Author Topic: Absurd features  (Read 2301 times)

Offline Toad

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Absurd features
« Reply #75 on: February 28, 2002, 04:52:03 PM »
The scales have fallen from my eyes! I see it all so clearly now!

Shame on me for actually thinking that HTC had dedicated their lives to creating a game that I might enjoy playing for just 50 cents a day. I was SO wrong!

What is WRONG with me? How can anyone have fun when runaway spawn points lead to unclimbable hills? This game is ruined for me now... I'm formatting the hard drive.

For so long I had believed that HTC had dedicated themselves to creating a great game simply for folks to enjoy. I was actually enjoying the game and having fun for the past few years.

What a putz I was!

Now I see that those bastiges need to be constantly chivied, harangued, b*tched at and nagged into action to get the game to progress! The more whiney and two-year-oldish we can become towards them, the faster they will be whipped into line.

What's worse is I fell in with BAD company.. I'm in a entire SQUAD of guys who were just as badly fooled. We were ALL having fun! The shame!

We've got to snap out of it! I see now that HTC needs a daily dose of humility. It's up to us to point out the major flaws in this game, like the incorrect number of rivets on the P-51 aileron trim tab artwork!

The glass is half empty!

The GLASS is half EMPTY!



"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Edmund Burke

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to destroy compared with how hard it is to build?

How much simpler it is to tear down a building than it is to put one up?

How easy it is to criticize an ACM game compared to how difficult it is to program one that works?

I have no problems with folks that can point out a problem, suggest a solution... and give HTC some time to act on it as they continue to build the game. Knowing of course that some things are truly MINOR and can wait while adding features is MAJOR and brings us ever closer to an all encompassing WW2 game.

I DO have problems with folks that are simply "nattering nabobs of negativism", that NEVER have anything positive to say and find it a DAILY obligation to post MINOR complaints.

I'm going to speak up too. I don't think sitting in mute silence while folks continually snipe at my favorite online game is beneficial to the game and it presents an unbalanced view to the casual observer of this BBS.

As I said upthread.. when HT and Pyro finally look at one another and say "There is just NO pleasing these guys. Nothing we do can ever make them happy. Screw it." ...we're all going to be hosed.

Because we did nothing.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2002, 04:54:14 PM by Toad »
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline hitech

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« Reply #76 on: February 28, 2002, 04:55:40 PM »

Do you wish there was less whining on channel 1 and here?

If you wish there was less of it, what  would you suggest be done? (Nothing is an eceptible answer)


Offline Urchin

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« Reply #77 on: February 28, 2002, 05:14:30 PM »
Originally posted by Rude

You're really wasn't like walking thru a field of daisies and stepping in a pile of horseshite. It was more like having the same horseshite talk to you, all the while, knowing that horseshite is not supposed to be able to talk, but yet everytime I walk thru this field of daisies, theres the same old horseshite trying to make a point.

Weird isn't it?

Haaahhaaaaa... Oh man Rude.  That was like the funniest thing I've read in weeks.  THAT is why I read these damn posts!

By the way, I've given up on whining.  If I've got a problem I'll bring it up to HT if I see him in blue in game and accept his answer for what it is.  Hell, most of the stuff that bugs me has to be on the list to be fixed eventually anyway.  Everyone needs to lighten up... EVERYONE.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #78 on: February 28, 2002, 05:34:00 PM »
HT i think it would be better to ignore as in squelch and the ignore feature and to send the extreme examples of verbal abuse to you to deal with as you see fit.

Do you think tellin a whiner what a whiner he is is better?

I mean theres like 10 mandoble threads over the last month or so critical of just about everything AH. I dont feel the need to argue with him about it.

You dont have the desire to respond to every petty complaint.......

You gotta know theres plenty of folks satisfied and happy with your product or how else do you explain its apparent success?

Now if something is impacting the success of AH I would expect you to drop the hammer as you see fit.

But when folks see a whiney thread how is whining bac helping. I dont believe it has caused 1 guy to quit whining or quit ah (maybe deezcamp I dunno).

