Author Topic: Navy Combat  (Read 5527 times)

Offline Wiley

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2018, 03:32:39 PM »
Yeah, totally agree with that assessment Bustr.   I leave the wounded rabbit chasing by the dog pack to those who enjoy it.

The gameplay engine hasn't changed much since 2002- has it gone stale?

You say "stale", I'd say "that's the game."  Changing it much from what's there would pretty much make it a different game, and most that I see suggested would make it something I wouldn't want to play.  HT's made his decisions on what he thinks the best decisions are for an open world melee game.  I may quibble on a couple details, but for the most part his decisions make sense.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Ramesis

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2018, 03:36:45 PM »
You know what the best part about the haters is?  You don't need to convince them.  You just need to convince Hitech to completely retool everything to build you a submarine game, or an FPS, or whatever other type of gameplay you want to shoehorn into the game.


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Offline Mister Fork

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2018, 04:58:34 PM »

Ok Wiley and Ramesis. How do we improve the game?

I put up a couple? What are yours? (Seriously)
"Games are meant to be fun and fair but fighting a war is neither." - HiTech

Offline Arlo

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2018, 05:09:50 PM »
Immersion target for USN torpedo bombers. (Major modeling undertaking)


Immersion aircraft carrier for IJN aircraft enthusiasts. (Major modeling undertaking - Yamato related)


Fleet tactic DD mod - forcing fleets to stand off (modeling difficulty unknown)

Operational DD torpedos

This would be the maximum I would dare ask for at one time. Any one of these would be fantastic (though I feel the last one would have the most impact).

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2018, 05:23:05 PM »
Ok Wiley and Ramesis. How do we improve the game?

I put up a couple? What are yours? (Seriously)

I dont think the game needs more toys in the sand box. Sure it would be nice to have some of the things mentioned but look at the time needed to add some of them. We are talking major re works for some of them.

The game already has plenty of toys to play with, the trick is to get players to USE those toys. Maybe a bonus for using the hanger queens, maybe a cut using the late war monsters. Bonuses for joining and helping in a mission. Make defensive missions like capping or stopping an attack mission worth something more than just lone wolfing it. Add bonuses for shooting and moving in a GV and take them away for sitting still too long (spawn camping). Same goes for vulching, take points away if plane is downed before 1 minute or so elapses from wheels leaving the ground.

We have plenty of toys, but most players either ignore them or bastardize their use. If they were to tweak things to bring these toys and activities back into play mmore people would have fun and less would get bored.

Offline bustr

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2018, 06:18:02 PM »
The game has not changed in terms of what you describe loosely as negative game play impacting some imaginary better game play. You, and others have all gotten older and less tolerant of the core attraction for the MA. No rules of engagement, just kill the other guy any way you can and land your kills to crow about it on range and 200. Not much different than the kids playing Fortnite. An open world, no structured game play. Work with friends or solo and take out the bad guys any way you can. Where are all those new players we have waited for as the next generation? Fragging each other in Fortnite in a kiddy sand box with no inebriated grand fathers screaming in bubba to turn the galdern ship.

We both know that once you hit the spawn button and are in the unfriendly world of AH, you knew the moment you pressed the button what could happen to you. It's a great equalizer and attractive for this game since at that moment, a one day newbie can claim a KOTH champion's scalp for being stupid. And why the HO has always been popular. If you want fairness and congeniality, there is the head to head match arena.

This post seems to be another player who has grown tired of the venue because of his years of being in the game. Just like you want Hitech to add tiny little function limitations to actions to force congenial game play. At least two of the toys asked for would require a change in the game play dynamics to make them usable versus something to fight for command of.

Younger players who still love back stabbing and fragging each other in the MA, are not in here demanding Hitech change the core game. Just the older players who want a more congenial game or a different game.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Wiley

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2018, 06:52:01 PM »
Ok Wiley and Ramesis. How do we improve the game?

I put up a couple? What are yours? (Seriously)

I've posted my ideas several times.  I just don't feel the need to hit the wishlist with them on a bi-weekly or monthly basis like some do (not you).

The short version, more detailed damage model.  A part shouldn't function factory fresh after 99 bullets, then fail completely when the 100th hits.  I'd like to see more details to the damage zones on the plane.  More smaller areas to take damage, the ability for flaps to be shot off if they're in any position other than "up" instead of always getting stuck.  Ability to detonate the ammo boxes in wings if you hit them right, control cables able to be damaged/stuck.  Things like that.

