Author Topic: Final Tribute To Air Warrior.  (Read 8174 times)

Offline Tumor

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Final Tribute To Air Warrior.
« Reply #210 on: November 09, 2001, 05:46:00 AM »
Originally posted by Brat:

My "online personality" was here before you were...I was there and flying in the beta. I was posting on this board and in the arenas before you were here. That clear enough for ya? This isn't my "online personality" from AW for being a nobody...I can see the hundreds of hands raising in their approval. Yes...I see the millions standing behind the one man that took a stand against the evil AW empire. Put a cork in it're speech is making we lose my lunch.

Gotta love a dumbshit who spends so much time telling me how unintelligent I am but fails to spell the word realize correctly...not once...but twice. Almost as entertaining as your potty flames.

Listen up halfwit..just because someone wasn't in the game when YOU were here...doesn't mean they weren't here before ignorant pathetic pimplepopping excuse for the day after pill.

I've seen better flames arise from the bowels of a bowl of ice cream. Get some new material instead of the 10 yearold outdated comebacks you're tripping over like a streptoccocus mule with an ingrown tail. original...four letters and it ends with "at" learn that on the playground today with Johnny? I see you've actually managed to put together 3 letters of the F word...what's wrong..couldn't remember that fourth letter?

You whiney sniveling little pleeb...posturing yourself on this board like you're some king toejam flame artist because a couple of potato heads think saying "poo poo head" is considered some type of defamation of character. Listen twizzler dick...everything you say to me...I've heard a hundred times...several years someone more intelligent...more dramatic...and with a hell of a lot more style than you.

I've been forced to deal with pychotics in NG's that would make you blow bubbles out of your mouth like a teething 2 yearold. You don't phase me because you can punctuate a sentence with a four letter word...because all you're doing is copying what I did 4 years ago.

Read the signature retard...maybe you'll figure it out someday...maybe has more than four letters.


How many times do you have to edit your post to correct all your grammar mistakes to keep from looking like a complete ass? You missed a couple...handsomehunk.

  :confused:  uhhhm...pSychotic    

Tumor <ducks and runs like mad>  :D
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline moose

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« Reply #211 on: November 09, 2001, 07:16:00 AM »

200+ replies already?

you're just boosting rotors ego

Offline Chaos68

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« Reply #212 on: November 09, 2001, 07:25:00 AM »

call me lazy but i didnt even read the post.  so if someone can reply a sum of all these post im sure i wont read it.

Offline Ratbo

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« Reply #213 on: November 09, 2001, 08:34:00 AM »
C'mon Brat... there are weenies EVERYWHERE. And overall I've found the weenie ratio here to be VERY tolerable. (Ya gotta remember that weenies are inherantly more VOCAL)

Had I not started this thread - I wouldda punched out of it LONG ago, as it wasn't *supposed* to be a troll for 200+ or something.


Originally posted by Brat:

Actually...I've chosen not to play this game...As much as I like HiTech and the rest of the crew here...I just can't stomache having to deal with cocky little teenagers like you all night...talking up a storm about how they layed this hot blonde when they impressed her with their flightsim prowess

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #214 on: November 09, 2001, 09:00:00 AM »
I would take my time to reply to you Brat, but that was the most incoherrant jibberish with unfounded assumptions that it would make an English professor go "hmmmm..."

When you learn more words and can get past calling people who aren't teenagers, teens and pimple popping whatevers- then perhaps you'll get treated like a man.

Until then, you are simply a sad pathetic excuse for a personality.

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #215 on: November 09, 2001, 09:02:00 AM »
Originally posted by Ratbo:
(Ya gotta remember that weenies are inherantly more VOCAL)

Yup, and notice how vocal you AW weenies are in this thread?

That includes you.

Offline CptTrips

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« Reply #216 on: November 09, 2001, 10:48:00 AM »
Jesus Christ on a pogo stick!

Look, I'm glad to see the AW crowd here.  I hope more are on the way.  Its going to take some adjustment and time but it'll all work out.