Shoot I like ah as it is thats why i subcribe and I dont like reading bs so you know what I try not to...........

Folks here agree to a tos if you fell they violate it or has some other cause then do what you have to thats your buisness but again telling mandoble hes a whiner or to shut up hasn't made for a more civil bbs or main..........

Thats funny rude but not the point you purposely point your mouse and click on a thread with a title and by a guy you already view as a whiner.

It would be like searching the field of daisies for that pile of horseshite and walking up and screaming at the top of your lungs how much it smells and instead of moving around and up wind continue repeat the same thing  over and over.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2002, 05:41:34 PM by Wotan »

Offline Hooligan

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« Reply #79 on: February 28, 2002, 05:36:31 PM »

Have you considered trying the following:

Unperk the C-Hog.

The pathological whiners will go berserk over this and then you can say:

“Well we perked the C-Hog to make you happy, but you aren’t happy so we unperked it and are considering other remedies for your chronic dissatisfaction.  We’ve asked Lazs to develop an action plan to satisfy you and he promised to get right on it.”

You may not be able to get rid of the whining but I can guarantee that you can control the topic of the whining.  Think of the amusement value.

See ya in August you meanie.


Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #80 on: February 28, 2002, 05:50:52 PM »
Ignoring topics that you disagree with is a mistake in my opinion. Even if you just register it as a whine (and thus become a whine whiner) you are still regiistering disagreement with the original sentiment. This ensures that both sides are represented. If not for dissention, (and in this case direct participation) the desires of the comunity can not be judged with any certainty. But anyone who was paying attention would have noticed that Edmund Burke said it best (via Toad, Thanks for the Quote).
You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #81 on: February 28, 2002, 06:15:44 PM »
so mandoble is evil and toad and rude and the others are good men attempting to triumph over such statements as

"gvs that explode when they bump a tree"


Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #82 on: February 28, 2002, 06:54:41 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan
so mandoble is evil and toad and rude and the others are good men attempting to triumph over such statements as

"gvs that explode when they bump a tree"


Who are you talking about Wotan? Did I call Mandoble evil? You can speak all you want, but you're speaking for yourself. Don't put words into my mouth, and try reading  more and reading into  less. :rolleyes:
Let me recap in case you're too lazy to read over what I've posted.
1. I think Mandoble is going about this the wrong way if he wants these things fixed.

2. Ignoring posts because you disagree  with them is bad.

There you have it.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #83 on: February 28, 2002, 06:56:36 PM »
Wotan: This game realy consist of 2 things.

1. Is the code/art/gameplay side of AH.

2. The other is the people/community.

There can be problems and bugs in both, and just like we strive to make the code and art the best, we also strive to make the community the best.

It's fine and dandy to say, just squelch some one.

Btw I agree, just calling some one a whiner is also not a solution.

But if you look at that from a community stand point, it realy is just sticking your head in the sand to the problem. i.e. let someone else deal with it. This attitude fosters and breeds it's self, and sudenly doing anything you wan't is "accepatble" on line and on this bbs.

This is why we have never implemented a perminate squelch list, if some one is so problematic that lots of people want to put them on a perminate squelch list, well quite frankly that person should not be here. At the moment Im asking YOU if you have any ideas how to lower the problem, and also if you think it IS a problem.

Then there is also my personal factor, don't for a moment think we don't get totaly sick of "Stupid complaints" like mandables in this thread.

The spawn point thing is not even true.
And CV's are suppose to be searched for.

It gets to a point that we can't even keep up with false truths like b17 50 cal leathlity, one persone whines. Next people take it as fact that buff guns are more leathal then others. Ive told one indivdual mutliple times about it, and he still persist in spreading the same false hoods via whinnes.

Had mandable said the same items in a different way it would be a simple proccesses to deal with, when stated like "Absurd features" he is not asking us to change anything, he is not  asking for information all he is doing and has a disire (at least aperntly ) is to throw mud.
He couldn't even state it as absurde features Id like to see changed.

