Author Topic: Final Tribute To Air Warrior.  (Read 8175 times)

Offline Staga

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Final Tribute To Air Warrior.
« Reply #195 on: November 08, 2001, 09:20:00 PM »
hmm kinda like shooting ducks in a pond, Welcome to the big league anyway  :D

Offline Aub

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« Reply #196 on: November 08, 2001, 09:24:00 PM »



Offline Arlo

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« Reply #197 on: November 08, 2001, 09:38:00 PM »
It's mixed metaphore night here at Wrigley Field.

Offline Staga

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« Reply #198 on: November 08, 2001, 09:43:00 PM »
Hmm this doesn't make any sense but guess thats why it fits to this thread.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #199 on: November 08, 2001, 10:03:00 PM »
Staga's at bat. Here's the pitch! Staga hits himself in the head with the bat! What's this? He's demanding to take the base! Oh these Finnish Baseball League rules!  ;)

Offline Blue Mako

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« Reply #200 on: November 08, 2001, 10:13:00 PM »
Arlo, all the action was over about 100 posts ago, pity ya missed it...  Everybody's gone home now...

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #201 on: November 08, 2001, 10:16:00 PM »
Everyone but you and me, eh, kid? Damn the bars close early over here.  ;)

Offline Toad

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« Reply #202 on: November 08, 2001, 11:05:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ratbo:
Toad, I'm not gonna flame you, but there is prolly *nothing* more relevant to AH *at the moment* than the death of AW.

Not going to flame me? Should I be flamed for posting without resorting to ad hominem attacks or playing the " obscene name game"?

Or shouid I be flamed simply because I disagree with your premise?

In any event, I'll not be forgetting this great kindness you do me sorr! Yer 'umble servant, sorr!

Originally posted by Ratbo:
The money, community, and talent, about to decend on AH is extraordinary.

As has been pointed out, many of us were part of that commnunity for quite some time. So, we're mostly aware of who's coming over; I recognize a lot of the names in this thread. However, it's pretty obvious we all left for some reason as well. There's quite a bit of money, community and talent already in place here; this game is and has been quite successful from the beginning.

While your group may understandably be proud of what your are bringing to AH, please accept that some AH folks may be understandably proud of what HTC and this community has built here in just two short years.

Originally posted by Ratbo:
Passes out clue: The "hidden meaning" in that post is that AW died for specific reasons and *none* of those reasons are present here in HTC land.

Sorry, what I see in that post is BB's "Farewll Address To The Faithful."
Not quite as stirring as MacArthur's "Old Soldier" speech at West Point but not too bad. Nonetheless, it's rightfully an O-Club thing.

It was already on the BigWeek board right? So all those who would truly be interested and were involved probably saw it already?

Originally posted by Ratbo:
...But *this week* AW *is* the big news at AH. Capish? -W

Speaking only for myself, I think you flatter yourself/yourselves a bit too much, actually. I'm quite sure that the infusion of more players is a good thing for AH and the game and community will benefit eventually. I say "eventually" because from what I'm seeing at present there is no attempt to blend the communities. The one that is already here is comfortable; the one coming in seems to want to suddenly transplant itself with the same status it had a different game. Bound to be friction, as we've seen. I'm sure it'll work out.

Oh, yeah... generally speaking, anytime I see someone get a BBS "opponent" to resort to "ad hominem" arguments, I figure that's an instant loss for the guy using the "ad hominem" approach. Same for the "obscene name game" technique; vulgarity is always the first response of the unimaginative, don't you agree?

In any event, this thread is long enough, so I'm out. Bottom line... it's an O-Club topic.

Have a nice thread! Enjoy AH!    :D
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Grizzly

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« Reply #203 on: November 09, 2001, 12:17:00 AM »
Hiyas DoK... great to hear from you  =o)

It was the same in AW, many there who knew not of whence came their game of choice, not that they didn't care, but they hadn't really thought about it. And how can they be expected to know that something grand lies beneath the surface in a world where uncaring factories stamp out cold, heartless games for the brain dead masses.

Those days or yore would be forgotten without a tear at its passing if it were left to the uninitiated. So few know about the glory and the shame, the hate and the love that so binds the most bitter of enemies, and closest friends (both being inclusive). The tears of sorrow and laughter, the doings of the evil ones, the arping of the seals, the mbahahaha-ing of the sheep, the passing of the dweebs, and the origin of it all. The grand stories that go unread and the great story tellers that have been silent too long. And all that passed with an honor that few can properly describe, Blue Baron being one to capture it best.

All of these things must be retold to all who would listen, for few here realise that it is this more than all else that set us apart from Fighter Ace. It is our heritage.

Originally posted by DoKtor GonZo:
Without AW ... and those people who supported it, worked on it, worked for it, and played it in the Dark Days of GEnie .. there would be no WB or AH. Nor a bunch of other games that the AW experience inspired.

