Author Topic: AH getting boring as hell !  (Read 1288 times)

Offline Samm

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #60 on: October 21, 2002, 06:31:55 PM »
When I get bored of what I am doing, I do something else. But that's just me .

Offline Pei

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #61 on: October 21, 2002, 07:10:20 PM »
Originally posted by Samm
When I get bored of what I am doing, I do something else. But that's just me .

Suave you wierdo!

Offline poopster

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #62 on: October 21, 2002, 07:59:57 PM »
Beet1e I'm not going to go into a  long point counter point dialog on this subject because I beat my head against the wall over there doing exactly the same thing. THAT'S WHY I LEFT :D

But to give it one.....last...shot:

My view on things, mine, mine only. Might not be "correct" but I ain't changin them.

There are certain groups that pilots fit into. Not to say there isn't alot of crossover between ALL of them. I keep it simple, don't dissect every little nuance. A "general" grouping if you will.

A. Furball dweebs ( rookies for the fight or just have a blast )
B. Furballers          ( the fight and livin  K/D K/S K/T )
C. Scorepotatos     ( the score and livin K/D K/S )
D. Mission types    ( must have a purpose - WIN the war )
E. Mission dweebs ( a certain bish squad - kill the target regardless )
F. Generals ( tell people what to do in caps but don't post missions )
G. Historical elite    ( Scenario, TOD and CT flyers )
F. Squadies           ( do any of the above together )

I think none of the above really needs to be explained, they're just groups that pilots slide in and out of catagories on a regular basis. Don't start splitting hairs with me here beet1e.

VERY good mix here. Very good. Someones ALWAYS squeakin, but everyone has a place to do there thing, and they do it. In the Main here all of the groups ( with the exception of the Historical elite ) have ONE place to play. The Main here is just plain fun.


I subscribe to Spitboys theory that the Main is the "lobby" of a flight sim. It is here that one is introduced to fighting real people, learning to fly etc. etc. It is here that each pilot learns what pulls his chain. Historical, missions, flying to live....

Without a GOOD main, the new blood fails to materialize. New blood is good for EVERYONE.

For the Main to be successful, it needs to do one thing. Get the new guy in a fight and learn the fun of fighting real people. If joe blow's grandpappy flew a Pony in the war by God he should be able to jump right in one and play. When he looks at the map he should be able to find the fight..

In that is a critical mass that is needed to suck in the new guys. Logging in to 37 people on a big map is WAY different than logging into 400. New guy just heads toward all those dots and before you know it, he's hooked ...his hair is on fire....we got him :) Critical mass is important. ( a problem with pizza )

What did WB do wrong ??? LOL Some points ( there is a book written somewhere :D )

One, if joe blow finally gets the game downloaded, flys offline, gets his views set up and gets on line the first day of the tour....

He has to wait 2 weeks to fly grandpapys plane. But...but its Historical :) Tell him, not me, he just left

Radar:  LOL remember now, we got to get this guy in a fight. Last time I logged into the Main in WB ( a few months back ) there was about 100 people in there. On my map there were THREE dots. Asked on country channel, no one answered. Flew 15 minutes and finally found 3 GV's...

So first lets make him wait two weeks for "his" plane, then put up short radar so he can't find a fight. And he's gonna know how to use the radio ??? But...but that's historical :) Tell him, not me, he just left.

They took away the lobby and lost the critical mass needed to bring in new blood.  But they had the WWII arena, the War room ( no icons ) and the FO arena. All the splinter groups of a sim with there own little arena...

Without the dweeby old, full radar, catch a fight Main arena you ain't gonna get people through the door.

Now let's change the FM and ballistics every release but not improve any of it, just worry it to death.

Those that are left there are the historical bunch for the most part. The hair splitters.

The lobby is gone and the hair splitting continues non stop.

What I find funny about special interest groups is that they ALWAYS want to take away the lobby...

The hair splitters have been successful at WB

Without a lobby the sim dies. It's happening as we speak across the fence.

But I must say that the lobby here is great. The way it is now they'll just keep walking through the door...

And the historical side here will harvest them, the mission guys will take some, the scorepotatos will increase there presence...

ALL the groups represented in this Game will benifit from a dweeb lobby and the people it brings through the door. It works. Management might be able to fill you in on the actual numbers ;)

Me ???

I'm just gonna shoot their green titted soggy butts down !!!


See, I hang in the lobby..

Beet1e ??

Don't give me point, counterpoint, references, former posts, the color of lovely Tomato's hair. Let's not dissect, deliberate, embellish and rehash things that aren't worth the time expended. I really don't give a Focke Wulf..

Talk to the hand...
« Last Edit: October 21, 2002, 10:45:34 PM by poopster »

Offline beet1e

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #63 on: October 22, 2002, 03:54:04 AM »
Wow, Some intersting posts overnight.

