My first reaction was not to threaten you it was to state factually why I posted it.
You are correct.
The first reaction was to make an excuse.
The second reaction was to threaten anyone kidding you about the excuse.
Because it's good to be the King I guess.
The adult reaction would have been to just laugh it off and recognized the irony.
Do you deny you would have closed an Arlo thread under similar circumstances?
Only when you tried to insinuate I was lying did I start calling you out.
Do you honestly think I would be shy about calling you a freakking liar if I felt like it?
Have you actually started believing you are a king? It's just a video game forum, dude.
The real mistake wasn't posting the link. The real mistake was letting your ego get the best of you and hiding behind your forum authority.
Is this the plane? It took 1.4 seconds to google.