Author Topic: AH Combat Report with Questions  (Read 11456 times)

Offline Simon

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2023, 05:47:51 PM »
flippz and Skyyr thought Specter was Dolby, I was logged on while they were accusing him of being Dolby and during the film posted.

Ah, it makes sense then. Dolby is certainly a card carrying member of the Skyyr's Daddy Club.

It seems crazy to me that this is allowed to carry on unimpeded. Guess I just don't understand how to manage a gaming community.  :headscratch:

Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2023, 07:10:14 PM »
Stating something is a fact, does not make it a fact.

Very true. You have read an eye witness account, and watched a video record of the event. The two are consistent. Of course they may just stem from coincidence. I completely understand that you don't like the implications, I'm sure nobody does, but the questions would seem to flow naturally from the account and the implications flow naturally from any reasonable persons understanding of the laws of probability.

We all have a different sense of how likely or unlikely it is to have happened randomly or under the influence of collaboration. I'm not going to try and persuade you one way or the other. The important thing is asking the questions, challenging assumptions, using your own intellect to draw honest unbiased conclusions. Have at it!!     

That's an unasserted assumption. and your exact location is utter nonsense.

We both know that if you fly 5 sectors and arrive within Icon range of your target at the precise moment he is engaging another bandit so that you are perfectly positioned for a pick that's as good as it gets. I imagine even the best ground controlled intercept would be proud of that result, it doesn't get any better.

Perhaps he was generally p!55ed with you for other activities. Like the ones you're famous for.

The only prior activity was a single kill on flippz while defending a base. I'm also fairly confident that the only place I'm famous is in your head.

I know, but you have done what you're accusing here when it suited you. For years and years.

Nope, absolutely not.

Yes you are. The last time you used this account to troll you got your IP address trapped. You didn't know that did you. Coincident with you 'retiring' as a trainer.

Of course, I read the boards and I have seen you discuss the IP address at some length in another thread, along with multiple posts where you claim I am a large number of other players, with names I've mostly never heard of. You seem to have been making these claims ever since you had a bad experience with someone in the old duelling arena. It sounds like you have the longest case of butt hurt in AH history. Badboy and I are absolutely not the same person, HTC know that, but I'm flattered that you disagree.     

At no point in your film did Skyyr come to you. Was it the only fight on the map?

No I don't think it was the only fight. But even if it was, he still had rooks upping several sectors closer and needed to go 5 sectors around the Rooks to reach the Nights base.

If you check the film at 3:36, within minutes of taking off, flippz points me to a P51 that has Skyyr co-alt, and within Icon range headed directly towards me at high speed. With eleven other Knights in that sector, along with several rooks, it just happens that the only Bish for 5 sectors is barrelling in on me while I am being asked by his squad mate to follow a dead P51 to the deck.

Surely, even with your obvious bias you can't be oblivious to the odds against that being purely coincidental? He could have been lucky though, you make up your own mind. 

Then it happened yet again while I was RTB. The film shows he was also heading directly towards me. Sure, he was lower, but he was close to the perfect field vulching altitude. If he was aware that I was last seen following a P51 to the deck and was now RTB from the south, it may have been a smart altitude. If I had that information I would have positioned myself where Skyyr was and been looking for a lower con on approach to the field. 

Also there were a lot of other Knights and almost as many Rooks in that sector so he would only legitimately have had a massive dar bar and should have known he was flying into a large Rook v Knight furball, at medium altitude as the only Bish. Not something I would do, but Skyyr may have been looking forward to the prospect of a couple of kills on the way through and hoping for a glorious Klingon death. We don't know what he was thinking, but if you consider the balance of probabilities you might have some sense of the kind of odds against Skyyr being in the right place at the right time heading in the right direction to intercept me albeit a bit low, twice in a row? But on the other hand I know you are familiar with the power of paranoia so you make up your own mind.

With your inferrence only as to the motivation, not supported by your film.

In isolation of course not, but he wasn't just some random player changing countries. He changed after I had killed him while I was defending a base and after some heckling from himself and Skyyr. All good fun. But then he checked my six to get my attention. Then he lead me around directing me to various enemy aircraft, the first one just happened to have his Squad mate Skyyr, co-alt, high speed and within icon range perfectly placed to pick. That's what the film shows, you can judge the implications of that for yourself, but I think most reasonable unbiased observers would be tempted to ask questions by that kind of coincidence, particularly in view of similar, more damning reports from other players such as Simon. The more a thing happens, the more difficult it is to write it off as coincidence. But once again, you make up your own mind.   

No owning, as my Muppets friends once taught me is killing on a reversal of fortune. All you did here was use a massive enrgetic advantage and nearly got yourself reserved in the process by an impressive piece of ACM.

