The accident rate for U.S. General Aviation has actually been trending downwards for quite a few years - at a snails pace grant you.
The Private Pilot license, Instrument rating, the initial CFI, and your first Type Rating are the hardest tickets to get. Each one requires learning something new and unique. Any person that earned any of those tickets, put in countless hours of book time, physical effort, and sweat getting em. In other words I think TNFlyGirl earned it.
Sure, there will always be bad pilots, CFI's, and easy DPE's. To imply they are being pumped out like widgets in a factory making the sky unsafe?? Not in my experience, and the numbers do not suggest that.
If a person earns their CFI, they have more knowledge about the fundamentals than most, regardless if they are good/ bad instructor. The good thing about Aviation, most of these "bad people" attempt to move up, and either get screened out, put in their place, or they get better.
When a person earns their Private Pilot License it use to come with the disclaimer: You just earned your "License to learn".
Although I didn't care for TNFlyGirl putting out videos that say "look at me, look at me". For better or worse, she appeared to be doing things right. She sought out advanced training, she learned to fly different, bigger, and faster airplanes, eventually purchasing one. She took extra instruction and time to learn her plane. She hired CFI's to help her with things she did not understand. Kind of hard to blame a person for tryin to improve their skills and learn more.
Was she a safe pilot? I dont know that. Was she a bad Pilot? I dont know that either. From the videos I watched, she racked up 400+ hours in less than 18 months. Thats on average of 20 hours a month which isnt too bad. She clearly showed enthusiasm to fly, to learn, and be better. She demonstrated a lack of knowledge, and clearly showed inexperience, however, there is a difference between an inexperienced pilot and a bad pilot.
I would prefer an inexperienced Pilot thats willing to learn, over a Pilot that thinks there is no room for improvement, not open to suggestion, critique, or simply think they know all they need to know. A poor attitude that IMHO can make for a bad pilot.