How is that good for the game? Even wiping the slates clean the vets will build perk points far quicker that anyone else and in a couple of weeks be back to flying what ever they want pouching the "little guy" all over again.
The same as having 262 163 and Tempest with perks currently, you don't see everyone flying a 262 or Tempest. Those plane characteristics are better than other planes, that's why they have perks, they have perks because they unbalance the game. Late war planes unbalance the game compared to mid war and early war planes. Mid war planes unbalance the game compared to early war planes.
Late war planes are better than mid war planes, mid war planes are better than early war planes (faster, better climb, more guns, higher calibre, better energy retention etc).
That is why everyone is flying late war planes, because they are 'the best' without a cost, so everyone is able to fly them (you don't see 262 163 and Tempest very often and that is how it should be with late war planes and mid war planes, you should see them more than 262 but not as much as we currently do)
Idealy it would be best if all the planes were perked starting from early war planes and you would be accumulating points for the higher tier planes,once you unlock a better plane you get a few uses of it and while you have your uses you retain the points so you can move forward to the 262, the later war plane the less uses and if you use up your uses of the plane the points get reset and you go again from early war plane. Seeing how the 'old' subscribers feel about this here I doubt it will ever happen.
I'm not here to fly two planes, and if I take a i-16 I have no realistic chances against all the late war planes.
Some say that they fly other planes, numbers and facts don't lie, people fly what is in the top 10 list - late war planes because they are 'the best'.