police chief Bob Wasylyshen "The direction i'd hope we would go would be to advocate for a drug free society"
Humm 'advocate' ... does this mean he'd like to convince people not to do drugs rather than be a Nazi and throw them in jail for not agreeing with what he's and advocate for?
Anyway my point is ... isn't this guy saying what any free minded NORTH American man would say ... advocate what you like but don't force it? Proably not ... that would be one leap to far for a nazi pig ... or is he a cop? guess time will tell. I hope he's a cop that may some day see some guy light up a Nug and not care or have to care. But i doubt it, I have litte faith sometime
well anyway Canada GL you've got some better people in office than ours; it sounds like
(ours like breaking the constituion in the name of 'safety' fek that safety ain't worth it)