Author Topic: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion  (Read 11337 times)

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #135 on: July 12, 2017, 03:46:00 PM »
If no one plays for score or rank anymore, then why are there still daily people who bomb and bail or bail from a plane rather than even entertain the thought of engaging in battle with another person just to make sure the other person does not get a kill, and they by proxy, do not rank up a death which is a bigger hit to your score than a bail?

I don't believe that is the main motivation.  I just think they don't want to get shot down or don't want to bother with that "contact with an enemy trying to kill them" thing.  They did what they wanted to do by dropping the bombs and want to get on to the next run as soon as possible.

Do the vast majority of players do this?  I would say no...  but the members of the groups who are most vocal about winning the war are by far the vast majority, and since they tend to group up, you end up seeing this style of play which I think is more detrimental to the game than anything.

It wasn't too long ago I was out in my 262 just playing around.  I ran across about 6 sets of buffs with a few 110s running an NOE mission.  The second I began to descend down to engage them, the entire group bailed over the ocean rather than even attempt to defend themselves.  1 plane versus 20+, and the 20+ all bailed.

We can sit here all day long and argue whether hordes or unbalanced sides are the problem, but I think the main issue has been and continues to be the people that are there tend to not want to play the game.  They would rather grief another country, "WHY NO DEFENDERS AT A7?!  WE JUST TOOK YOUR BASE HAHAHAHAHA!" or grief another player by wasting 20 minutes of their time they took to intercept you by bailing out before they can fire a shot.

Yup.  Happens every once in a while.  I've just come around to thinking "mission accomplished" if I make them drop their ords or bail before drop.  They didn't hit what they were after, I did my job.

I don't understand the desire to play a multiplayer game and spend most of your time killing hapless buildings and avoiding the enemy, but it seems to be a popular gameplay lifestyle.

The bailing bomber at 20k+ is just something that's going to happen once in a while.  In some cases more often depending on your play time.  You can either accept it's going to happen from time to time or stop chasing high bombers.  Myself, I don't like giving a guy a free shot at our strats just because he can climb.  YMMV.

I haven't read this entire thread, but I have a question. When the numbers were huge, isn't it true that there were not nearly as many MMO, FPS, console games and phone games as there are now? Why is it surprising that a game such as this, while being great fun for a select group of people, doesn't do as well as it used to? This game has legs. It has a loyal following and it has an incredibly devoted owner and support team. I feel that, rather than constantly whining about people who won't play the way you want, or that HiTech won't change the game to benefit you and what you want to do, BE GRATEFUL!!! Thank you HiTech, Skuzzy and all of the volunteers who so graciously put up with our BS.

My personal feeling is in the heyday there weren't a ton of alternatives that had WWII planes in them.  People tolerated the open world gameplay because it was the only game in town where you could dogfight with a bunch of people.  Along came WT and IL2 and suddenly they had something that cut out all the extraneous things like trying to decide what to do, and climbing out.  You didn't have to spend 5-10 minutes heading over from the next base to avoid getting vulched.  Everybody takes off at the same time, and it's always got fair numbers, no getting horded.  And I think that's where we lost a bunch of people is because that was more the gameplay they wanted.

Personally, the gameplay here is what I'm looking for.  If I wanted a game like the other games, I'd be playing them instead.  That's why I disagree with people coming in and saying, "Great game.  They should do x y and z to make it like the other games and bring in more people."

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #136 on: July 12, 2017, 03:48:35 PM »
I'm not defending their actions, however you also have to consider that some sneak missions are run with the idea in mind that the attackers either make it to target undetected -OR- they will consider the mission a bust.  When they perceived you descending on them, they knew they were busted and had no way to know whether or not you were screaming on country channel for lots of uppers at the target airfield.  When that happens, they aren't going to get in and do their jobs, and likely one or two goon hunters (maybe you in your deuce) were going to foil their plans.  They took a risk, it didn't work out, thus, they abort.

