Thx to Pokie for the data......
I have a handle on most of it now......... but still have one or two transitional gliches to fathom...
The above shows two bridges.....
Both are based on the RUNWAY object with inverted pylons at the high level intercise. (inverted Pylons realy help locate you directly above stuff on the editor)
On the left is a two tile bridge..its the easest to build (with double pylons it has only 8 lines on the .oba (included inverted run way sections so you can view from below)
Like the other bridge it has a 6" curb to get on and is 100'-6" at its highest.
On the right is a 3 tile bridge also using RUNWAY. I have had some real problems with this and am still unhappy. Basically I can make one sloping side and the horizontal easily however transision with the second slope is problematical.
PT boats pass under both with ease.
Use of the .oba is essential to get the co-ordinates exact to give good transisions.
I also found that writing stuff in on the .oba (creating) meddled with its properties. I got better results creating stuff in the editor then modifying its, "hardness", position and orientation in the .oba. (I made the inverted runway objects "non collide" incase they had depth)
Raising the whole thing 6" off the ground seemed to be important.
I have used hanger nets to guide the vehicles onto the bridge.
Thx for all the help so far...........