This makes sense of something that came up in a recent conversation.
I've been flying IL-2 Cliffs of Dover multiplayer recently. That game models the different ammo types used by both sides, and you can define custom ammo
* loadouts for your plane. I fly the 109 E-4 mostly and usually load up the wing cannons with a mixture of the 20mm M-Geschoss (HE) and Panzerbrandgranate Phosphor o.Zerl (AP incendiary) rounds....heavily favoring the 20mm M-Geschoss as its generally acknowledged as the most effective.
The first time I used them I was surprised by the results. They look very impressive when they hit and certainly do damage, but I expected much more out of them (whole wings coming off from just a few hits, etc). I mentioned this on the TS server and one of the other pilots told me he read they are modeled to on actual test data. This video seems to underline the damage potental is modeled fairly well when I compare what I see in the game to the damage from the larger 30mm HE rounds in the test film.
I admit the lack of damage could also be due to my bad aim.
Thanks for posting!
* No pun intended.