Author Topic: WW2OL Revisited  (Read 6066 times)

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #120 on: September 24, 2002, 08:53:55 PM »
What  points. That it has bugs? Duh.......just giving my review of it is good to  know you will "game" a sim, then find that the exploit is a real game stopper. LOL.

But when we review your sim, you come over and feel free to post anything you like.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2002, 08:58:15 PM by hardcase »

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« Reply #121 on: September 24, 2002, 08:54:47 PM »
Isnt OT open for anyone at ww2ol? Will check.


Offline hardcase

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« Reply #122 on: September 24, 2002, 09:17:51 PM »
Unbiased?.."the only good thing there are the people". Just a backhand slap.

Maybe a lot of complex and  even simple things dont work well yet, at least they are attempting it.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2002, 09:23:04 PM by hardcase »

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #123 on: September 24, 2002, 09:32:28 PM »
Cobra I need no verification but its good to see others have the same experience as I do.

The pistol in wiiol is the only weapon needed it seems.....

Fishu, hardcase is lying to?

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #124 on: September 24, 2002, 09:38:30 PM »
Lying about what? I rarely grunt, so I dont have any first hand knowledge. For all I know it is true. My God IT IS THE END OF THE WORLD.  Why not exploit it till it is wait...I don't do that.

Calling the producer tomorrow and see what is up.


Offline Kieran

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« Reply #125 on: September 24, 2002, 09:42:31 PM »

Not sure if that is directed at me, but... go ahead, post anti-AH stuff on the WWIIOL BBS. As I have said many times before, most AH players have the good sense not to argue the benefits of AH on the WWIIOL boards, especially after it is quite clear how people feel. Staga has shown me how he handled it, but aside from that I cannot recall a single episode where it was done.

I see it like this, I suppose- what do I care what they think about AH over there? If they like AH, they would be here, right? Sure, someone might correct an obvious wrong *once*, but beating the drum for AH over there will earn you a troll moniker real quick, agreed?

Even in your last post you are twisting and turning again. You ask "what bugs or issues?" If someone lists them your usual response is along the lines of "That? Big deal!" or "You think AH is perfect?" It gets awfully tiring.

And anyway, how is it a backslap to say "the only good thing there are the people"? That is his opinion, and one he is entitled to have I might add. SW called the game toejam, you said it isn't. You were so quick to point out that it is toejam in his mind but not everyone else's. Doesn't it seem possible that Vulcan, who also qualified his remarks as his viewpoint, could really believe the people are the best part? Of course it's possible.

See, now you are crossing the line into the absurd. It's one thing to correct errors in a review; it's another matter altogether to tell people here how they should think. That's the undertone I've always taken from you and Fishu on this topic, though I hoped I was reading you wrong.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #126 on: September 24, 2002, 09:46:12 PM »
BTW, just checked, and even the OT in WWIIOL is for members only.

And please, don't tell me I am wrong or don't have something set right.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2002, 09:51:52 PM by Kieran »

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #127 on: September 24, 2002, 09:47:41 PM »
Sorry Spook but that's a load of crap!

The only fear I have is that CRS will try to make another game!

Damn Colonel Tardcase Fanboy what DO you do in WWIIO?

You don't grunt you don't fly do you only tank?

If so how the hell did you get the rank of Colonel?

Wait never mind I really don't care.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #128 on: September 24, 2002, 09:51:12 PM »
Sorry, you misunderstood or I wrote it poorly. I was not gonna write anything about AH. I am not vidictive and I dont know enough about AH to give it a indepth review.  I was saying IF someone did, no matter what they said I would welcome anyone's posting in OT. I dont know if OT is locked or not.No way for me to tell.

Yes, The only good thing in there......seemed a tad harsh:D
No good thing at all? Seemed close minded even if you didnt think you were. I could not let that go unchalleged.

I have a post in beta about the Luger thing. It might be old news and I am out of the loop. If a bug, I would guess the bullet drop is not working and coupled with the unwavering firing stance makes a laser out of it. No one would want that to stay in. Seems the kind of bug that you have to work at to find it. It should be easily tested in beta.


Offline hardcase

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« Reply #129 on: September 24, 2002, 09:56:39 PM »
Actually Mighty I fly and I fly very well. I like to think I fly with some of the best.:D  I do rifle, SMG,sapper, tank,truck,Boat,AAA,88, BUFF, CAS, Stuka DiveBombing is really a hoot. soon I will be killing armor with my 40mm Bofors towing it with the Brit Truck designed for it.


Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #130 on: September 24, 2002, 09:58:59 PM »
Ummm Spook, you must be a chick, because you use a lot of womens logic.

If we (the AH community) perceived WW2OL as a threat, why would someone like me, fork out US$20 to sign up, spend one night configuring the keymappings (its not a bad thing, just the effort makes the game better). And then spend a good 10 days of hard out play?

There was no 'slamming' til a couple of fans showed up trying to deny some of the points I saw.

Bugs are fine, but bugs like the Luger-sniping are game breakers.

IF I found WW2OL was enjoyable for me I would have continued my subscription as well as my AH subscription. Where it let me down was simply the front end, ie, the graphics and animation. My main comparisons were with BF1942 and OFP, two different games but games which I think some of the features of WW2OL should aspire too. Speaking of OFP, whoever said WW2OL had a 5km vis range, I did some checking based on real world scales, at a push it might hit 2km but based on visuals of tanks I saw from building tops I'd say its more like 1.5 km effective.

I hardly see why any AH player would consider WW2OL a threat. One is a Flight Sim, the other is a Tank/Infantry sim.

I don't think there have been the signifcant 'inroads' since the first release (I was in the last round of beta).

WW2OL had potential a year ago. Now it has potential - a crapload of people who bought it and ditched it. Meanwhile a few hundred thousand zit faces geeks are picking up copies of BF1942 and filling up servers around the world. Its a different league but the same 'potential' player base is being grabbed by EA while CRS piss the potential away.

Originally posted by SC-Sp00k
The way I see it, this pro-active anti Ww2OL response is one out of fear.

AH is not perfect by any means. You enjoy it so regardless of its faults it is good.

Likewise with those who enjoy Ww2OL.  None are naive to think it doesnt have problems.

Interestingly, the WW2OL community dont seem to spend all their time slamming other games around them.  They recognise their own faults and thats enough for them.

Some AH's and others from other sims tho cant wait to slam WW2OL.

Seems like WW2OL, whilst still a buggy nightmare at times, continues to be considered a threat to another playerbase.

Why?  Potential.

Whatever it may be now. All know what it could be.  Ive little doubt that that is where I will end up when they get it right.  They cant do everything and have made large inroads since their disasterous start.  Give them time.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #131 on: September 24, 2002, 10:01:32 PM »
But Hard, you heard how he found out- word of mouth. That is not uncommon for the game. You must not read the BBS too much, because this kind of thing gets kicked around there all the time. I don't even play that game now and I know about it. That's where my point about there being exploiters in every game comes from- there are cadres of people that will not only work to find such things, but will do their utmost to use these finds to their illicit advantage. Trouble with WWIIOL is that it has more than its share of possible avenues for exploitation.

That *does* make such items show-stoppers, because you soon realize you cannot apply real-world tactics, because someone can (and does) cheat their way around you. Once that spectre raises its ugly head, you have a serious problem, because MMOG players want to feel as though they are on some sort of level playing field. You know, the same physics, the same laws of reality.

Maybe you really are just a casual WWIIOL player, maybe this stuff doesn't matter to you (though hardly unlikely, given the amount of energy you spend defending it) but if the basic premise of the game is to have a world where everything is as "real" as it can be, where you have combined arms that must be coordinated, where goals can only be accomplished with teamwork, and where rank enhances your ability to effect your will in the game, how can exploits and exploiters not be an issue?

It's like that over and over... whether it is score, clipping, unequal damage model, etc. Not one of them alone is enough to destroy the sim, but taken together they begin to add up.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #132 on: September 24, 2002, 10:04:59 PM »
The forum is hosting by

:(  It was probably closed during the blistering that went on the first 6 months. I think it should be open and you guys post in there. Interchange of ideas is always good, dont you think:D


Offline Wotan

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« Reply #133 on: September 24, 2002, 10:08:29 PM »
well fishu called this pistol sniping basical a lie that we made up or were to stupid to realize what was happening.

In your reply to me you said "I must have got my clock cleaned" and not known what shot me (even though I never claimed to be pistol sniped).

What do think people think when they type their experience in wwiiol and you and others reply what basically equates to "you are wrong, you are lying, you dont what you doing".

Thats the same line the the rats and other wwiiol fan bois throw out when anyone points out things like this.

Face it, thats the party line, "it not the game, its you".

Gimme break, either these things happen or we are lying. Dont beat around the bush.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #134 on: September 24, 2002, 10:09:00 PM »
Yes, I do agree about exchange of ideas, but I don't think AH'ers posting there would be welcome in the least. I honestly believe it would get quite ugly in a hurry.