Author Topic: This game is dead unless things change  (Read 9390 times)

Offline Kingpin

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2014, 05:54:17 PM »
Perhaps it went over your head as well.


Sarcasm doesn't play well in text, Coogan.  The guy comes here to comment on all the sarcastic responses he gets in the MA and you give him a sarcastic response.  It's not other people's fault if they didn't get your "joke" -- that usually means you didn't tell it right.

Tips for FORK2:

Detune Channel 200 -- Very little of what you'll see there is useful and the game is often more enjoyable with 200 off.  Likewise you have to take this General Forum with a grain of salt, as many people come here simply to troll and annoy others.  Sadly the Main Arena and this Forum (online games in general, for that matter) are full of people who get their enjoyment from griefing others -- that is just the reality of it.  You need to learn to ignore the idiots (who are often the most vocal) in order to find the relatively silent majority of decent folks.

Ask questions in the Training Arena or on the Training Forum, not here or in the MA --  Sarcastic or misleading answers are not tolerated in the Training Arena or Training Forum.  You may still get them, but usually they are quickly called out and corrected if you get them.

Get more than one opinion on things -- Very few people have ALL the answers.  When you find players you think you can trust and who are willing to answer questions or give help, go ahead and ask them.  But don't take what any one person says as gospel.  When it comes to game play, there are different approaches and different methods for the many different aspects of the game.  For example, air combat alone has different schools of thought on how to approach it.  Often times getting help and input from multiple sources will give you a better idea of things.

Don't just join one squad, expect to try several squads, BEFORE you find a home.  A squad should help you learn what you want to learn.  If the squad you are with doesn't teach what you want or fit your needs or play style, try out another squad.  I've personally been a member of three different squads in AH during my time here.  The first taught me about the mechanics of base-taking but couldn't teach ACM or wingman tactics.  The second squad did focus on air combat and teamwork, but was mainly European and didn't participate in FSO.  My current squad participates in FSO (a one-life to live attempt at a more realistic, historical combat setting) but doesn't fly in the MA too often.  In a way, that's nice for me, as it gives me a certain level of freedom to fly on what side I want and with whomever I want in the MA.  So, while squads are great, they are not the complete answer.

Lastly, the game requires patience.  Most players plateau and stick to things that are easy because it is too hard to get better.  If you have patience (and learn to tolerate all the nonsense), then you can thrive in AH.

Just a few tips from somebody who agrees this "community" has a very ugly face when what people first see is channel 200 and the forum.  The key to AH is to look past that to find the heart of gold of the game.

Good luck.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 06:00:39 PM by Kingpin »
Quote from: bozon
For those of us playing this game for well over a decade, Aces High is more of a social club. The game just provides the framework. I keep logging in for the people and Pipz was the kind that you keep coming to meet again.

Offline FORK2

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2014, 05:55:35 PM »
Halo, of course you're correct. Not all my ideas are sound, and may have been around for a while. They do not have to be agreed with. I was merely attempting to spark ideas and conversation.

Two points however I think are valid. One is try to be nicer to the new guys and the other is the game could be simpler to learn.

 No one wants to spends hours in a practice room to be shot down 30 seconds into gameplay because no one on his side gives a fig whether he goes down or not. You think a check six does anything for a newbie other than panic him? Too often that's happened to me when there wasn't anyone in miles.  I've also been used as bait so some experienced player can vulch kills when the other side gets too over eager to jump on my easy to kill behind! And the longer I don't know anything the easier the pickings are as he doesn't say squat cept on his own channel while he and his buddies laugh ( and use) the newbie.

No one wants to be treated like a fool for his own team! and that sir is why your game is dying. Too many prettythangholes!

Offline Lusche

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2014, 05:57:06 PM »
Stats don't reflect the reality. I've seen 30-50 on and maybe two of them are active in some fashion. Off-peak it is pointless logging in UNLESS you are happy perk farming in a buff. I'm not.

Oh, I very much do share the sentiment that offhours can really suck these days (actually for quite a long time now), especially on a giant map like ozkansas.
However, it doen't help any point someone is trying to make when the claims have little substance to them ;)

And by the way, if being active includes everybody "inflight"... we haven't been at only 2 active players at 30-50 total either. Again, this excludes the tiome directly after an arena reset (It usually takes about 1 hour at any time of the day for the LW arena to get back to the suual level of activity).

I know, I know... nipicking again... I just can't help it  :uhoh
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Offline bustr

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2014, 06:06:05 PM »
See Rule #14
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 10:28:17 AM by Skuzzy »
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline ReVo

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2014, 06:11:31 PM »
See Rule #14
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 10:28:05 AM by Skuzzy »
XO Jagdgeschwader 53 'Pik As'

Offline Arlo

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2014, 06:17:18 PM »
Yes, I understand. Give the game time. I have. Two weeks, which I believe was enough.


