Ahh microsoft update....manually checked for updates on my 8.1 pro x64 pc this morning, which is set to never check for updates, and it only took about 45 seconds to come back with a list of 17 updates. Then only another 3 minutes to download about 15 megs and install them. Yayyyy! This is my gaming pc.
However....My two win 7 pro x64 PCs, which were up to date, are set to automatically check for updates and let me choose which to download.
Well...one of them beat itself silly for about 6 hours (could tell because brought up resource monitor to watch the fun) to check for updates, then took about an hour to download them.
The other win 7 pc has been beating itself silly for a couple days now trying to check for updates and still isn't done.
Both win 7 PCs run at about 50% CPU duty cycle just for the update checks.