You pulled stats from over 5 years ago to "prove" you're better than me, because if you used your current stats, they would show as worse than mine?
ROFLMAO. No, seriously.

I rest my case.
I'm showing you what it looks like when I do play for score in the MA and how much harder I own AH more than you. I achieved this when I actually did try to stay alive and be the best fighter in AH.
(Kinda like you)
So its funny that you talk all this crap and you could never show out like that in the MA.
Its funny, you and I almost have the same K/d and K/s even though I don't even try for score anymore . This is me screwing around, turn fighting, and getting picked the majority of my fights.
And you brag about that you shot me down one time which is a big whoop but your overall stats in the MA (playing for score) is terrible and you won't duel me so this is the best way to again show that I'm better in the MA and DA than you as an overall fighter