Author Topic: Anatomy of the Base Capture  (Read 5948 times)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #90 on: August 19, 2013, 09:23:05 PM »
There has never been a need for rules in this game if every player respected that each player's choices to achieve happiness are as valid and equal as all other players. A very grand expectation by it's creator knowing human nature.

Where we decide to see a void we try to fill it with what? Most often an orthodoxy which grows of it's own accord and unintended consequences that have to be forced upon anyone unwilling to accept it. In our case community pressure and character harassment.

After 12-13 years this orthodoxy and it's unintended consequences justified it's members to violate the rights of a smaller group of players. By branding their choices to achieve happiness based on the expectations of what they were paying for as anathema ending with a virtual lynching. You failed to respect their right to play the game by it's single rule. No rules. The fountain source of all unpredictable activity in the Main Unlimited Arena. Rules force compliance, compliance forces predictability. Predictability fosters boredom or a stratified cast system that leverages it as a status quo and abuses others to maintain it. The HO makes everyone equal in that nanosecond of unpredictability. The NOE mission makes your intentions unpredictable until located or you choose to reveal yourself. Hitech fully well knows human nature and how the NOE would turn out where combat avoidance was concerned. He only tweeked the coad making the NOE harder to perform by newer players leaving the primary rule alone. No rules.

The orthodoxy cannot abide either and hung an innocent group of men for using both with abandon in it's violation of the primary rule. Wonder why Hitech once mentioned squads were not something he really liked?   


I wonder why none of bustr's post have ever been hit with a violation of rule #12?

Offline bustr

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #91 on: August 19, 2013, 10:33:09 PM »
I will venture the original vision was a completely unstructured arena with no rules, limited only by the players imaginations and ingenuity, resulting in constant combat along with the natural seeking of unlimited revenge from the hangers. Not a semi regimented, stratified "Community", seeking to maintain a none existent status quo we have evolved into today.

We were given the DA, AvA, and SEA to satisfy that human urge to impose limits on each other visa structure.

Do we tell new players in the MA to simply go forth and have "fun" in any way they choose. Or do we read off from some portion of the List of No's to make them conform?
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Triton28

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #92 on: August 20, 2013, 12:07:50 AM »
I will venture the original vision was a completely unstructured arena with no rules, limited only by the players imaginations and ingenuity, resulting in constant combat along with the natural seeking of unlimited revenge from the hangers. Not a semi regimented, stratified "Community", seeking to maintain a none existent status quo we have evolved into today.

We were given the DA, AvA, and SEA to satisfy that human urge to impose limits on each other visa structure.

Do we tell new players in the MA to simply go forth and have "fun" in any way they choose. Or do we read off from some portion of the List of No's to make them conform?

We should tell new players in the MA to pay no mind to the guy imitating Patrick Henry on the BBS.

The game still has no rules.  You can still horde.  You just want to be able to do it without people calling you G rated mean names.

For someone who seems to enjoy having command of language, you don't seem to grasp that what others say to you has zero meaning if you don't care.   


Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

Offline bustr

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #93 on: August 20, 2013, 12:57:05 AM »
The game still has no rules.  You can still horde.  You just want to be able to do it without people calling you G rated mean names.

Called names was part of the original unlimited revenge in the hangers. "people calling" had it's part originally because it promoted going to the hanger to gain unlimited revenge. Today "people" has been replaced by a structured and self promoted "Community" who takes seriously it's self appointed prerogative to pass judgment and assign names as punishment for non compliance to the List of No's. Or the pejorative "vTard" would not mean the same to everyone using it in response to perceived violations of the List of No's.

When you play in the DA, AvA or SEA you know they are rules based on purpose to one degree or another to promote a type of structured combat. It's natural for players to attempt to extend that to the MA to try and control what doesn't need controlling. Or, the pejorative "vTard" would not exist in response to the game play strategies of the original "Devils Rejects" formed by Dogfite.

Do you play in the MA with no rules, or do you limit your imagination with some variation from the List of No's? Then cast pejoratives at others you perceive to violate the list when contesting with yourself? Your defense of the List of No's would indicate something of that nature.