Which is pretty sad.  It is actually possible to fight back.

- oldman

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #137 on: July 12, 2017, 03:58:12 PM »
I haven't read this entire thread, but I have a question. When the numbers were huge, isn't it true that there were not nearly as many MMO, FPS, console games and phone games as there are now? Why is it surprising that a game such as this, while being great fun for a select group of people, doesn't do as well as it used to? This game has legs. It has a loyal following and it has an incredibly devoted owner and support team. I feel that, rather than constantly whining about people who won't play the way you want, or that HiTech won't change the game to benefit you and what you want to do, BE GRATEFUL!!! Thank you HiTech, Skuzzy and all of the volunteers who so graciously put up with our BS.
You sir, are correct! You are also STILL A snake in the grass. :x
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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #138 on: July 12, 2017, 05:03:38 PM »
Does anyone play for score or rank anymore? When is the last time anyone on 200 or country thumped their chest over I'm number auwsum and looky at me? Achievements and those star thingies next to your name? Our community pretty much shames anyone as a dork who mentions them. I would hate to see what would happen if Hitech awarded all those thingies the forum members at War Thunder fill their signatures with.

We have low numbers which showcases how groups of people in their risk tolerance fall out across a predictable spectrum. When we had hundreds a night the 10-12% with a high risk tolerance were everywhere. And too the variances in risk tolerance of the other 88-90%, so someone wanted to fight to some degree all the time due to the illusion and predictability of "numbers". The vast majority of people who play combat games have low risk tolerance and don't want to fight head to head. They will happily sneak around and blow things up and shoot you in the back when you aren't looking. Then run away faster than you can blink and do anything they can to not get killed. That game is called win at all costs while staying alive at any cost. That is pretty normal for the majority of human beings. 

Novelty will lure them into new situations along with the illusion of a quick win. Then you just take advantage of them the same way you did back in the hundreds a night hoard days when you harvested them and ran into an occasional risk taker. Being mad at them and calling them virtual sissies won't change how much tolerance they have for personal risk. Today at this time they are what we have to work with.

It has been long ago proven that score means nothing. Why anyone brings it up still is beyond me.
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #139 on: July 12, 2017, 05:21:14 PM »
It has been long ago proven that score means nothing.

Dunno... I hear men still name their firstborn sons after SHawk  :old:
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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #140 on: July 12, 2017, 07:46:48 PM »
Score has nothing to do with the players leaving. In-fact, taking it off would probably lead to more people leaving. I actually think it's fun to compete for fighter score. You cannot game it like the others. Whether anyone thinks it takes skill or not is up to their own interpretation. Scores give some players something to achieve, and that's what keeps them in the game. Just like the base capture people. There seems to be this notion that taking away competitiveness will make the game better, I disagree.  Forcing more people into action. Making closer bases that make action easier to find. Making maps that funnel action. Making other arenas for fast play (not scored). Switching the arena to a very small arena during off hours. Would bring much more excitement, much more even #s, and overall create a better atmosphere for all the players. Nothing besides maybe strat resupply and those stupid 88 guns needs to be changed. It's really all about the maps that make or break the game, at this point.
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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #141 on: July 12, 2017, 08:15:48 PM »
If no one plays for score or rank anymore, then why are there still daily people who bomb and bail or bail from a plane rather than even entertain the thought of engaging in battle with another person just to make sure the other person does not get a kill, and they by proxy, do not rank up a death which is a bigger hit to your score than a bail?

For score a bail and a death are the same thing. So no ones bails to improve their score.  :salute
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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #142 on: July 12, 2017, 08:55:27 PM »
I haven't read this entire thread, but I have a question. When the numbers were huge, isn't it true that there were not nearly as many MMO, FPS, console games and phone games as there are now? Why is it surprising that a game such as this, while being great fun for a select group of people, doesn't do as well as it used to? This game has legs. It has a loyal following and it has an incredibly devoted owner and support team. I feel that, rather than constantly whining about people who won't play the way you want, or that HiTech won't change the game to benefit you and what you want to do, BE GRATEFUL!!! Thank you HiTech, Skuzzy and all of the volunteers who so graciously put up with our BS.

