Bad guess! Widewing
I flied in Lancaster and C47 as bomber, not iL2.
I fly in iL2 as attacker.
You need to understand the AH soring system more, I think.
Even if you fly in goon with only one sortie, you can capture many enemy bases.
Even if you drop eggs on enmy fields, your hit percentage can be over 400%.
If you drop egg on high densed target ( factories or town), your hit percentage can be 1,200% at maximum.
In my opinion, bomers jobs are to destroy enmy object, not to kill enmy fighters.
Field captures are very important job for your country.
We can not win without field captures.
If you enjoy in AH for only your self-satisfaction, its OK, its not my business.
However, you should not complain of the scoring system without understanding this system.
If you are interest with scoring, do your best for score and show your best result.
Do your best before criticizing the scoring sytem or the other players' score, even if hte scoring system is not perfect.
If you are not interested with scoring, don't complain to other gents about their scores.
In tour 31, I did my best to get good score and to work for rookland.
The score don't show that I do good flight. (almost players know it)
Many many friends always help me and many many friends cheered me.
I could not get rank #1 without many friends help and support.
Thank you very much all gents.
Almost players know that real aces are Fester, Hermit, Lazer, Blade, Fariz, Dmdcoach, SirLoin Trikky SUPONGO, Concho, Hitech ....... and many many great fighters are in AH, not me.
Just only I like the number 1, the 1 1 1 1 is Jackpot.
If the score is slot machine, I will get much dollars.