SMUT once said "it's like a death of a 1000 pin salamanders" and he was right.

Now im not the slitest bit upset at the moment. After 7 years of this stuff you do develope a thick skin, but every once in a while the community needs a swift kick in the behind to make them aware of a problem, and we are rapidly reaching that point.

Offline Toad

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« Reply #84 on: February 28, 2002, 07:01:35 PM »
Yeah, that's it exactly Wotan.  :rolleyes:

You think daily nitpicking is good for the game, inspiring to the HTC folks and ultimately beneficial to the players?

As opposed to realizing that this is a work in progress, that they do keep a prioritized list of things they want to work on, that there are some things that are important, some things that need work "when and if you get to them" and some things that absolutely aren't important/make no difference..... and lastly that near daily complaints about relatively minor game quirks can be detrimental to the future of the game?

Seems to me that HT's presence in this thread and what he's said might tell one more than the actual words.. if one was listening.

They're human too. NOBODY likes continual nit-picking of their work. Eventually, everyone gets "fed up".  And that's what 95% of this stuff is... nit-picking.

Obviously, you don't like "whines about whines". Feel free to follow your own advice. :)  Because I'm not going to remain silent when I read this badgering BS.


Didn't see yours HT.

You said it better than I, so I'm out. (But I'm not shutting off my "whine-ometer". The nattering nabobs of negativism seemed to have disabled the off switch.)

Thanks again for a great game... minor faults notwithstanding.  ;)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2002, 07:06:28 PM by Toad »
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #85 on: February 28, 2002, 07:43:02 PM »
cant threads be deleted and locked?

I dont see how arguing with the rams mandobles and the others does anything to help the  AH community. Thats my only point. If you say it does then how?

What in this thread will stop the next one.

I dont run ah so I am not in a position to to deal with this type of stuff. I know that me and others just avoid these threads. Are you saying ah is better off because folks branded mandoble with the scarlet W?

Are folks any more pleseant in the main after "rudes whine of the week".

Is there a bbs moderator? One way would be to limit where these threads are posted keep them in the aircraft and vehicles or the feedback forums.

Hell get rid of the bbs with the exception of special announcements I dont care. I dont know how you can stop someone from posting out of there arse? But theres plenty of them 'round.

Run your buisness how you want but relying on public redicule to stop whiners wont work.

I am not saying not to disprove the inaccurracies of his points but most that posted here didnt attempt that. They went after him. IMHO its better to ignore them then gettin in a pissing match over everything else but the points of his post.

Like I said I enjoy ah and am eagerly awaiting 1.09 but like you none of us can shut the malcontents up.

Now simply wrong or in accurrate tech information is different then your typical whine because most dont know or care and I would expect those threads to be clarified by those who know (not necessarily htc).

Make rude a moderator he cant wait to lock delete and boot.......

You think daily nitpicking is good for the game, inspiring to the HTC folks and ultimately beneficial to the players?

no where did I imply that?

do you think arguing with a nitpickers is? You know the topic of the post, you know who posted, you have an idea about the content of his previous posts, yet you find it necessary to call him a whiner as if that will stop him next time.

I dunna what to tell you if you enjoy banging your head over the same nonsense then enjoy it  but dont tell me what your doing is good fer ah.

A new guy could just as easy assume that the bbs is openly hostile to criticism as they could "oh he is a malcontent".

When I 1st came to AH I didn't post much because most of what I read were threads like this.

limit folks to 10 posts a month that may help .........

Sorry Rip :)


  • Parolee
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« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2002, 08:05:19 PM »
Wow, I've been out of this thread for too long.

In spanish, absurd = nonsense. I've stated that this thread was related to little things with few sense, not just a major critic against modeling, etc. Just a list of minor issues probably easy to fix. I suppose that this is more than enough to understand that I would like these things to be fixed.

As far as I've read, it seems the major problem is just with the topic world "absurd", well, my english vocabulary has only another similar world: nonsense. IMO, the content of my message was absolutely polite without any kind of offense.