You don't need to personally know Adolf Galland to respect what he did. You don't need to personally know BB or GE to respect what they contributed to this gaming genre.

It's a shame AW is gone, but it was inevitable. All things considered.


Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #204 on: November 09, 2001, 12:25:00 AM »
It really sucks to target the wrong enema.




Originally posted by Staga:

Heya again kids.
Now excuse me but where did I talk about sex ?

You boys have nasty mouths and dirty thoughts. I hope you burn in hell.

Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #205 on: November 09, 2001, 12:29:00 AM »
See above....

<all S dweebs look alike to me? >

I'll get you my pretty... and your little dog too....!!!!


Originally posted by SWulfe:

I sure hope you don't mean me. I really really hope you don't mean me.

Why? Because if you could read at an 8th grade level- you would clearly see it was Staga who posted about his sex life.

Illiteracy rate just keeps going up and up with you fellas.

Offline Otter

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« Reply #206 on: November 09, 2001, 01:25:00 AM »
Originally posted by Toad:

Oh, yeah... generally speaking, anytime I see someone get a BBS "opponent" to resort to "ad hominem" arguments, I figure that's an instant loss for the guy using the "ad hominem" approach. Same for the "obscene name game" technique; vulgarity is always the first response of the unimaginative, don't you agree?

In any event, this thread is long enough, so I'm out. Bottom line... it's an O-Club topic.

Have a nice thread! Enjoy AH!     :D

roadkill you frog wannabe. 3,000+ posts make you the one who decides what goes where on an unmoderated board?

Offline straffo

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« Reply #207 on: November 09, 2001, 02:26:00 AM »
Originally posted by straffo:

So true   :)

For SW and DJV.

Don't take it personnal I've almost allways enjoyed your twin incarnation ,even if it's to put my nose in my "censored"  ;)

My intent was not to make a personal attack.

Offline Brat

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« Reply #208 on: November 09, 2001, 02:35:00 AM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:

Your analogies astound me. I'm absolutely amazed that you could think of something so intelligent, considering your reading ability is sub-kindergartner.


Listen avacado, if you can ever get your head out of your bellybutton so that the odor you are constantly smelling isn't your own toejam-
then maybe,


just maybe you could buy yourself a clue and realise whatever community you had in Air Warrior doesn't transfer immediately to the new game you are playing.

Actually...I've chosen not to play this game...As much as I like HiTech and the rest of the crew here...I just can't stomache having to deal with cocky little teenagers like you all night...talking up a storm about how they layed this hot blonde when they impressed her with their flightsim prowess.

Nor does your online personality or whatever UBB prowess you have adopted over there. Here, half of us don't know who the hell you are- and when you realise that Aces High is made up of people from several different games then perhaps it'll sink in that to me, and many others here playing this game, you are nobody!!
[ 11-08-2001: Message edited by: SWulfe ]

My "online personality" was here before you were...I was there and flying in the beta. I was posting on this board and in the arenas before you were here. That clear enough for ya? This isn't my "online personality" from AW for being a nobody...I can see the hundreds of hands raising in their approval. Yes...I see the millions standing behind the one man that took a stand against the evil AW empire. Put a cork in it're speech is making we lose my lunch.

Gotta love a dumbshit who spends so much time telling me how unintelligent I am but fails to spell the word realize correctly...not once...but twice. Almost as entertaining as your potty flames.

Listen up halfwit..just because someone wasn't in the game when YOU were here...doesn't mean they weren't here before ignorant pathetic pimplepopping excuse for the day after pill.

I've seen better flames arise from the bowels of a bowl of ice cream. Get some new material instead of the 10 yearold outdated comebacks you're tripping over like a streptoccocus mule with an ingrown tail. original...four letters and it ends with "at" learn that on the playground today with Johnny? I see you've actually managed to put together 3 letters of the F word...what's wrong..couldn't remember that fourth letter?

You whiney sniveling little pleeb...posturing yourself on this board like you're some king toejam flame artist because a couple of potato heads think saying "poo poo head" is considered some type of defamation of character. Listen twizzler dick...everything you say to me...I've heard a hundred times...several years someone more intelligent...more dramatic...and with a hell of a lot more style than you.

I've been forced to deal with pychotics in NG's that would make you blow bubbles out of your mouth like a teething 2 yearold. You don't phase me because you can punctuate a sentence with a four letter word...because all you're doing is copying what I did 4 years ago.

Read the signature retard...maybe you'll figure it out someday...maybe has more than four letters.


How many times do you have to edit your post to correct all your grammar mistakes to keep from looking like a complete ass? You missed a couple...handsomehunk.

Offline Seeker

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« Reply #209 on: November 09, 2001, 02:45:00 AM »
"Actually...I've chosen not to play this game...As much as I like HiTech and the rest of the crew here..."

Place on the Squad waiting for ya.

Oh, in case I forget....
