herren,
Guten tag, Luftlotte 2 is preparing for the aerial invasion of Southeast England. We need every Luftwaffe pilot standing by and ready to go.
There are still many seats open in the registration table. Many of the seats are very hot.
We can use the following:
- Stuka piloten - Just a few seats left. Two frames Stuka and two frames BF109. Sign up!
- JU88A-4 piloten - These seats are going quick. So, hop auf sie.
- Bf110C-4b - These seats are almost gone. Hurry to get one while they're still open.
The Axis Forum will be opening soon. Please PM myself or your
Executive Officer 68Raptor for access to the forum.
We will see you in the forums. PM me with any question you may have.
Click on the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross above and you will be taken to the event registration page.Hail Deutschland and Viel Glück