I hadn't heard that before. But I have a more relaxed approach as I'm happy to use the term any time the fight has been entirely and heavily one sided. In the MA the reasons for the advantage don't really matter because the whole point of air combat is to gain every possible advantage. If the only reason for a kill was an altitude advantage, that still goes to the credit of the player who has it, They had to get it and use it correctly. I notice Skyyr seems to like engaging from lower altitude, it gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his skill and he's posted videos where he does just that, getting kills by forcing unwary pilots to overshoot and finishing with his excellent gunnery. In this case he appeared to be trying to do exactly that but failed miserably. On the other hand, perhaps he just pooped his pants when he saw me, panicked and ran... you decide. I was on his six from beginning to end. I had several shots and missed some but he didn't even get close to having an opportunity of his own. There was never the slightest risk or threat. I couldn't even describe the engagement as remotely challenging, because it wasn't, the film shows that. So I think "owned" was justified. If you think I nearly got reversed I must have posted the wrong film.

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Gunzo
3. I Owned Skyyr and his shades relentlessly and have countless films to prove it.

Offline hazmatt

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2023, 07:13:00 PM »
Ah, it makes sense then. Dolby is certainly a card carrying member of the Skyyr's Daddy Club.

It seems crazy to me that this is allowed to carry on unimpeded. Guess I just don't understand how to manage a gaming community.  :headscratch:

No doubt! Where are the mods? They will mute people for random stuff but do nothing about this?!

Offline Spikes

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2023, 08:23:46 PM »
Badboy and I are absolutely not the same person, HTC know that,
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Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #34 on: December 12, 2023, 08:53:00 PM »
Wow Spikes

Nice 262 shooting

Great video

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Gunzo
3. I Owned Skyyr and his shades relentlessly and have countless films to prove it.

Offline LCADolby

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #35 on: December 12, 2023, 11:05:46 PM »
flippz and Skyyr thought Specter was Dolby, I was logged on while they were accusing him of being Dolby and during the film posted.

I'm still living rent free in the back of his mind.  :rock
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Offline nrshida

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #36 on: December 13, 2023, 04:15:05 AM »
You have read an eye witness account, and watched a video record of the event. The two are consistent.

No we didn't and no they aren't. We read and saw a spun narrative meant to prey on a community's paranoia to serve your agenda. A carefully crafted and opportunistic: read this first, then watch the film with carefully pre-programmed confirmation bias riding on the back of a broader confirmation bias. I'd advise everyone here to watch the timeline of events and especially the system log themselves. You'll get a totally different chain of events.

I'm not going to try and persuade you one way or the other.

This whole thread and identity which hasn't been used for years was reactivated for nothing more than a persuasion so you can try to get someone banned.

We both know that if you fly 5 sectors and arrive within Icon range of your target at the precise moment he is engaging another bandit so that you are perfectly positioned for a pick that's as good as it gets.

Your film doesn't show that at all. Further I've flown that far just to get a fight when trapped by the side-switch timer. So has Trogdor. and Stig. You just engage autopilot and get a coffee. Crappy situation with low numbers but there it is.

Badboy and I are absolutely not the same person, HTC know that, but I'm flattered that you disagree.     

Yeah you are. You are Badboy, Gunzo, DozyDuck and a couple of dozen other known IDs you've used down through the years to systematically grief people. I don't have the computer expertise to do it myself but I have friends in low places that do. You were fully bagged, Badboy, old chap. Keep squirming it's pathetic and yet fitting for you.
If it's any consolation I know to a certainty of several players who've left the game precisely because of your monkey business. Well done. If HiTech really knew what a piece of work you are and what you've done within his game - using it like your own personal toilet - he'd perm-ban you once and for all on the spot.

"a glorious Klingon death"

DozyDuck used to use exactly the same Klingon references at the furball lake, HOing in a Tempest with a second account "Owned!" He'd say, after a HO, "He died like a Targ" <- had to look that up. Coincidence no doubt, far be it for me to dispute a retired mathematics teacher on a point of probability. Although evidence does tend to have a cumulative effect. When in hole keep digging, eh.

There was never the slightest risk or threat. I couldn't even describe the engagement as remotely challenging

Get real. I may not be an EM-diagram guru but I've been here longer than today. You were clinging on for dear life. I think you got a flukey PW at 11.22 with your over-excited spray-and-pray - looks like a blackout to me at 11:57. You know, the part just after an inferior aircraft at a lower energetic state and positional disadvantage almost drew his nose right onto you. But as you're fond of repeating, everyone can watch the film and decide for themselves. Embarassing I found it.
"If man were meant to fly, he'd have been given an MS Sidewinder"

Offline flippz

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #37 on: December 13, 2023, 07:28:39 AM »
This post is a damage report to try and save his self from earlier that day.  There are a ton of discrepancies in this film, that nrshida has pointed out a few, and there are others.  This post is a direct result of an incident which took place earlier that day that put a bad light on him.  i will not dive into that right now as the films and info was turned over for review.  If i get answers to those incidents i will make the films and info public.

