Author Topic: Knights are hereby put on notice.  (Read 636 times)

Offline Apache

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« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2001, 12:54:00 PM »
Hiya Tit! i respect your opinion and thanks for wadeing in here.
Do you know The Dickweed Heavy Bomber Group? I was one of em, albeit in WB but one of em just the same. Yep, we were a heavy bomber group, so yeh, I know a little about buffs.
I'm not going to take you up on your suggestion. I really don't want to cause a major conflict between the fighter jocks and the buff pilots. Guess I shoulda kept my mouth shut but I simply wanted my fellow knights to know that I refuse to go against the AH buffs again. This was the only way I knew to let em know all at once instead of some of em gettin pissed at me for lettin' em go  .

Offline Staga

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« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2001, 01:01:00 PM »
As I said I have flyed a lot buffs in this tour.
Usually after I bombed fields I stayed near and looked for some fights with fighters(I've killed another B-17 too  ).
Good and easy way to get more perk-points in B-17 and without need to go out of map  


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« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2001, 01:06:00 PM »
       A very well thought post, I admire you posting this info so as to warn your fellow countrymen
Nice to see maturity and thought in a post and not someting akin to bulletinboard warfare

Have Fun


ps ...I have heard of that bomber group

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2001, 01:15:00 PM »
I sense this is a ploy by Apache and his MAG cohorts to lure us into flying bombers into knight territory only to be mercilessly shot to flaming pieces!

Watch out All Bish and Rook Bomber Pilots, those guys can shoot! (except for the DD's of course, they just wear tutu's and sing lumberjack songs    )



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« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2001, 01:24:00 PM »
After the first few days I was lucky to get a buff kill, more often than not I was shjot down.  Now after reading this BB I have tried ot correct my ways of attacking buffs and spend a little mroe time getting alt over them.  If the buff is a pro chances are he is goinmg to get you 75% of the time, if not well it is up to the skill of the attacking fighter pilot.  zI say keep the buffs the way they are, otherwise they will seldom be flown if they get toned down.  One other thing to note, make the buff pilot especially the 26's use there aft guns and waste their ammo at long rang on you.  A nice ploy I like to use in a buff is use allbut 150 or so rounds let the fighter get in close to say 600 he will try and get a kill on you with least ammo usage, then unload on him.  

JV44 Platzschutzstaffel
Airfield Defense Squadron

Offline Apache

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« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2001, 01:24:00 PM »
Lol Cobra. You see right thru me every time don't you.

Oh, BTW, damn you and your Yak attack!   That 37mm tore right thru my arse.

Offline Dmitry

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« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2001, 01:30:00 PM »
and I will take a shot at buff any time I can get - because not doing so will result damge made to a country i am flying for. however I will never - ever try to kill osty again - I had enough of that crap with FP. Same stands for Panzer - after i died putting 10-15 rounds of 37 mm and he pinged me with that worthless 7.62 turret 8 times and shot my wing clean  
No MORE GV's attack for me in fighter.

Best regards
Dmitry aka vfGhosty

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2001, 01:33:00 PM »
Hehe...tks Apache <S>

That darn Yak is a ground assualt's nightmare!  Only 32 rounds but if you can make 'em count, it is hell on an armored column!  (It's not bad on bomber groups either)

You guys just about had 25(?) yesterday.  I had literally just logged on, when Jagdnine called out for help at that base!

<S> to you guys.  BigJoe was darn close to sneaking in on his last M3 attempt.  I only spotted him by luck, otherwise that base was yours!


Offline Tac

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« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2001, 01:37:00 PM »
The only real danger a buff ever has is to be ganged on by 2 fighters or to have a SPIT or worse yet, a CHOG or N1k on its 6. Why? These planes can spray hispano from long range, the chog especially only needs a few pings to kill the buff.

So move over 109, the CHOG is THE buff hunter bird of choice. Nothing like using a plane with BS guns to defeat another plane with BS guns eh? Oh sweet revenge....  

