Author Topic: the fields really do need to be closer together  (Read 1018 times)

Offline lazs1

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #60 on: December 31, 2001, 08:10:00 AM »
zygote..  LOL yer saying that the fields are far apart to punish people? LOL..  Ok that was a good one.

Now.. seriously.. I think a lot of things have changed since the first maps were made and field distances were set at around a sector distance...   We have a lot more fast/late model planes that gain even more advantage from fields being far apart.   I don't really think we need to encourage an all late war plane arena that much.

CHogs?  who flies Chogs?   And... What do you want to bet that I am not the only one who would like the fields a little closer together?   Maybe you know something I don't?  You certainly don't talk to anyone in my squad or anyone who I talk to.

Offline lazs1

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #61 on: December 31, 2001, 08:17:00 AM »
oh and...pyemia has 150 hours online... he lives there... his K/T is about half the average.. He flies around doing nothing for most of his wasted hours on line.   He claims to fly to live yet even flying all those hours and hiding from everyone looking for the perfect easy kill... dweeby ol suicide pilots have far better k/D ratios.

Offline Pyemia

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #62 on: December 31, 2001, 11:44:00 PM »

Originally posted by lazs1 :

oh and...pyemia has 150 hours online... he lives there... his K/T is about half the average.. He flies around doing nothing for most of his wasted hours on line. He claims to fly to live yet even flying all those hours and hiding from everyone looking for the perfect easy kill... dweeby ol suicide pilots have far better k/D ratios.

Don't think for a second you can annoy me Lazs.  Quoting my stats like a pouting child in some pathetic attempt to embarrass me.  My immature little friend, this is simply a game, nothing more.  I care as little about my stats as I do of your opinions and your suggestions.  So go scurry back into your little furball corner and think up a few more silly suggestions for me to laugh at.



Offline Rude

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #63 on: January 01, 2002, 09:43:00 AM »
oh and...pyemia has 150 hours online... he lives there... his K/T is about half the average.. He flies around doing nothing for most of his wasted hours on line. He claims to fly to live yet even flying all those hours and hiding from everyone looking for the perfect easy kill... dweeby ol suicide pilots have far better k/D ratios.


I'm just curious...who are you to critique what others enjoy? To stand in judgement and tell others that the way they choose to fly this sim is in someway less than adhering to your doctrine of play.

To have an opinion and voice that opinion is what this community is filabuster and make fun of others is just plain selfish.

The reality is that HT will do what he feels is best for his business, which most likely will be what the majority here enjoy. The fact that you would like fields closer together effects me in no way whatsoever as should the way I fly effect you.

Live and let live...and remember, you get more with sugar than vinegar, at least in my experience.


Offline lazs1

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #64 on: January 01, 2002, 10:50:00 AM »
Who am I to critique others fun?   Sorry but the way I read pyemias post he was claiming that he knew what was fun and that no one but me would enjoy anything else.   What I did was point out what both of us ACTUALLY do in the arena.  Everyone can decide what kind of an arena they want.  They can look at who is saying what and place value (or not) on it by how close it matches their idea of fun...  My contention is that most people will not find yours or his or gadfly's or daffs or some of the others idea of fun all that great.  

Now if he took offense and got all defensive about that then he has no one to blame but himself.  I didn't create his stats.   I didn't make him claim that everyone liked to fly his way and... His post is condencending and insulting every bit as much as anything I said.  

If I flew 51's or other late war planes in a timid manner then certainly... I would not like the fields closer together..  I don't know how many people like to fly in what way but I bet if the fields were closer then the average K/T would increase.   Why would it increase???

Because, even tho people could still play sky accountant and hide and seek to their hearts content... They wouldn't.   I contend that MOST people want to get to the fight a tiny bit sooner.

If you both would have said "look, I like to fly like a timid little girl so I don't like the idea of closer fields"  then everything would have been fine.  

Offline lazs1

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« Reply #65 on: January 01, 2002, 10:53:00 AM »
Oh... in case you forgot, this is what he said... "decrease distance, every dweeb and his chog goes into suicide mode because he can up instantly and get straight back into fight.

leave it the way it is, everyone but lazs can have fun

Easy choice imo.

Zygote "


Offline Pyemia

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #66 on: January 01, 2002, 07:54:00 PM »
Plane Usage


Hurricane IIC
Mosquito Mk VI
PT Boat
Ship Gunner
Spit 9
Typhoon IB

I fly nearly everything.  I do what I please, when it pleases me.  From 262 to Spit to 202.  I've even managed to get +2 K/D dogfighting in IL2. Timid sky accountant?

Lazs why don't you take your army of furballing friends and go frequent the DA?  Plenty of room for you in there.