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #94 on: August 20, 2013, 01:29:38 AM »

Offline Arlo

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #95 on: August 20, 2013, 01:42:55 AM »

Offline Getback

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #96 on: August 20, 2013, 03:23:11 AM »
But thats the point, the game isn't about capturing bases. It's about the FIGHT TO capture the bases. If it wasn't why is there ack? Why are the town full of so many buildings that have to be taken down? Why can the towns be resupplied?

I was mocking some of the folks who do just what I said.

I've made a living recently of guarding these obscure bases. One thing I've found is they don't want to fight. They will soon head to another base. One thing is for sure it's not the enemies job to protect your base.

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Offline -ammo-

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #97 on: August 20, 2013, 06:29:02 AM »
The reason the game play has changed so much is because game players have changed so much. In the old days you had more "WWII pilot want-to-be's" and like the real WWII vets that group is dieing off and being replaced by a new generation. The new player knows very little of WWII and only knows that this is a game with certain rules and they play it as such.

Many of us old times look to play the game as a dream moment, when we can slip into that persona of a daring WWII pilot on a mission against the evil enemy. The fight, the battle, the experience IS the end game for us. For the new player the game is to capture bases to accumulate enough to win the war and so collect 35 perk points in each category. How they get there is unimportant to them.

I couldn't have stated it better.  You nailed it.

Me, I personally don't care too much how others enjoy the game.  It's their money.  However, I do get pissed off when a pilot - mostly bomber - decide to bail as I attack them or after they drop their ordinance.  Fighter pilots do it too.  I witnessed Iraqvet do this after he lost the advantage. 

But my point is - the game is what it is.  It has changed since 1999 when most players were focused on air combat
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
Retired USAF - 1988 - 2011

Offline Triton28

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #98 on: August 20, 2013, 10:23:03 AM »
Blah derp.  Repeat.

More fussing about social mores finding their way onto the internet.  You're not going to stop like minded people from banding together and projecting their ideas on others.  The best you can hope for is to project your own ideas and hope more people agree.  In this case, it appears your loquacious fussing is because too few people agree with you. 

It just occurred to me that the notorious vDallas vox raging is at least partly to blame for their utter shaming by the community.  I'm sure he used pejoratives as well.   :)   

Do you play in the MA with no rules, or do you limit your imagination with some variation from the List of No's? Then cast pejoratives at others you perceive to violate the list when contesting with yourself? Your defense of the List of No's would indicate something of that nature.

If I want imagination I'll go draw a picture.  If I'm flying Aces High it's because I want to fight.  I cast plenty of pejoratives but lucky for you, they usually don't make it on 200.  It's not really my style.  After your horde overwhelms me, I'd rather come back in your plane, find you, force you from the herd, and kill you in the ack you're running to than I would try to convince you you're a tard.  If I'm successful and you're paying attention, I don't need to tell you you're doing something wrong.

Look at it this way.  Hordes are easy to put together.  Lots of times they just happen.  The learning curve for actually fighting is not easy.  Discouraging the horde while promoting the fight gives players the tools to exist in any way they choose.  A fighter can run with the horde if we wants, but a hordeling cannot fight without friends.   
Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

Offline Arlo

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #99 on: August 20, 2013, 11:14:45 AM »
More fussing about social mores finding their way onto the internet.  You're not going to stop like minded people from banding together and projecting their ideas on others.  The best you can hope for is to project your own ideas and hope more people agree.  In this case, it appears your loquacious fussing is because too few people agree with you.   

Offline Triton28

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #100 on: August 20, 2013, 11:28:28 AM »
Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

Offline Arlo

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #101 on: August 20, 2013, 11:30:52 AM »
I was waiting for you..

You're a might too fixated then.  :D

Offline Triton28

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #102 on: August 20, 2013, 11:36:59 AM »
You're a might too fixated then.  :D

I can multitask. 
Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

Offline Arlo

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #103 on: August 20, 2013, 11:38:12 AM »
I can multitask. 

And still be fixated. How interesting.  :D

Offline Triton28

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Re: Anatomy of the Base Capture
« Reply #104 on: August 20, 2013, 11:46:17 AM »
And still be fixated. How interesting.  :D

You're the one who quoted me.   :aok
Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds