You can rest at ease, Moray.
It is still OK in the United States for people to discuss opinions -- even on medicine -- and to recommend that someone consult with his doctor.
It, however, not ambiguous as to whether or not you can give someone advice including medicines and dosages without an M.D. behind your name. I will save you the trouble in looking... you can't. It's malpractice. Even a doctor, when not "on the clock" legally shouldn't, because their malpractice insurance only covers "on the clock" and any advice given absent the professional setting, they would then be personally held responsible for.
Giving an opinion or recommendation is one thing. Dosages and prescription parameters are another. Seriously, I know how you feel about this, but that is patently a liability on yourself. There is plenty of legal advice pursuant to this online. Saying "Hey, ask your doctor what they think about an Ivermectin regime" is advice. Saying "Hey, Ivermectin at .2mg/Kg over xyz days....." is malpractice. It isn't subtle.
Your university review board would not be subtle about their actions, either, were a case brought to them. But, you do you.