Rude, Mav, 13th TAS folks,
I've been doing fine. Don't fly much anymore, anywhere, alas. EQ sort of sucked me in and won't quite spit me out. I still keep an account with HTC (when I remember to update my CC and email info) because I'll always recall the glory days (mine - see BB's post on the subject) and want my measly bucks (any GEnie vets know 15$ or so is measly, right Rude? hehe) to help keep the sport around for new folks to discover and learn to love.
I hate UBB though, it sucks purple monkey ballz. So I hang out on the wall at Bigweek, being a lifelong climber monkey I guess. One of these days maybe I can kick one of those wrinkled penthouse monkeys butts hard enough to get new digs. Then again, probably not.
This is what we wanted AW to be and those igtards that can't stand the AW references might as well deal with it. Or not.
It's their game too.
formerly 13th TAS
now of the Onorable Order of the Ovine
damn sheep, can't escape them, mbaaaa!
oh yeh, new email is