I started having issues with the Terrain Editor.
I posted what I was doing in the TE forum but this is for Patch 77.
If I save my terrain, it porks the files in some unknown way. See my jpg in the TE forum.
I can force the TE to open without crashing by completing the file name+.oba in the cfg file.
Once I have it running, I can open a previously valid terrain, avasml for instance, and all looks like it's running properly, but it isn't.
I don't save because I know it will pork the files.
When I try to reopen one of the 3 or 4 terrains I've used to test saving the terrain in TE p77, the TE crashes instantly.
I should add here that a new reinstall from the full installer didn't fix it.
I needed some time off anyway LOL.