Author Topic: Second time I log off really DISGUSTED :(  (Read 1538 times)

Offline ET

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Second time I log off really DISGUSTED :(
« Reply #60 on: September 18, 2001, 09:57:00 AM »
Lazs1,I stand corrected on your handle having finally in my slow way figured it out.However I can not understand what puts you so much above others in this game that you have the right to call them any name that comes to mind.Your last post reflects some more of the same.If the buffs are overmodelled then I'm sure something will be done about it in time.If they need to stay the way they are for game play,then they will stay that way.I enjoy flying them so I guess I am a "an attention starved,no talent buff dweeb lameo".Why don't you spend more time in the CA arena which is more suited to furballs then the MA.The MA arena is set up to capture bases and eventually have one country win and reset the map.You say buffs spoil your fun but your fun is not every one else's fun.Try upping a buff when there is 170-180 guys in the arena and try to get to the target,bomb it and then rtb.Try shooting down an F4U,P51 or 190 which take 30-50 hits
and keep boring in to kill you.Are they overmodelled ? Probably,but thats the way the game is set up.Does flying these planes entitle them to be called any name that comes to mind ? No,it doesn't.

Offline EDO43

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Second time I log off really DISGUSTED :(
« Reply #61 on: September 18, 2001, 10:15:00 AM »

Crew were required to wear oxygen masks over 10,000 ft or they would've succombed to hypoxia and death.  At altitude, taking a glove off for any length of time resulted in frostbite and possible loss of the finger/hand.  In the B17G's the waist guns are enclosed so not much of a windblast entered into the airplane.  On earlier models, the waists and radio room were open when the guns were deployed.

The B17 had portable oxygen bottles as well, allowing the crew to be mobile if needed.
Mawey -a-  tsmukan

Offline lazs1

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Second time I log off really DISGUSTED :(
« Reply #62 on: September 18, 2001, 10:46:00 AM »
ET..  the arena is set up to have a goal of capturing bases I suppose.  I have no beef with that.   I have a beef with one player being able to cause so much damage for so little skill and effort (I make the distinction between "effort" and time consumption ).   Also.. I did not start namecalling with the first names that crossed my mind.   I gave some thought to the names I was callingt so that they would reflect the buffers as accurately as possible.

Look... Fighters don't want to be "forced" to play as boring a game as the buffers seem to enjoy... we don't want to "cap" at 30K just in case some attention starved buffer wants to take out the fuel, radar or fighter hangers...  Why don't we want to play the buffers game?   Well...

It's NO FUN... Get it?   It's no fun top cap and it's no fun to fight buffs even if you find one and the reward is simply.... You kill some buffer that was on a suicide mission anyway and will just do the same thing 20 minutes or so later anyway.  Mostly tho... you fall victim to the unrealistic slaved buff guns.   Most are so pissed that they won't even attack buffs under any circumstances.  If I put 50 or 100 rounds in a buff fusalage there shouldn't be one gunner (or crew member for that matter) left alive to return fire.   Mostly.... I see wingless 17's that i have swisscheesed firing from every position all the way to the ground.   I see buffs firing THROUGH their own fusalage to get me...   I see lone 17's come in over a furball and do nothing but drop the fighter hangers...   I don't think anyone on either side appreciates this particular brand of "strat".   Who does killing the "dar" help?????   It's hard enough to find a fite with dar.   I don't want the enemy to not have dar because then they don't come out to join the fite or.... they just log off.

To be honest... the way the game is set up right now... there is no place for buffs.   Anything they do can be more fairly done with fighter/bombers in the CURRENT game.  

Offline Pepe

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Second time I log off really DISGUSTED :(
« Reply #63 on: September 18, 2001, 10:56:00 AM »
Thks EDO   :)


Offline Awake

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Second time I log off really DISGUSTED :(
« Reply #64 on: September 18, 2001, 02:12:00 PM »
And I guess its ok for the fighter jocks to vulch over bases when your having your "furball" fun? If all you want to do is dogfight fighters then I guess this arena is not for you!!! Find or start one where that's all you do....AW has one(no bombers allowed)and your right that all the guns should not fire at once but seems to me fighters can fire mg and cn at the same time....thats not fair play.....or lets just take out all guns on all planes and just try to ram each other!!!!but then I guess complaints of speed and turn rates would become an issue.....and we would be right back here again...once again kiddies...Its Just A GAME!!!!!!!  :rolleyes:

Offline Sunchaser

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Second time I log off really DISGUSTED :(
« Reply #65 on: September 18, 2001, 04:59:00 PM »
Actually it might be worth removing bombers from AH....just to shut lazs up.

Lazs, your crusade against bombers is really getting boring and you need to find some different adjectives to apply to bomber pilots to rekindle interest in your rantings.

Offline lazs1

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Second time I log off really DISGUSTED :(
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2001, 10:44:00 AM »
sunchaser..  I would rather you did it because you know I am right and are ashamed of flying buffs but will settle for... "just to shut lazs up".

awake... I believe that your post is one of the first that was directed at me that I ever felt was not worth responding in detail to.   Not mean or sarcatic enough to be fun and too dimwitted to bother to correct.    the anger was ok but ya gotta work on content.