PUCK - I never knew you would be interested in Puccini. I've been to the house where he lived, on one of those Italian bus tours. Lovely house - pantiles, those bright red flowers you see everywhere in Italy - and a statue of the man outside with a cigarette in his mouth - not one that some errant kids put there! He was a heavy smoker you see, and died of the big C.

IK! Great to see you here. I agree with what you say. But shame to see it die.

And finally, Poopster!  I do believe I've ruffled your normally excellent nature. :( If I may just split hairs for one moment: Your list of points contains two items identified as F. (The second one should have been H :D ) Well, I did not start this thread, but I suggest you read the title again. Folks are bored with the Main as it stands now. Then read my thread about the proposed Mission Arena. When you have done this, you will see that many are hanging on because they've tired of the Main.

Ooops - I made reference to facts. I forgot. Your squad doesn't like facts.
Don't give me point, counterpoint, references, former posts
- sounds like "Don't blind me with the facts - I know what I'm talking about."
If joe blow's grandpappy flew a Pony in the war by God he should be able to jump right in one and play. When he looks at the map he should be able to find the fight..
Trouble is with that - the fight usually finds him first. Poopster, You need to read AGW a bit more, and talk to people more. I have talked to many people who gave up on AH because of the nature of the beast. FireFox coined the term "Doomites", and although I've never played Doom, I can see exactly where he's coming from. The arena you describe would be the Training Arena, and that's in a worse mess than the MA. All, except Poopster, refer to the Chaos and Clutter in the TA thread.

People here to fly their grandpapy's plane?  Oh yeah, right. :rolleyes: I leave you with this image, taken by pimpjoe. Geez, the WW2 pilot of a Typhoon must have had the sexual appetite of Clinton to have spawned so many kids wanting to fly his plane. Seems like the pilots of Spitfire 1a and 109E had no sex drive at all. ROFL! :D

Offline lazs2

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #64 on: October 22, 2002, 08:25:52 AM »
beetle... I'm sure that there is no one here who failed to see the point whooshing over your head.  What is that a socialist thing?

Who cares what firfox and crabby and hedu du think about AH?  they are little fish trying to look big by staying in a little pond... frieghtened children jumping at shadows...  Look at firfoxs thread/review on AH... He got his butt handed to him and wouldn't even admit it (sorta like you).  He got caught making up crap about AH.

Then.. you show a huge screenshot of a few typhoons on a raid..  A "few" in this case because you are talking about an arena of 500 people or more.   What was the point?   Are you saying that the arena is all typhoons?   are you saying that it is mostly typhoons?   Are you saying are slow witted and unable to counter anything poopie said?

The whole point is.... A description of one of beetles sorties is very much like a sortie in WB... They are pretty much... watching paint dry.   You won't get new blood (any worth having) by designing an arena around what beetle likes.   There are 500 or more in the MA... the ct is available and so is WB.  

I believe that your ilk has a place... just as there will allways be baseball and cricket fans but...  The MA works and it works for the reasons stated by poopie.  

Offline beet1e

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #65 on: October 22, 2002, 09:18:52 AM »
Who cares what firfox and crabby and hedu du think about AH?
The point is that guys in other games are potential new players. All you're doing by denouncing them is to trash poopie's argument about the Main being a place where a new player (perhaps flying his grandfather's plane) might feel welcome and at home. This is clearly not guaranteed. One WBer told how he tried the TA, but all that happened was a non-trainer repeatedly set him up to be shot down for his own amusement. So I don't buy the grandpapy BS.
Then.. you show a huge screenshot of a few typhoons on a raid.. A "few" in this case because you are talking about an arena of 500 people or more. What was the point?
Lazs, are you so knucleheaded that you have to ask the point? I could show you 100 pics like that. The point, which has eluded you, is that you have to fly something uber in order to stay alive. You yourself have said so in previous postings. Again - forget the grandpapy crap.
The whole point is.... A description of one of beetles sorties
What has that got to do with the price of fish? This is not my thread. That was just a wanton dig at me. The originator of this thread said how he was bored with all the furball crap of the MA. The sort of mindless crap that YOU like, day after day, year after year. He actually said "I can really understand some people facing AH the back cause the MA is just a big gang bang arena full of La7n1kspit hordes. On all sides. really thinking about cancellig my subscription. Its getting more boring then counter strike and that is alot. "
You won't get new blood (any worth having) by designing an arena around what beetle likes.
Well, I don't know about that. I will certainly try the Mission Arena and, if my thread is to be taken seriously, so will many others. But it's impossible to say how it will turn out based on the BBS because the BBS posters are in a minority of the AH subscribership.

I had a great time on the "No fights" map, as you call it. The furball wannabes like you have no clue how to locate the aggressor, so were losing field after field after field. I know that doesn't worry you.

Baseball?  Oooh yes please. I've been to about 5 US baseball stadia. But I guess you'd rather see a pile of 300 pound men stacked ten high being admonished by an animated humbug? Yep, that's more your speed.