Offline LCADolby

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2014, 06:23:15 PM »
(Yoda Voice)

Lack of character I see here
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Offline danny76

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2014, 06:28:56 PM »
"You kill 'em all, I'll eat the BATCO!"

"Not within a thousand years will man ever fly" - Wilbur Wright

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2014, 06:32:41 PM »
Hey Fork do you even have a mic? Most noobs dont even have a mic. Do you have any idea how hard that makes it to talk to somewhile while playing?

Last new guy I tried to train told me to "be quiet" when I asked him not to waste my ammo shooting at fighters 1,000 out while in my bombers. He was never invited back. We used to have a very active trainers program and training arena. Its not so now and thats not on the players its on the owners, as are the poor graphics.

Of all the games Ive played this one is the least "rude". Obviously you havnt played many. Most of us never even go on 200 and dont appreciate you calling the masses "rude" over them comments of the few.

Frankly I find a lot of what you say demanding and sour after just getting a two week freebie. You havnt been around long enough to be predicting the doom of the game. Many of us have spent decades gaming and only stay due to the community. Lotsa luck finding a better one. I doubt you will. Maybe the problem is on your end.
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Offline bustr

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2014, 06:34:30 PM »
Lordy and I wasn't even close enough to the bushes for anything to be shaken out other than the pre instated. The sensitivity training must be strong with this padouan's metaclorian overwhelming him to the drop of an apostate pin. Hensforth, I will endeavor to speak from the open grasslands as not to stir even a fragile bud on the fronds of a single screening bush. Or minions of the right true way may visit my clark over my scutage.  
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline grizz441

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #40 on: April 09, 2014, 06:40:54 PM »
He certainly has the lingo down and good anecdotal historical talking points for being so new here.

Offline hitech

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #41 on: April 09, 2014, 06:57:28 PM »
Fork2: Some of your points I agree some not (i'm not going to say which ones) but thanks you for posting a thought out respectful view of Aces High.


Offline 1stpar3

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #42 on: April 09, 2014, 06:58:12 PM »
Lordy and I wasn't even close enough to the bushes for anything to be shaken out other than the pre instated. The sensitivity training must be strong with this padouan's metaclorian overwhelming him to the drop of an apostate pin. Hensforth, I will endeavor to speak from the open grasslands as not to stir even a fragile bud on the fronds of a single screening bush. Or minions of the right true way may visit my clark over my scutage.  
Very well said, Sir! At least it reads like it was well written, I don't know? What were we texting about again? Oh and thank you for your "gun sight" post you sent me,it was appreciated! Thanks again
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Offline Copprhed

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #43 on: April 09, 2014, 06:58:31 PM »
Lordy and I wasn't even close enough to the bushes for anything to be shaken out other than the pre instated. The sensitivity training must be strong with this padouan's metaclorian overwhelming him to the drop of an apostate pin. Hensforth, I will endeavor to speak from the open grasslands as not to stir even a fragile bud on the fronds of a single screening bush. Or minions of the right true way may visit my clark over my scutage.  
You don't say!!
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Wingman: "Roger, It's 1:30 now, what do I do 'til then?"

Offline shotgunneeley

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Re: This game is dead unless things change
« Reply #44 on: April 09, 2014, 07:00:46 PM »
Drawing inspiration from a National Society of Leadership meeting I went to yesterday: If you want to see change, be the change. This is meant in regards to player culture and is directed towards anyone who wishes to see it change for the better. Demonstrate those values you want to see in others, but don't expect a way to force players to conduct themselves in one manner or another.

No, the game does not set out to recreate WWII in the main arena. It is a combat flight-sim game that features WWII vehicles. The realism that HTC tries to generate is through the vast open environment, flight mechanics and damage modeling, not the 3-way war and unstructured vehicle usage you see. Keep in mind that ALOT of game material and info you see is contributed by volunteers in the community. HTC is a small business with a handful of employees, so don't expect the resources on the level of EA (albeit flawed).

One thing I have noticed is the dissatisfaction a lot of players experience with the 12 hour change rule. This doesn't really apply to me as I have so far picked squads that stay solely in one particular country through thick and thin, but I did have this thought:
1) get rid of of the 12 hour time change rule all together. Allow players to switch freely over to countries with significantly lower population levels. I know ENY and perk bonuses are already in place to regulate this but, let's face it, you can't fight green guys...that is generally frowned upon.
2) disable friendly dot locations over the entire country. Make it so friendly country mates are only displayed within a friendly enabled radar ring and above NOE level. Only squad mates and those active on vox/range channels would be displayed regardless of altitude and radar status. Friendly/Enemy dar bar would still function like normal. This would provide some level of security against "speiz" (for those who care) by not allowing anonymous country members to see the big picture. Sure there are ways around it for those willing to engage in such methods, but that is my thought for reviving the arena when population levels are skewed.
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Game ID: ShtGn (Inactive), Squad: 91st BG