But, here's the deal. I dont' fly, or play this game, or whatever you want to call it... to present a target to YOU or anyone else. I play in MY way to make as many Red guys die as I can while I remain among the living. I don't care HOW I do it, and I certainly don't consider stopping and fighting every red guy I see just because he's there, or "for the fight". I'm not even remotely concerned with putting myself into losing situations, chest-thumping, out-clevering, score xxx'ing or whatever (uhh, beyond K/D). I ENJOY treating this thing called AH as a simulation of sorts, I mean I know it's not really, and I know HTC didn't design the game for pilots to act like... WW2 pilots, apparently , but there you have it. I ALWAYS plan on landing when I leave the runway (and I'd say I'm at least decent at that). I always depart with 100% fuel, a lot of the time with DTs... or fully loaded with bombs and rocs. This often lends itself to not getting into any kind of turn-fite at all, cause well... a whole LOT of people have much better performing (turning) aircraft and they never have more than 25%. Numbers is another little SA thing I keep in mind. I find it terribly entertaining to fly in a stealthy manner, to a stealthy spot, over a horde and totally PICKTARD people, or even better, those who are AFK while on their way to join the local horde. Ask Yucca.. I'm kinda rusty right now and my aim is pretty much normal so I missed and accidentally 6-crashed him last night lol and I (deservedly) am the one who got the damage. My ~input~ if you will, to the game, is to help MY side in whatever way I can and like it or not, I do what I can to remain among the living while doing it. (Ya Hitech I know... flying to stay alive is akin to not even worth playing the game right?, well, opinions are like those stinky things? Everyone's got one) I'm patient... I've refueled up to 5 maybe 6 times. I enjoy what I do. I'm NOT good at the whole turn-fight thing.. at all.. never was, especially not in the Pony. There's a certain balance in cartoon flying between, pretending to do things like a pilot would do, and doing gamey things no "pilot would ever do. I lean hard to the pilot thing, so I'm at a distinct disadvantage almost 100% of the time. I do MY thing the way I want to do it for the price of MY subscription the way I know is best for ME.
<signed> The Cowardly Clowny Pony
Not only do you embody every tactic I find loathsome in this game, you're actually proud of it. I just don't get it. You talk about us as 'chest thumpers', then you go on to explain how you hide out in the clouds waiting for AFK victims & re-arm/re-fuel multiple times in a single mission. In other words, you do anything and everything necessary to present the image that you're a great stick via your K/D ratio and landing multiple kills. Yet you say you don't care what other people think? Sounds like you care very, very much about what other people think, and you're willing to sacrifice your integrity to satisfy that need.
If you actually did treat this game as a war simulation - as you say - I could respect that. But I've seen you fly, and from what I've seen, you don't help anyone on your team out unless your chance of getting harmed in the process is nill. Also, clearing their 12 from a position way above the fight is not exactly helping them out. You had a real good start on being honest above - no need to taint that now with deception. Playing from a position of zero risk is hardly simulating WWII air combat.
You say you suck at turn-fighting and always have been. Gee, I wonder why????? Could it possibly be that you never really try to fight so you never learn the skills necessary to be successful? What a crazy concept!
Like they say - different strokes for different folks. But personally speaking, if I racked up kills the way you do, I'd feel like I was one of those people who buy other people's sports trophies off ebay and present them as their own.
You ever want to TA, let me know. I'm not the best (by a long shot), but I think I could be of at least some help. Then again, I think you've been around much longer than I, so if you haven't tried to improve by now, I doubt it's something you're interested in.