The only other thing i have to add to this post is me/we change countries often looking for the airplane fight.  My squad gets hung on other countries due to side switch timer.  If you dont like us being spread out on other countries you should go and support my post about reducing the time switch for countries.  it will help align us all to the same country a lot quicker.   

Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2023, 09:38:25 AM »
  • No we didn't and no they aren't.
  • spun narrative
  • prey on a community's paranoia
  • serve your agenda
  • carefully crafted and opportunistic
  • confirmation bias
  • totally different chain of events.
  • Your film doesn't show that at all

Well I did say to make up your own mind  :rofl

So I'm guessing you didn't enjoy the film then? 

You are Badboy, Gunzo, DozyDuck and a couple of dozen other known IDs

nrshida, you have been hijacking every thread I post in for over ten years with long lists of player names. Didn't this all begin after a bad experience with someone in the old duelling arena? Seriously, you have been carrying that baggage way too long, get some help!  Let me spell it out... Badboy is 30+ years older than me. The Last time I flew against him I totally owned him! Same way I own Skyyr :rofl

  • You were clinging on for dear life
  • you got a flukey PW
  • over-excited spray-and-pray
  • looks like a blackout
  • inferior aircraft
  • lower energetic state
  • positional disadvantage
  • almost drew his nose right onto you
  • Embarassing

Ok, so the film shows me getting owned by Skyyr...  Got it  :rolleyes:

I think that speaks for itself  :rofl

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Gunzo
3. I Owned Skyyr and his shades relentlessly and have countless films to prove it.

Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2023, 09:50:04 AM »
If you dont like us being spread out on other countries

Hey flippz,

Sorry I got that one kill on you while you were a Bish!

Great winging with you, was a lot of fun!!

Let's do it again soon.

Say Hi to Skyyr for me  :rofl

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Gunzo
3. I Owned Skyyr and his shades relentlessly and have countless films to prove it.

Offline nrshida

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2023, 11:06:14 AM »
nrshida, you have been hijacking every thread I post in for over ten years with long lists of player names.

Stop trolling then. Also...

You are such a bad boy.

Not just me apparently. See what he did there ^

Didn't this all begin after a bad experience with someone in the old duelling arena? Seriously, you have been carrying that baggage way too long, get some help! 

Oh yes indeed, so distressed, traumatised and carrying so much baggage from some idiot tooling around the furball lake in a Tempest every weekend that I was never seen again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   You're a tragedy mate, an absolute freak.

Let me spell it out... Badboy is 30+ years older than me. The Last time I flew against him I totally owned him! Same way I own Skyyr :rofl

As is often the case with multiple personalities.  :rofl

Ok, so the film shows me getting owned by Skyyr...  Got it  :rolleyes:

No what I said was that you were obviously out-flown and barely got the kil due to a lucky PW despite your huge advantage. I'll add you probably knew it too on some level and had to rtb afterwards for clean underwear.
"If man were meant to fly, he'd have been given an MS Sidewinder"

Offline Simon

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2023, 11:28:16 AM »
This type of thing is to be expected. Allowing a known troublemaker back into the game, and unleashing him to behave in the identical manner that caused problems before, will cause people to react in their own way.

Some folks will just quit the game, or decide against resubscribing.

Others will make their concerns know through this forum, like I have done.

I am not surprised to see an uptick of shade accounts, nor if people decide to take this issue into their own hands by doing exactly what is being done to them.

Anyone could have seen this coming, and it's only going to get worse.

Offline nopoop

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2023, 12:14:52 PM »
Being an oldtimer and confident in the size of my tar paper roll, having followed these two threads, one question comes to mind.

It is......

Really ?????

It's ALL about the fight..

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #43 on: December 13, 2023, 12:17:21 PM »
I told you when I first saw the Skyyr thread.  You can polish a turd, but it's still a turd.  This guy and those that congregate around him bring nothing of value to AH. :aok
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Offline Gunzo

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Re: AH Combat Report with Questions
« Reply #44 on: December 13, 2023, 01:42:52 PM »
No what I said was that you were obviously out-flown and barely got the kil due to a lucky PW despite your huge advantage. I'll add you probably knew it too on some level and had to rtb afterwards for clean underwear.

Really, that's all you take away from that video? Oh boy, I flew like a noob then!

But wait, that means Skyyr got totally owned by a noob  :rofl

Thanks nrshida, everyone should have such a helpful stalker  :rofl

Quote from: Changeup
1. Gunzo was world-class
Quote from: PJ_Godzilla
2. What name was Gunzo flying under when he last rolled you over and made you his beeotch?
Quote from: Gunzo
3. I Owned Skyyr and his shades relentlessly and have countless films to prove it.