but its all the junk they added to these maps that have folks not having the same spark they had a year and a half ago, and I'm one of them.
Please help me understand
"junk", opposed to: Hitech is a meenie and poo on him.
I can't change what is in the terrain editor and what I'm required to do to a Melee arena terrain to have it accepted for rotation. That's Hitech and he needs in most cases years of arguments while watching the community to decide on those kinds of changes from what I've observed. I have some control over how I create land, apply objects, orient things and paint the land.
The last terrain Oceania was a large scale experiment in doing that to the micro terrain around many feilds. I'm building a new terrain with a radically different topography now. If you need a break, give yourself a rest. These terrains take months to produce to the visual quality I did Oceania and you can see many streams running next to where a field will be placed. I'm considering placing the town for some on the other side of the stream and the same with two or three spawns leaving bridges as choke points. When I get to that stage and have to create the micro combat terrain for GVs around each field on the map, I've learned new lessons from Oceania once again about tank combat. The terrain editor has limitations while I have to follow some rules for the Melee arena to ensure balance anywhere I setup combat. I cannot change previous terrains once they are in rotation so I have to take my lessons and build a new terrain.
I'm working up the techniques and painting style to produce the new topographical features for this next project. I had a friend who was a potter who let me work with him, this is no different than creating a clay Bas-relief panel like you see in Rome. I know how Michelangelo feels now. Each of those squares is 1milex1mile and I create every square mile of this 10x10 terrain and paint it. So if you are burnt out with the game right now and unhappy, take a break while I get this monstrosity finished. I'm stuck here alone with it until it goes into rotation. Weeeeeeeeee......
Pssst......Don't tell Wasytin but, I build these things so everyone can romp across the terrain breaking things like a pig because we have so much fun following Waystin around....oink....