If GVs keep spawning in different points, these points are close enough to be well into gun range of a enemy that has got a good firing possition. That is, the spawners has little chance of deffense.

About the CV being there to look for it, I agree, but not when somebody places the CV just almost into one of your bases.

In any case, these are my oppinions, wrong or right and I see no offense at all in them. Any new player comming here and reading this post would not get a negative impression about AH. But if he keeps reading, he will find a court martial against the first poster done in public. And done by the same people that court martialed every one that they considered that was wrong. IMO, these are really the offending posts, not the first one. These posts are those that create a poluted ambient in the community. Posts that critize some game feature are harmless, posts that critize someone are absolutely harming ones.

Add alsto to the offending pool those that simply cant understand what they read like Fatty stating that my post is that "aces high is 100% nonsense", and then taking conclussions, etc, etc.

Every week there are a bunch of posts insulting, calling names, etc to other players, but no one seems to see anything wrong into this.

Enough whine for today, EvilDoble out.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #87 on: February 28, 2002, 08:05:20 PM »
The spawn point thing is not even true.
And CV's are suppose to be searched for.

It gets to a point that we can't even keep up with false truths like b17 50 cal leathlity, one persone whines. Next people take it as fact that buff guns are more leathal then others. Ive told one indivdual mutliple times about it, and he still persist in spreading the same false hoods via whinnes.

Well heres  where the knowledge of the community should be helping you. But rarely do you see it. I had whined about the collision model on the bbs and got plenty of get losts and shudda ups. A guy ingame explained the whole fe thing. I then searched the bbs and found posts by you and others that answered everything I hadf whined about.  

Had mandable said the same items in a different way it would be a simple proccesses to deal with, when stated like "Absurd features" he is not asking us to change anything, he is not asking for information all he is doing and has a disire (at least aperntly ) is to throw mud.
He couldn't even state it as absurde features Id like to see changed.

I agree but is it better to argue with some one with such an agenda?

SMUT once said "it's like a death of a 1000 pin salamanders" and he was right.

Now im not the slitest bit upset at the moment. After 7 years of this stuff you do develope a thick skin, but every once in a while the community needs a swift kick in the behind to make them aware of a problem, and we are rapidly reaching that point.

I dunno man its easy for me to say if I ruled the world this this and this would happen. Aggitators need to be kept in check but it seems to me they like the attention more then anything.

I had a squaddie nic at the time Sturm6

I believe his 1 st post on the bbs went something like "HTC PYRO WTF did you do to the fw190d9"

He loves that plane now. We can have an effect on the folks we are friends with. I can say hey sturm6 man you went off the deep
end there. But they realize it most of the time.

Force threads into the appropriate forum. Set guidelines as to how those tech and gameplay threads are to be made and make it clear any thread that doesn't follow those guidelines it  is deleted.

Any personal attack should be locked and the dude who did it warned. if they do it again ban umm.

Expand ingame moderators to trusted guys in the community. If they offer evidence of extreme aggitation then warn, then ban the guy. 2 strikes your out.

Make an official announcement  or better yet an email restating the the tos.

Now I dont see it as that great a problem as the others squelch ignore works for me.

Anyway I finished

Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #88 on: February 28, 2002, 08:11:03 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan
cant threads be deleted and locked?

I dont see how arguing with the rams mandobles and the others does anything to help the  AH community. Thats my only point. If you say it does then how?

originally posted by Sikboy
This ensures that both sides are represented. If not for dissention, (and in this case direct participation) the desires of the comunity can not be judged with any certainty

If complaint threads are ignored by those who don't agree with them, then it might give the impression that certain probems are of a greater concern to the general public than they really are. I think that more accurate representation of public opinion is pretty helpfull to the AH community

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline FLS

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« Reply #89 on: February 28, 2002, 10:15:38 PM »

I'm glad I don't have to post in Spanish. I realize that posting in another language can create misunderstandings. In the future, instead of taking your posts literally, I'll assume you intend to be polite and reasonable.