Offline lazs1

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« Reply #67 on: January 02, 2002, 08:20:00 AM »
Hmm... with the possible exception of the 202 and the zeke... You seem to have a penchant for flying better performing planes than I and doing worse (i fly the 1a into furballs and the 1c about .02% of the time against GV's when I get pissed).   I don't really care but..

You claim that you are flying to live (course in other threads you are a brave, devil may care pirate of the air).  Any of the planes you choose to fly except maybe the A8 would be an improvement in a furball over my `1a but... I like it.   It's about medium performing and a challenge for me.  

Still... the fact remains that according to your own stats... that out there for all to see.... It is apparent that yu enjoy flying around for long periods of time doing nothing... It is also apparent that you have nothin.. er, lot's of "dispossable time" on your hands.

now.. it just seems to me that MOST people would rather have an arena that accomadated my K/T and time online than yours or, gadflys "less than 100 kills in three years".   I do not believe that most people enjoy flying around doing nothing or being B&Zed by late war planes.  

Offline Zigrat

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #68 on: January 02, 2002, 09:41:00 AM »

i gotta disagree with you because of ack . closer fields will mean more ack running, plus closer availability of respawning. when the enemy is able to respawn only five miles away, engaging in the type of low alt dogfight that i enjoy is impossible because if you take the 30 seconds needed to finish off a con the one you killed 30 seconds prior will already be in the air and at 3000 ft, ready to kill you.

when someone is killed, they should be removed form the equation for a while. so mabye closer fields would work IF when you died you could not instantly respawn from the same field. you could insta respawn somewhere else, but not from the field you previously lifted from.

Offline Pyemia

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #69 on: January 02, 2002, 07:35:00 PM »

Originally posted by some fool:

Hmm... with the possible exception of the 202 and the zeke... You seem to have a penchant for flying better performing planes than I and doing worse (i fly the 1a into furballs and the 1c about .02% of the time against GV's when I get pissed). I don't really care but..

Hmm well lets see Lazs


Looks roughly the same to me Lazs.  Your K/T is significantly better but giving the fact that I fly bombers, goons, drive gvs while you do nothing but furball and the fact that I frequently am logged on while afk that is to be expected.

You are proven wrong again, but that is also to be expected.


[ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Pyemia ]

Offline Pyemia

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #70 on: January 02, 2002, 07:47:00 PM »
BTW Lazs, you specialize in 1 particular plane (F4U), 1 particular type of plane (Fighter) and 1 particular type of combat (furballing) and you have been playing this game considerably longer then I have.  Your stats should reflect this.

They dont, do they.


Offline Seeker

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #71 on: January 02, 2002, 11:00:00 PM »
I smell a Duel coming up!

Post the film! Post the film!

Offline lazs1

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #72 on: January 03, 2002, 08:17:00 AM »
zig.. we are not talking putting the fields on top of each other here.   We are simply trying to chop a minute or two off the flight time for a round tip.  No big deal really.   right now we have ack hugging because of the long distance and fear of being vulched all the way home... being able to "run to the ack" will actually increase confidence and let people venture out... more "meeting in the middle".
pyegote... you really do have a hard time understanding don't you?  Yours and my stats are not really important to this thread except for the K/T..  Your K/T indicates a method of flying that most would find boring and a waste of time.   You indicate that you fly to live but even flying as you do and being as cautious (what else can you be doing in all that time) you don't really do all that well.. like me, your survival rate is mediocre.   If you fought like I do it would really be pitiful.   Now...  

You fly hundreds of hours a month.. you live on line.   You undoubtably have to put your plane in autoclimb and hide or you couldn't eat or have even minimmal hygene.   Most of us have lives and are in the GAME for fun and action.   We don't want to put things on auto and go do life.  We play the game a little and then QUIT and go do life.

Offline lazs1

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #73 on: January 03, 2002, 08:27:00 AM »
Oh.. and I believe that your and mine K/T stats were for fighters only and have nothing to do with you flying "goons" or bombing.  When you are flying fighters you are doing nothing twice as much as I am.   You are happy with that I am not.  I believe most would agree with me.   Most would find your style  and living on line unsuited to them.   What you do would be boring to most.  The MA is proof.  People go where the action is.

Offline MadBirdCZ

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #74 on: January 03, 2002, 09:44:00 AM »
Hmm what about a map lets say 5x5 miles with 1 airbase in the middle which would have 3 intersecting runways (1 for each country and intersecting in order to allow vulching for players already rolling because chance of taking off would not be very high).   :rolleyes:

Oh My God! Wake up! Drop this topic once and for all and do NOT (never ever) bring it back! If you want neverending furball go somewhere else this is Aces High do you get it?