Now be gone with you. Take care of the garbage, and get that lawn mowed. It's looking untidy. :p

Offline Turbot

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #66 on: October 22, 2002, 09:46:53 AM »
One of the games is making money and expanding.  This says all that matters.

Offline Rude

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #67 on: October 22, 2002, 10:12:39 AM »
Alright........I'm here to clear this up for all of you....hope you can handle the truth:)

This sim of ours is what it is....this thread or the feelings of it's author are nothing new. Folks have whined and complained since the dawn of time itself.

HTC will do what they feel will make them money(big suprise eh).
Folks will leave and come back, some will never leave and others will leave for is the natural way of things and has been since I started playing AWDOS back in the day.

The point made earlier sums it up sim is growing and the others are not...if it aint broke don't fix it. Can Dale make it better? Sure....and he will. Will Dale cater to someone camplaining about furballing or gangbanging? I doubt it....if there is any relief from that awful existence, it will be a by-product of a new idea they grow, not from 1-5 guys who might be burned out and are sharing their pain with the rest of us.

Do I think this game is just right? Absolutely not!

What can I do about it? Adapt or leave!

All the whining in the world will not make anything better....we already have a good thing here and I prefer to count my blessings instead of complain about things I cannnot change.

So there ya have it! Now, you will either realize my wisdom and truth, or you will continue to amuse the rest of's your choice.


I can relate to how you feel, been there myself with different issues....I just thought I'de share the truth that only you can make it better until Dale does....catch my drift?

Cyas Up!:)

Offline blackfalcon4

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #68 on: October 22, 2002, 12:01:05 PM »
Well said :cool:

Offline NOD2000

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #69 on: October 22, 2002, 12:24:16 PM »
WHINE!!!! WHINE!!!!!!!!!WHINE!!!!! akaB*CTH!!!!!!!BI*TH!!!!!!!!!!BICT*!!!!!!!!!!

snore...............get over it

Offline Samm

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #70 on: October 22, 2002, 12:35:43 PM »
Well really it depends on your conception of what hell is like . By saying that AH is as boring as hell he is also saying that AH is as exciting as hell .

Offline Hammy

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« Reply #71 on: October 22, 2002, 01:46:23 PM »
How can it be boring when i`m shooting down "uber" planes in my trusty Spit 5??????  hehehehehe

Guys, the game is what u make it.

Fly, Kill and most of all have fun, fuk the scores and ranks.

just my two penneth worth :)


"ONLY" the dead have seen the end of war!

Offline beet1e

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #72 on: October 22, 2002, 03:10:25 PM »
Hammy, you are right!

And a word for the rest of you - never ignore the advice of a Yorkshireman. You might not instantly agree with what they say, but they know what they're talking about. :D:D

Offline poopster

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #73 on: October 22, 2002, 08:05:57 PM »
I'm not ruffled.

Rehashing the same ol, same ol thing that I did for a couple of years while letting my head heal inbetween posts is troubling.

I've done that.

I had to take an hour off of fighting ( you remember fighting ? ) in the trenches to write it..

Fighting is where you try to shoot the other plane down without  camping at 18K and running if it gets tough ??? Or another way of putting it, I'm here, your gonna die now ??

I know you have "evolved" from fighting to bigger and better things..

You enjoy it, GREAT.

You can do what you find enjoyable, and I can too. In the same place :eek:  What a concept !!

What ticks me off though is how you and others, with your proposed agendas to "improve" the game overlooks the FACT that a dweeby main fills the halls, pays the paychecks, makes the world go round..

You know, the game prospers ??

Is it perfect ??


You could harden up the CV's a tad ;)

Dale makes the money, Dale knows how to get it.

It is soooo comfortable to know he does..

I have no worrys of RPS's and axis vs. allied here.

Is it perfect ?? No.

But it's fun, keeps the water bill paid and keeps the revolving door going in the right direction...

If perchance you happen across a fight around a CV after dropping those dangling thingys ?? Come on over..

I'll kill you.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2002, 11:00:53 PM by poopster »

Offline beet1e

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AH getting boring as hell !
« Reply #74 on: October 23, 2002, 01:46:23 AM »
Hiya Poopie,

The original point of this thread, according to its originator, was that the game was becoming boring owing to LA7/Spit/NIK hordes. Note, it is not my thread. There is a wealth of strat in the game, and some of us like to use it rather than using just a small subset. Each to his own, I guess. I know I'm mainly a jabo/goon/M3 guy, but occasionally, duty calls for those opposing our capture efforts to be eradicated! So yes, I do remember fighting, and I did run into a fight near the CV after dropping my dangly things, and I was below 18K when I did it. :D I had a bit of ammo to spare, so did a clean-up job while waiting for the goon to arrive. Not my best, but a good k/t :rolleyes: on 50% fuel. And that's all that matters to you guys, isn't it? I wait to hear how this is to be dismissed as "irrelevant", or maybe "dweebish". The two best despatches were the alt-monkey P51 dweebs who came in at 10K with gobs of E, and promptly blew the lot.