As far as I know concerning the Victories, no. I don't mind them and rarely pay attention.
As for the Lanc. Good choice, a squeak to fly. Make sure your throttle is at 0, Use a little flaps, hold down C & V (brakes), 100% throttle, wait until it screams (full power), release brakes and TO. This takes a we bit of practice, but not much.
The bombing of targets is another hornet's nest. It is the trickiest part about being in a bomber. The best tip I can offer you is this and I find it works beautifully. Say you are bombing a CV. For EVERY 10,000ft. Lead the CV, 1 CV length. You will hit it everytime, if done properly. This takes a toejamload of practice but really helps.
I may go to the TA, today around 4PM EST. I live in Michigan. What is your GameID, I'll look for you and try and walk you through some toejam.