If your discussing and talking about missions/plans, I think that would be called activity, and so no bounce.
Basically they are looking for players who tower sit over night hoping to be counted in on the win. Also players like cybro that hide in a spot to flash a base for hours on end. These players are contributing nothing to game play and so should be kicked.
There are so many ideas posted to try and help generate more players, or more action. Hes another one, squads take in new players. New players gets 500 perks for joining a squad. Squad retains the player who must be active say 40 hours a tour for 3 tours HTC pulls a random name from that squad and gives them a free month of AH. Makes squad work to bring in and attach new players, makes squads work together to keep the new player hopefully training/teaching them a few tricks and all it costs HTC is a single months subscription which is covered by retaining a new player for 3 months.
Nobody KNOWs how some of these ideas would pan out, everyone, even Hitech is only speculating. The only way to know for sure is to try them. Kicking players may piss off some players, tough, dont become so inactive, either play, or log.