Yes, the competition for customers has increased.  But contrary to the rest of your statement, HiTech has done quite well by listening to his existing customers.  It is always his final decision to make additions and changes, but not every plan rolls out as designed. 

"Back to the drawing board" is a standard of business development.  Look on you laundry detergent shelves.  Just about every box or container has the words new, improved or better written somewhere on the label. 

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #143 on: July 13, 2017, 03:48:01 AM »
Guys, I am not trolling one bit here. For the life of me, I dont really understand why some are having trouble finding fights! I do realize that most of you have alot more time invested in this game and are a bit nostalgic for how it use to be. I dont encounter the "Bomb and Balers", in fact I only remember 1 since 2014,my join date. I just dont care for climbing to the moon and hoping I picked a great intercept angle(which means probably not :rolleyes:). I get just as much fun from killing M3s as I do fighters. I love to bomb GVs in my Spixteen and work hard perfecting it. I know why the spit to bomb GVs? Once light, I can still be competitive as it can build E fairly quick. I just cant understand folk not finding fights. I also understand the guys that can get 5 or more kills in a massive furball feel cheated when the enemy numbers in the fight are like 1 or 2. Sure, you could have taken 6 all by yourself, but isnt that an ego boast too. Its like my friend in Vegas, plays Dollar Vid Poker and gripes about losing so much money, thus shortening their casino time. Sure playin smaller amounts wont get the big money BUT the wins you do get are not smaller in percentage. Some times you need to scale down a bit to just enjoy the attempt at winning. So I have to ask, What do you consider a "Good Fight"? How would stopping the M3 resup brigade help you get better fights? As far as closer bases, How would that help? Especially if we get a bunch of new players? Sure some of you guys would be fine with not climbing real high to enter the fight BUT that would leave new folk in a lurch. There will always be those that feel the need to enter a fight from 20k. On the "pesky 88s" how many times do you get killed by manned guns at fields? I can count on 1 hand in my experience(with puffy). Guys fly right through base ack and come out relatively unscathed all the time. So why the hatred for the slowest turret movement aand difficulty finding the range before some one flying through kills it anyway? In my way of thinking, if you arent having fun where you are, maybe consider finding other teams to at least see if your fun factor will improve? Thats what I would do! If you really love this game and are frustrated bad enough to quit it, why not at least check other sides out before you go? Pretty sure no one would chastize you about trying to increase your fun factor and those that do can be squelched. I have flown all 3 sides and have found some really great guys. If one of those wanted to swap I am all for it! Miss flying with some of you guys, so come on over and try. Its not like its forever and six hours should be enough to make an informed decision. Shoot I was hooked on this game and willing to pay after about 3 hours. What do you have to lose? I just prefer you guys try everything instead of quitting . Our numbers are low enough now as it is. Dont want to lose more because they are just unwilling to evolve. I may never get an opportunity to play in maxed arenas but I know this, I like what we have now and would feel ripped off if folk refuse to go the extra mile trying to make it work. Dang, if you dont want old country men to know you were sleeping with the enemy, you could always open a new account incognito, same six hours deal. Use the trial! Shoot, even the 49ers were welcomed with open arms. Never thought I would live to see that day :x
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Offline NatCigg

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #144 on: July 13, 2017, 09:37:23 AM »
Maxed out arena.  Over rated!  You know how to be a good fighter pilot right?  Well, more fodder of noobs makes that boring role of boom and zoom a little more fun, ego boost off newbies you know.

