I'm waiting for AHIII live so that there is the smallest chance I don't hand players left over bugs. Each time a new patch is released I run a build on the terrain. Hey I also keep updating it. You now have a large fleshed out farm land area with a spawn to work your way back to the town through ambushes. And I've updated more tanks into other areas around that town.
All the white rings are tank spawns. The upper left one on the mesa is for wirbel\osti to get 500yds under the drones. The long grassy feild is a 4 mile range to learn your sights against tanks out on it. There are several hundred tanks on this terrain to learn your sights and to learn how to spot in ambush positions.
Lots of ambush spots, and don't forget all the tanks in the town.
See tank town, more ambush spots.