With tanks, it seems a bit odd that you can stack 100 rounds on the same location and if the angle is not a penetration angle, it will never, ever penetrate.  IMO successive impacts in an area should weaken the armor based on how close to penetration angle they're at.  Sure, if it hits at near parallel angle, it can do that all day, but if it hits at 87 degrees and the penetration angle is 90, it seems to me a few of those in the same location with a substantially damaging round would compromise that area somewhat over time.

More planes.  The scenarios/FSO have some glaring gaps that should be filled.  There are also a few worthy additions to the MA like the G.55 among others.

But all of those things have been asked for, I know HT disagrees with me at least with the aircraft DM wish above, so I haven't bothered harping on it.  With the addition of new vehicles, I think he's making the right move upgrading the old models rather than adding new ones.  Once the old ones are done, I'm hopeful for some new vehicles.

As far as the MA core gameplay, it is what it is.  Adding FPS gameplay or cloning Silent Hunter is a massive undertaking for highly questionable benefit.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Arlo

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2018, 08:09:33 PM »
The game has not changed in terms of what you describe loosely as negative game play impacting some imaginary better game play. You, and others have all gotten older and less tolerant of the core attraction for the MA. No rules of engagement, just kill the other guy any way you can and land your kills to crow about it on range and 200.

We both know that once you hit the spawn button and are in the unfriendly world of AH, you knew the moment you pressed the button what could happen to you.

If you want fairness and congeniality, there is the head to head match arena.

Younger players who still love back stabbing and fragging each other in the MA, are not in here demanding Hitech change the core game. Just the older players who want a more congenial game or a different game.

Not all older players. ;) Though I pared your post down, I can relate to it, entirely. :) The only reason I ask for any new toys now is just to make a great game better. I can certainly live with what's already there. :) (And I wouldn't want any more coded restriction on anyone.)

Offline Arlo

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2018, 08:10:38 PM »
Adding FPS gameplay or cloning Silent Hunter is a massive undertaking for highly questionable benefit.


Offline Oldman731

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2018, 08:37:54 PM »
This post seems to be another player who has grown tired of the venue because of his years of being in the game.

Appreciate your input, Bustr.  Game is fine, no need for any changes.  Got it.

- oldman

Offline Mister Fork

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2018, 10:25:35 AM »
Leave it to the sensibilities of Bustr and Wiley to put common sense into the Wishlist. :salute both of you.

Dang it.  I thought I was onto something here. Us :old: farts just want some excitement...

Dare to dream. Dare to chase that star.  :airplane:
"Games are meant to be fun and fair but fighting a war is neither." - HiTech

Offline Wiley

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2018, 12:59:02 PM »
My general opinion is just that there's room to improve what's already here.  I think improving what's here into something that's truly polished would give a lot more bang for the buck as opposed to adding other types of gameplay, particularly when it would be a ton of work.

The one I find most silly is the idea that they could just slap FPS in here.  Eject and take a walk around town.  Then take a look at any half decent FPS game from the last 5 years.  There is a subtle difference in level of detail, and people who tend to be attracted to FPS gameplay are among the most demanding on detailed graphics.  It's good enough for vehicle combat, not so much for FPS.

Now one thing I will admit colors my opinions a fair bit-  I am an open world game junky.  Games that have things available to do but don't hold your hand are my crack.  That's why I'm here as opposed to one of the other options.  Short round-based gameplay like WT or WoT or the others just doesn't do it for me.  I see clearly it's a more popular style of gameplay because there's actually more of a "game" there as opposed to the ongoing battle in the MA here, where you're free to do whatever you like as opposed to "Go here.  Do this.  Get a reward for a 20 minute investment of time.  Repeat."  Not to say I don't play those kind of games, but when it comes to simulators, this is what gets its hooks into me hard, and something like WT just pales in comparison for me.  I enjoy FSO and Scenarios too, but those are once a week things.

Edit:  Forgot to make my point on the last paragraph.  The problem with the MA style gameplay is it's what I want for the most part, but it puts HTC between a rock and a hard place.  For the people like me that like it, nothing else is the same.  It just doesn't have mass appeal, people generally want stuff that plays more like WT etc.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 01:23:13 PM by Wiley »
If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Arlo

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2018, 01:09:25 PM »
Good post, Wiley.  :cheers:

Offline Ramesis

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2018, 02:43:54 PM »
Ok Wiley and Ramesis. How do we improve the game?

I put up a couple? What are yours? (Seriously)

Who said the game needs improvement?  :D
"Would you tell me, please,
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 you want to get to. Said the cat."
    Charles Lutwidge Dodgson a.k.a. Lewis Carroll

Offline TheBug

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Re: Navy Combat
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2018, 02:50:25 PM »
Add more depth/strategic level to the base taking aspect of the game that better intertwines the different elements of the game that people choose to play, would be an improvement I would like to see.   
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