Fun is playing with a team and good dogfights against another guy, one at a time please.  Hehe, greater than one is fun too but that usually results in a heart pounding trip to the tower.  Funz.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 09:39:04 AM by NatCigg »

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #145 on: July 13, 2017, 10:29:55 AM »

I guess it is in my DNA.  I see something great and I want it to be the greatest ever  :rock

I will admit, things that really annoy me, I don't even complain about, such as:  (now these I qualify as whines = so usually keep to myself or on squad channel)
  • puffy ack disaster = 2 or 3 consecutive headshot instant tower trips
  • 50 cal disaster = good percentage of ammo tossed due to packet loss??
  • lack of desire to aid countrymen in anything other than base defense
  • failing eyesight  :cool: difficulty seeing targets

Now, if a couple of you Bishops would hold still while I am on your six, then I wouldn't mind the double in numbers.  In fact, I would encourage it  :aok

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #146 on: July 13, 2017, 11:32:06 AM »

Which is pretty sad.  It is actually possible to fight back.

- oldman

Oh sure, it is possible, but they probably wouldn't be running a NOE mission if their goal was to go engage a 262 in a set of Lancs, a Goon, or some form of JABO carrying bombs and rockets.  What I'm saying is, I've seen those kind of missions run and right from the get-go the notion is that the mission gets to target undetected OR the plan is to bail and try it somewhere else.  I don't like the idea personally, just saying that whether I like it or not, whether anyone likes it or not, that's how some guys choose to play.

I've had the bail thing happen to me twice on the same flight.  I climbed up to 28K in a FW to intercept some bombers enroute to strats... got within 1500 and as I turned to dive in, POOF, bailed.  So I fly back to base still at alt and right about the dar ring I decide to spin the plane down to about 3K or so then rtb.  I spin down right on top of (and slightly behind) a NOE mission that I couldn't see from up high, and every man-jack of them bailed.  Musta been 12-15 planes in the flight, but they poofed.  Way I see it, I just prevented a strat bombing and a potential base take but simply got no points for the effort.  They, on the other hand, spent a lot of time climbing and flying NOE for nothing.  I didn't consider that flight a waste of my time.

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #147 on: July 13, 2017, 03:30:06 PM »

I guess it is in my DNA.  I see something great and I want it to be the greatest ever  :rock

I will admit, things that really annoy me, I don't even complain about, such as:  (now these I qualify as whines = so usually keep to myself or on squad channel)
  • puffy ack disaster = 2 or 3 consecutive headshot instant tower trips
  • 50 cal disaster = good percentage of ammo tossed due to packet loss??
  • lack of desire to aid countrymen in anything other than base defense
  • failing eyesight  :cool: difficulty seeing targets

Now, if a couple of you Bishops would hold still while I am on your six, then I wouldn't mind the double in numbers.  In fact, I would encourage it  :aok
Just so ya know...I DID NOT go for the jug first!? :neener: Some one HOWEVER who is known to love his RAZORBACK just happened to be the La5 and or F6f   NOT MY FAULT :neener: The kill of jug in wirb however, ok it didnt really enter my mind :rock      I know where you are coming from, we have chatted about it a few times. I like you, love this game. We are coming from different ends of the spectrum i guess. You have memories of the Good Times and I want to keep what I have now- at least. Better is swell just dont back slide from here.If i was honest about it(and try to be always) I could understand some of the complaints IF coming from those sides of the spectrum. I am not shy about asking questions and am curious by nature, and as you know CHILLI straight forward kind of guy :x I question everything, and its very rare that it is personal directed. I just have too much free time to sit and think. Wish I knew how to fix it and you know ID try  :cheers:
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Offline NatCigg

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #148 on: July 13, 2017, 05:03:57 PM »

I guess it is in my DNA.  I see something great and I want it to be the greatest ever  :rock

 :headscratch:  greatest....evea?

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Re: Chess Piece Loyalty, ENY, the Bish Dominance Problem, and a Suggestion
« Reply #149 on: July 14, 2017, 12:29:43 AM »
Tyfoo's tank on a drag strip?
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain