Author Topic: WW2OL Revisited  (Read 6227 times)

Offline hardcase

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WW2OL Revisited
« Reply #135 on: September 24, 2002, 10:17:56 PM »
When I am on the forum I am in  the Community Help Forum. Unless I am totally out of the loop, I have not heard a word. If it is old news I could be out of the loop. We can problly setup a test on the beta server..Keeps out the riffraff:)

I am not casual, but they are not enough for me to take away my 9.95 support for the sim. I was in the first 15 beta group and I have dealt with the sim since June 2000. I enjoy the fight.

Like I said, I can take the bugs. I've have seen bugs "the likes of which GOD has never seen".:D  I am playing till it or me dies.

The RPG underlying the sim is not one of my big passions. I flew Warbirds for 6 years with little or none of an RPG layer. It is not the Thing to end all Things for me.

For now I will be more careful when I am an Allied INF:)


Offline hardcase

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« Reply #136 on: September 24, 2002, 10:23:04 PM »
We have been in WW2OL long enougt to know that the one that kills you is the one you don't see. Someone else having shot you was valid possiblity. There was no setup to do a definitive test. One guy telling me the luger is a laser, it couuld have been a mistake. Others telling me, I have got an inquiry started with a post in beta forum. I am not blind to the warts. But there can be other explanations for anomalies.

Since I had never heard of the luger snipe, I, quite possibly, wrongly assumed it was a newbie getting his clock cleaned by someone else he wasnt paying attention to.


Offline hardcase

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« Reply #137 on: September 24, 2002, 10:24:39 PM »
heh, like ..WW2OL is a piece of toejam, the crs guys are traitors, tardboy is a tame


Offline Wotan

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« Reply #138 on: September 24, 2002, 10:26:24 PM »
One more thing my point about pistol sniping isnt that pistol shots shouldnt kill, altough they seem easier to aim then the rifle (opinion here) its that at similiar distance with the rifle I got "damaged" where by 1 pistol hit I got a kill. Also, with the rifle I was able to walk up behind a brit smg and at real close range fire 3 rounds into his back to have him turn round and smg me.

This happened to my squad mate brady took it to the bbs there

Basically hes told its lag but still pretty crappy. But how come pistol shots drop umm?

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #139 on: September 24, 2002, 10:29:00 PM »
Just got one post back. It is VERY OLD news..and the other pistols are just as accurate. This seemed to have popped up when I wasn in the hospital and off the net for a month.

My apologies. There are recoil fixes coming is all that I know for now.

Those that play haved lived with it for a long time. Prolly will continue. If it is too much for you to play then there is not much I can say.

If accurate enough I would think a pistol shot in the head would pretty much hurt your guy.


Offline Wotan

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« Reply #140 on: September 24, 2002, 10:35:37 PM »
nah that alone aint too much its the gameplay :D

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #141 on: September 24, 2002, 10:40:55 PM »
Perhaps in time the play will  be what you want. I will always post about freebies.


Offline Fishu

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« Reply #142 on: September 24, 2002, 11:35:18 PM »

When I refer to AH issues, it is only to point out how much double stantards someone has put over the two games - he can stand similar kind of bugs in one game, but not in the other and uses it as a ranting point.

Like for example this where one person complained of titan walls, he was wrong about the grass and for those parts which it is true, is exactly same way in other games too.
Just can't shoot through walls or trees with LAWs etc.


Talk about 2d sprite trees in AH ;)
or somewhat ugly hangars or razor sharp & clean mountains....

erm wait... whats the difference again?


lying about what?

I didn't call pistol sniping a lie...  I'm suspicious of it being exactly like people tells it being.
Lie refers were to other issues.

Offline hardcase

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« Reply #143 on: September 24, 2002, 11:39:18 PM »
What he said!


Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #144 on: September 25, 2002, 01:31:04 AM »
actually the trees in AH are 2 x 2D to give at least a bit of depth. The terrain is itself not that as rolling as it could be, true. However, the question I have to ask is... what is the relevant importance of these features in a Flight Sim as compared to a Land Combat Sim.

When I'm flying my tiffie past trees in AH at 400 kias, they look good enough to be emmersive. When I crawl along a treeline thats razor thin in WW2OL, thats not immersive.

Please post a picture of beautiful hangar. I completely understand what you mean by an ugly hangar, but I am at loss to even find a real life hangar I find mildly attractive.

Fishu, you defend WW2OL by comparing apples and oranges.

Originally posted by Fishu

Talk about 2d sprite trees in AH ;)
or somewhat ugly hangars or razor sharp & clean mountains....

erm wait... whats the difference again?


lying about what?

I didn't call pistol sniping a lie...  I'm suspicious of it being exactly like people tells it being.
Lie refers were to other issues.

Offline Gh0stFT

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« Reply #145 on: September 25, 2002, 04:52:03 AM »
this discussion leads to nothing IMO.
Until another similar Project like ww2online comes to
life, THEN you can compare it. But there is no other
24/7 world war two online simulation out there, so
right now its īlike it or notī ;)
The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #146 on: September 25, 2002, 07:21:05 AM »

When I refer to AH issues, it is only to point out how much double stantards someone has put over the two games - he can stand similar kind of bugs in one game, but not in the other and uses it as a ranting point.

Like for example this where one person complained of titan walls, he was wrong about the grass and for those parts which it is true, is exactly same way in other games too.
Just can't shoot through walls or trees with LAWs etc.

I've already addressed this point a few times in the thread... a game-killer in AH is not necessarily a game-killer in WWIIOL, and vice-versa. Example: Score means nothing in AH, but it means everything in WWIIOL. Score is broken in both games. In AH, if score doesn't work right you may not get to ride a perk plane as quickly. In WWIIOL, you don't make rank- which means you can't post missions, probably won't have access to better equipment, can't set up defense or offensive operations, etc. Your destiny is controlled by others, you can't simply ignore the implications. It is NOT a double-standard to point out scoring as a major flaw of WWIIOL.

As for the razor-thin trees and grass... now, c'mon, you know a sniper in a tree can retreat to the safety of the leaves and not be shot. If you can't see the guy, you won't be shooting through the leaves, because the bullets will not penetrate the canopy. AH has no equivalent concern, so how can this be a double-standard?


And honestly, I think you can assume people know what issues AH has and how they balance out in game play vs. the way they work out in WWIIOL. You grossly oversimplify the relationship of the bugs to game issues when you continuously say "Well, AH has that too... sorta".

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #147 on: September 25, 2002, 10:56:57 AM »

There are valid flaws, but also alot of invalid flaws pointed out, which kind of flaws also exists in either majority of the games or in AH for example - which most people in these boards and in this thread plays.
Many flaws pointed out of WWIIOL are outright double stantardized - some pointed out double stantardized flaws would make person unable to like majority of the games, but for some reason the person does only mind it bad in WWIIOL.


Would you please read what you wrote and actually play WWIIOL?
You can shoot through the bushes in WWIIOL.
Just not through the branches of trees
but really think about it: in what game can you actually shoot through the branches? I wouldn't classify AH trees into it, they aren't quite the same generally.
In the majority of games a piece of paper goes for a bullet/explosion proof vest. (and that same applies even more for the branches)
You don't really want to shoot branches in real life either - bullets tends to divert from the path when going through branches.

So I can't  agree with those being a drawbacks over other games.

You're not only claiming crap, but keeping up big double stantards.

Eh? what for should I be spitefull and jealous? I've played AH and dropped playing it when I didn't find my kind of fun it, but I'm neither dissing it BS arguments or so.
So what exactly is the jealousy here?

AH seems to be pretty much the comparison point in the discussion and therefore I can also use it to prove the double stantards people are having in their arguments.

Read this: I'm NOT trying to deflect critisicm by referring to AH.
Read from above why I'm referring to AH in times.

The more you claim things about me, the more you're becoming guilty of the things you accuse me with.
Isn't that sort of... proving me right about you?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2002, 11:00:07 AM by Fishu »

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #148 on: September 25, 2002, 11:08:09 AM »
Preach on Oedipus!
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #149 on: September 25, 2002, 11:15:53 AM »
I really can't state it any clearer than I already have.