Author Topic: I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...  (Read 1886 times)

Offline Oldman731

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2002, 02:12:27 PM »
Originally posted by Seeker
I for one had hoped that people would be able to fly Spits in the BoB AT LEAST without suffering the denigrations of the emphaticaly hostile AH culture to Spit drivers.

Heh heh.  Must be the end of an ugly day in Denmark.  Lighten up, Seeker, we were emphatically hostile to Spitdweebs in AW, too.  IN FACT, I think we were MORE hostile.  Learn to fly a real plane, you'll get more respect.

Having said that, Seeker and Lephturn have an excellent point, seems to me.  This isn't a scenario.  Experience teaches us that there will often be only a few fliers in CT at a given time.  The proportion of Hurricanes, Spits or Defiants they're flying really won't matter under most conditions.  OTOH, one of them might want to be Sailor Malan, Douglas Bader, or (shiver) Galland or Moelders.  Why discourage that?

In practice it will no doubt be Spits v. 109s - which, after all, is how most people think of BoB.  So what?  Those of us who are more eccentric will fly the Hurris and Zerstorers.  It will work out just fine.

- oldman

Offline Lephturn

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2002, 02:13:04 PM »
The more limited the plane choices, the smaller the number of participants there will be.  I don't think a "BoB" really has enough plane choices to draw a reasonable number of folks at this point.  We'll see though, it's certainly worth trying for a week once we get the aircraft.  Shame we didn't have some CV bound Wildcats to throw in there or something. :)

Bottom line for me is that a general BoB setup is very limited in plane choices as it is.  Trying to further limit the choices is just silly and will lead to nobody flying there IMO.  The point is NOT to re-create the BoB in the CT, it's to generally get Axis vs. Allied fights around a specific time period IMO.

In fact, I think it would be better to do "1942" or something instead of just a straight BoB.  Throw in ALL the different early war craft we have including PAC stuff, and go to it.  Now THAT sounds like fun... but I want a Wildcat and a P40 for that one. :)

Offline Wotan

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2002, 03:56:33 PM »
for the ct we need to be much more inclusive then say a scenario or tod.

While a bob set up would be fun for  the ct I dont think limiting folks to just hurris will pack umm in so I would be all for no perk planes.

The whole bob thing ingeneral my be to limiting in its appeal.

I mean the lw will whoop up on some hurris :)

we wont have a some fat arse or the okl to fek it up this time :)

Anyway Karnak I dont think I ever specifically said "Karnak your a Spitdweeb"

I have said "spitdweeb" as a generalization just as I say "runstang" but its all in fun :)

Offline Hangtime

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2002, 05:10:32 PM »
LOL! Karnaks a Spit Dweeb! LOL!

Nothing constructive to add here, other than I'm surprised this particular camp was a BoB attempt. Thought it was Allied vs LW thingy.

seeker.. come fly a spit. I promise to not complain.


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Offline Kratzer

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2002, 06:01:31 PM »
If I wanted a perked Emil, I could go play WWIIOL and pound nails through my...

yeah... um...

All the allies will fly spits, we already know this, whether they are perked or not, so there is no point in perking anything, it'll just make for more cryin', which won't be considered cryin', because everyone knows that only guys who fly german planes cry. :rolleyes:

oh, I forgot... boo hoo ;)

Offline Buzzbait

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2002, 06:07:05 PM »
S! Seeker

There is a valid point in arguing for a perked Spit I in a BoB setup.  (by the way, ain`t gonna be NO 109F4`s there ;)  )

The point I want to make is that the tone of your comments is not really conducive to a rational calm discussion.

I think we should all try to make this forum a pleasant one where personal insults are absent.  (humour is ok  ;)  )

Either we are going to limit the fields available for Spit I`s or we are going to very slightly perk them.

There was a 2-1 ratio of Hurri I`s to Spit I`s during BoB.

Offline Karnak

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2002, 02:09:01 AM »
I have thought about this some more and concluded that it would only work if the Spit, Bf109 and Bf110 were all perked.

Freebies would be the Hurri for the RAF and all of the bombers (Ju88 right now) for the Luftwaffe.  The perk system would have to be setup so that the Luftwaffe perk points were a global pool, fighters and bomber drawing out of the same perk point total.

That would push the RAF fliers into Hurris and the Luftwaffe fliers into bombers.

Without that balance perking the Spit would give the RAF too much of a disadvantage.
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Offline Angus

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2002, 06:21:16 AM »
If I recall right, the British had like 19 full squadrons of Spitfires at the outbreak of BoB. And they did a better job at keeping those numbers, than they did at keeping enough pilots.
So, it won't be perked for rarity or historical reasons.
That just leaves game balance, and I can see the point, who would pick a Hurricane, if the Spitfire was available everywhere?
For the same sake, who would pick a 110, if 109 is available everywhere....
Well, maybe it would be the best to limit the accessibility to fewer fields, yeah, I'd vote for that...
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline Dowding

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2002, 12:45:44 PM »

Don't worry about Seeker. He's a serial whinger of the highest order with a perchant for elaborate conspiracy theories.

