[Ki84vsF4U-4]In a long sustained gunfight, as long as the F4U maintains energy and speed advantage, they'll win the fight with a Ki-84. If they try and turn with it - it doesn't usually end well for the Corsair.
The problem Junky - with no flaps and at a 200-300 mph turn fight, the Ki-84 will eat up the F4U.
Comparing the Ki-84 and the F4U-4 is like comparing a oval racer with a track car. Both can go on the track, cept the track car is meant for turns every day and the other for going faster in straighter lines. A Nascar CAN go on a track, but it likes the ovals better.[/comparison off]
Junky - back to the topic at hand...this game really hasn't changed much from I've seen in the past 17 years since go live. You're always going to have those who'll mix it up regardless. 4vs1? 4vs4 - 10vs10, 7vs1. Some will die right away at a field being vulch and up again right away. And for a lot of players, it's about getting in the air or in a tank on the ground, engaging targets attacking your field or your carrier. Chatting it up with friends - shouting out check six calls, coordinating incoming targets...etc etc. Aces High 101...no?
And there are some will engage only if they can win. Score-**ores. you know the type - the ones you ranted about. Fly along high. Sniping on the unexpecting. Carrying on with their perfect score. Landing a couple kills every 20 minutes or so. They probably also get manicures not to get their nails damaged. They're not good sticks. Their wusses. Those are the ones who are annoying right?
And then Junky - you have to admit. There are some - regardless of the situation, the ones who wear the funny hats. The sharks in sheeple clothing. They'll enter a furball, and blow everything up in front of them - clear sixes. Give check-six calls and help out a ganged pilot. And then land or 7-8 kills. Or not - maybe they'll just rearm and get up again. They're so bloody good and accurate in their shooting and expert dog fighters that they're kinda scary. You cannot lump them with the 'top sticks' game. They don't care if they live or die when entering a furball. Razer & Lazer, Odee, Frency, Gman, TheBug, Bear, Bruv119... those guys are different ...with funny hats.