So Bustr, are you saying you would drive a tank down an open road knowing there are enemies around. Can't think of a better way to get killed fast. 
I'll release my offline gunnery training terrain on Monday with a self installer. I've placed tanks in just about every hiding place on the tank town object feasible. Truning off shadows makes most of them stand out like a sore thumb. Some of the TT issue is you guys really need a clipboard map for that object with elevation topo for the hills, and start marking off the ambush spots. While setting up the TT Hogan's Ally drive through I've gotten lost many times having to use F3 to figure out where I was. Since your tank doesn't have an attached support unit with some kind of a scouting detachment like many tank units did in WW2, Hitech might want to enable F3 mode for tanks since you guys want to play lone wolf GVballing. Or create some new kind of limited scout view for GVs.
Hmmmmm, Since I have access to a TT in the terrain editor I should probably make a map for you gents. I was thinking about including one for the three villages at the south spawn from TT on my terrain. (Most of you will probably bushwack and find the tanks I setup to ambush you for bushwhacking.) Since the terrain builder can lay down the 2milex2mile tank town object in 4 direction orientations, I'll use something like Roy's for the key orientation. Realism sucked for tanks in WW2.
This is a video game, turn off shadows and much of the hide in trees for tanks is removed. I've bushwhacked Asian bamboo thickets where you had to climb the one lone skinny tree to see over the top and find your way out. Not all bamboo is the same around Asia, depending on the strain of bamboo you can't see 6 inches or you can see 30 yards because of the big green stems. Nor are all forests, especially the palm forest and strangler fig from the terrain editor Pac terrain set. You should see my TT using the Euro terrain tile set with conifers and deciduous. Almost two years ago when Hitech first dropped tank town in the NDisles center island on us, the trees were 120ft tall and so thick you couldn't see a tank 600 yards off the road. He spent a while density testing for FPS and it thinned out the trees and clutter in the process. Shadows are now the real reason you cannot see tanks hiding in the trees 600 yards away. Everywhere you are driving on NDisles, I've driven infinitude during the last 2 years testing including creating my own gunnery training terrain.