Oh, and be careful, because you might find yourself being labelled 'masonic' if you continue to disagree with his enlightened opinion. Although not here, he prefers to do it on some obscure, barely read newsgroup.
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Offline Drano

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2002, 01:28:06 PM »
LOL "Learn to fly a real plane, and you'll get more respect." Harsh words from the Oldman(who I never recall seeing flyin a Spit)! Hehehe.

Seriously tho. I don't mind the Spits much. Given the choice between having outrageously easy to fly full realism Spitfires or having some sort of an RR arena I'd take the Spits every time and twice on Sunday. And that's coming from a 109 guy!

The Spit was a dominant/impact player in RL and it obviously is in the flight sim world too. When I started flyin in AW I hung out in an arena where it seemed over 80% of the planes were either a Spit9 or a Ki-84. Know why? Because they were damned good planes that were easy to fly. I came here in March and I find a similar situation where there seems to be a high percentage of folks flyin either Spit9's or NiK2's(I shudder to think of an AH Ki-84). Prolly for similar reasons. Ya can't blame people for that. What with the massive influx of newer players in recent months--we see a lot more of em still. The newer guys kinda have to take one of them first just to survive! News flash--this is hard to do!

Me? I like the challenge of getting kills in a plane that makes me work a bit harder. That's my fun. So I fly the 109. Does that make me some sort of high-minded elitist? Sure hope not! I die way too much to be elite! Maybe it puts me closer to the "eccentric" bunch tho. Do I have less respect for the Spit drivers? Hell no! They pay their money to have fun playing the game same as me. More power to em. Even Seeker--who's spit has a pink tutu. : )


Originally posted by Oldman731

Heh heh.  Must be the end of an ugly day in Denmark.  Lighten up, Seeker, we were emphatically hostile to Spitdweebs in AW, too.  IN FACT, I think we were MORE hostile.  Learn to fly a real plane, you'll get more respect.

Having said that, Seeker and Lephturn have an excellent point, seems to me.  This isn't a scenario.  Experience teaches us that there will often be only a few fliers in CT at a given time.  The proportion of Hurricanes, Spits or Defiants they're flying really won't matter under most conditions.  OTOH, one of them might want to be Sailor Malan, Douglas Bader, or (shiver) Galland or Moelders.  Why discourage that?

In practice it will no doubt be Spits v. 109s - which, after all, is how most people think of BoB.  So what?  Those of us who are more eccentric will fly the Hurris and Zerstorers.  It will work out just fine.

- oldman
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Offline K West

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2002, 03:22:04 PM »
I can't wait to try the ME-110 coming in 1.09  :D


Offline Pollock

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2002, 03:38:43 PM »
I think we will have some kick bellybutton TOD nights when the BOB terrain and planeset is here.

Offline Steven

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2002, 06:53:39 PM »
I just want to chime in and say I see nothing wrong with Karnak polling those who value the CT for what they may want in a BoB set up.  It would be sad if all we saw were Spits and 109s, but with the character of the typical CT player, I think people will take up the 110s and Hurris.  After all, most of us are conscious to have even numbers on both Allied and Axis sides and I think the players will try to make the skies interesting by varying their rides.  

I'll be honest...while reading this thread my 5-yr old son started bawling like a baby because his 7-yr old big sister had two water tatoos on her and he only had one and after reading Seekers' posts I am not really sure I can tell his age apart from my son's.  It appears to me Seeker flies off the handle and makes desparaging remarks against Karnak polling for a consensus and against the CT in well as those who are honest and are sick of Spit after Spit after Spit in the MA.  I do admit that inflection is not available with the written word so what I got from Seekers' posts may be wrong.  

I actually dislike flying Axis aircraft but have done it quite often in the CT to make sure the sides are balanced; this, opposed to some who will only fly one side as well as just one TYPE of aircraft.  I look forward to trying the Hurricane I out as well as hopping to the Axis side and trying the 110 (and JU87 if it's the secret plane to be added.)  I think the planes used will work themselves out without forcing perk costs but I'm also not opposed to perking the Spit two points either.  I sit on the fence on this one.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2002, 07:06:12 PM by Steven »

Offline Oldman731

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2002, 11:31:09 AM »
Originally posted by Steven
I'll be honest...while reading this thread my 5-yr old son started bawling like a baby because his 7-yr old big sister had two water tatoos on her and he only had one and after reading Seekers' posts I am not really sure I can tell his age apart from my son's.

We believe him to be somewhat older than your son.  No one has ventured to visit Denmark to confirm this, however.

All funnin' aside, Seeker was one of AH's biggest proponents in the face of the AW crowd's initial hostility.  We've known him for some years now; if he appears frustrated, it is almost certainly for good reason.

- oldman

Offline Asmodai

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I was thinking of the future BoB setup and...
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2002, 11:55:17 AM »
For what my two cents is worth, I have to agree with what Drano was saying...I'm one of those new players that has only a few days under his belt so far. And after reading around different pages most concur that the Spit9 is one of the easier planes to fly/learn in. So try and remember, its not all dweebs flying them, some people do so that they can learn as well.....

Granted, I'm just a moving target right now, but who knows, someday the roles may be reversed :)

And perked or non-perked Spits for BoB, I'm gonna fly whatever I can get off the ground...afterall, I can die just as easy in one plane as the next...But at least with the Spit, I can turn a few times before getting nailed.