Offline LePaul

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« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2001, 01:40:00 PM »
Oh come on Cobra, you squished my Lancaster nicely last week!  The LEAST you could do i lull on over here to Knight turf in a blimp and offer me a few free darts!  

...if the icons only showed player names...heck, I'd never make it off the ground!  <hehe Id be hunted!>

Take care, cya all online tonight

Paul J. Busiere

Aces High Arena handle:  BD5Pilot
BD-5 "T" (TurboProp) 90% complete, first flight in 2001 (We hope!)

Offline Skysix1

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« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2001, 01:44:00 PM »
I fly bombers most all the time.  I like having otto better than having to sit for an hour and a half just scanning the skies and then having 2 or more fighters jump you.  But then if I had otto I would takeoff, set climerate, and direction I wish to go and then go put the kid to bed and read him a story or 2, say hello to the wife (I think she is still hanging around?? gimme otto and I will find out), I could eat supper, {ALT TAB} and play a quick Mechwarrior4  match, check email, etc, etc.  I like the otto idea.

The laser guided bombs... well.  I actually do not like the fact that I can drop one bomb at at time from 30K and nail the target pretty much every time.  But.... if there is some drift, and all the other stuff I will not pretend to know, then I think we would be playing the Multi-Player part of B-17II.  I really dont think AH is going to act as Microprose should have and give us as detailed a bomber as they did.  But I dont think I should look at a weather report or something and determine that I need to drop the bomb with the crosshairs pointing in a field just off to the west of my intended target to try and guess where I should be aiming when I release the bombs to hit the target.  I know when I am in a bomber and your in your fighter cutting me to pieces I am in your sights.
So basically...  I dont know what to do about the bombs.  Maybe make buildings tougher?  Maybe alot more targets for the bombers to look for?  I dont know..  I gotta get back to work now  :P

Chuck Perry   

Offline ET

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« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2001, 02:09:00 PM »
As of 3:10 PM EST Mar.19.2001
B17 kills 3043 killed 3445
B26 kills 2410 killed 3190
Lan kills 1527 killed 2626
Total kills 6980 Total killed 9261


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« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2001, 02:13:00 PM »
an important part of apaches post is that fighters don't have time to take on a buff realisticly.   The laser guided bombs taking out the too easy fighter hangers is the problem.  What's the point of attacking a buff after it has killed the effectiveness of your field with ease?

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2001, 02:19:00 PM »
Great thread.
I do alot of both. I never let a buff pass and I often fly bomber but rarely B17s.
I guess vs b17s I would be more likey to harrass it till another assassin arived but In the end I would take the shot while he was in the sight, or try to.
Do I think that Buffs have too much firepower? Well I dont know. I fly the lanc alot and it doenst seem like it.
I like to think about play ballance issues in the game and bomber guns are definalty one of those. I think it would be hard to beat the way it is now. You have to be serios to go after a bomber. And just trying to attrit it from its 6 oclock is unlikly to work. But I have seen repeatedly in the last few days a single con attacking a group of 5-7 b17s from 6 oclock and acctually getting one. I would have thought that imposible. It sure wouldnt work on me even with a single b17.  
I think that flying a Bomber effectivley is as hard as flying a fighter effectivly. The top guys are a nightmare(craven). Most are approachable some are laughable. The leathality of the guns seems to cater well to all types. I think that my posts on how impossible it is to attack bombers are about 18 months old now. HiTech assured me it was possible and I kept at it till it was.
Given an experten in the bomber and an experten in the fighter. I think the Fighter still has the advantage. But you might have to wate a while for that advantage to materialize. You might have to let some go. But at least you can turn them away from the target.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2001, 02:19:00 PM »
LOL Lazs! You crack me up.  You really got all that out of Apache's post?  I just re-read it 5 times to make sure we were actually reading the same thing.

I do believe Apache was adressing the issue of buff gunner lethality, wich he (like I) seem to find unusually high.  Making the risk of intercepting the bomber outweigh the consequence.

BTW, I only feel this applies to B-17's... the rest are pretty much cake.