I DO think GB should take that big corncob out of his bellybutton though and lighten up a bit. And while I have a great respect for BB and the contributions he's made, I find the borderline pagan idol worship a little...creepy.

And Wulfie my friend, I think you got jumped on in this thread unfairly, but now you've let them push your buttons and you're saying stuff just to score hits.

I know you don't feel the same reverence for the history of AW as others do but bud, you're just as bad about Fighter Duel. You know how many times I've had to sit and listen to you and Feen drone on about how Fighter Duel was the greatest game ever made, about how you guys got your start and learned to fly in Fighter Duel etc..etc..   :) Hey, thats kewl.  Everybody is going to feel that way about the MP sim that started them on this long, strange trip we're all on.  For you and Feen and others it was Fighter Duel.  For me and a whole toejam LOAD of others it was AW.

I was one of the little dweebs that got pulled in with the boxed svga version with the $50.00 coupon (which didn't go very far a $6.00/hr).  I played for 5 hours straight my first night on.  And after dying countless times I finally got a victory.  Kaboom..."A kill has been recorded".  I just stared at the screen realizing a life changing event had just occurred.  I could never agian be satisfied with just single player sims.

I don't think any reasonable person could deny the effect the history of AW has on the development online filghtsims in general.  The relationship is fundamental.  And its going to take some time for the new guys to slowly feel more like AH player than AW players but it WILL happen.  

Besides, any way you slice it the influx of AW guys HAS to be good for AH.  And what is good for AH is good by definition.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline moose

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« Reply #217 on: November 09, 2001, 11:13:00 AM »
Actually...I've chosen not to play this game...As much as I like HiTech and the rest of the crew here...I just can't stomache having to deal with cocky little teenagers like you all night...talking up a storm about how they layed this hot blonde when they impressed her with their flightsim prowess

  :D    :D    :D    :D    :D    :D
eh Dinger?    :D    :D

[ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: moose ]

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #218 on: November 09, 2001, 11:17:00 AM »
I'm done- but Wab Fighter Duel wasn't my first MP game.. Confirmed Kill v.91 was. :-)

It predated Fighter Duel (the one for the PC, not the Amiga) by about 2-3 years.

Fighter Duel, though, was the first place where it was free to play (except to pay for Kali) and where I met a lot of great guys.

I realize AW holds fond memories, forged great friendships and made a lot of people happy. I'm not denying that, nor that it was a great game and that the creators of it were great people.

But... Well the thread explains it all.   :)

Offline DamnedBuzzard

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« Reply #219 on: November 09, 2001, 11:37:00 AM »
Originally posted by Toad:

Hey, anybody know where old Phantom, the founder of Pain Squad ended up?[/QB]

Hi Toad,

Depends I guess on which old Phantom you're talkin about. One of'em, 6004, is flyin with th Damned as Rino.

Buzzard <775>

Offline Boozer

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« Reply #220 on: November 09, 2001, 12:21:00 PM »
That's the one he means  :)

Offline Rude

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« Reply #221 on: November 09, 2001, 03:48:00 PM »
Let's just go play...whatta ya say?


[ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: Rude ]

Offline Staga

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« Reply #222 on: November 09, 2001, 04:19:00 PM »
Originally posted by Rude:
Let's just go play...whatta ya say?
[ 11-09-2001: Message edited by: Rude ]


Offline Staga

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« Reply #223 on: November 09, 2001, 04:27:00 PM »
Just testing sig after half a liter Bacardi and little music...

Offline Montezuma

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« Reply #224 on: November 09, 2001, 04:37:00 PM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:
BlueBaron was in WarBirds you say? I never saw him. The only time I saw anything closely resembling him was the blue voodoo doll with pins stuck in it in his cubby hole in the tower.

Yup, that's it.  

I just can't get a good hate going for you. We are just going to have to disagree on whether or not ideas from AW influenced the present and future of AH.

For those anal people who are all upset because you feel this thread is inappropriate for AH General, you shouldn't have told me how easy it is to make you mad.  

Now I am going to start another giant thread of ancient AW crap that will sometimes be slightly modified to have a little AH content.  I dedicate it to Blue Mako.