how you fly obviously plays a part in it.....
if you are attacking lo cons with friends any "fighter" can be effective...hell a P40 is badarse in that situation....
attack that same gang from the other side and see how well that P40 does...

Geez dude, don't be so modest.
ya the KI I fly I refer to as mine

I speak the truth sorry you cant see that for what it is...
I fought Lepape in HIS jug...he is the best I ever saw in a jug did some amazing moves....yet still died shortly after we engaged....that's just fact.
The Ki is far better at actually "fighting" then the 47 is.

no matter HOW good the 47 driver is just not meant for Slow TnBing....
I know as anyone worth his salt knows you fight the pilot not the plane...
but when the planes capabilities are so far different from one another it does not matter how good the stick is, the one is the crappy plane will lose...the tool he is using is just not right for the job.....
to be "effective" in the MA....or an "effective fighter in the MA" are to totally different things.
I'll take a wild guess that it was because Ink was fighting in "his" Ki not "the" Ki. 
It's actually unusual for somebody to make the point that they had an aircraft performance advantage which points to modesty not ego.

I would not have won that fight if not for the awesomeness of the KI....jug vs jug...would have been the exact opposite....except even faster